

教学考试(高考英语) 2024年1期

陈运江 翟欢


七选五阅读理解题型,其命题方式是在一篇300 词左右的短文中留出五个空白,要求考生根据短文内容,从短文后所给的七个选项中选出能填入短文空白处的五个最佳选项,使补全后的短文意思通顺,前后连贯,结构完整,选项中有两项为多余选项。文章体裁以说明文和夹叙夹议的文体为主;设空形式覆盖段首句和小标题、段间句和段尾句。考查重点:“考生对文章的整体内容与结构,以及语篇上下文逻辑关系的理解和掌握”。




文章都是围绕一个话题即文章的主题为中心展开的,而该话题词汇是贯穿于文章始终。故对话题词汇的考查历来是重点,但传统的解题策略是通过寻找话题词汇,迅速解决主题句或小标题等主旨问题的选项,而现在七选五题型问题的设置,不仅在主题句中,还在非主题句中加入了对话题词汇的考查。这就要求考生在解题时,善于利用主题词汇,高效确定非主题句,如发展句或过渡句。通过拓宽话题词汇的考查渠道,凸显话题词汇在语篇中的重要作用,因此在解题过程中,考生善于发现确定话题词汇,并利用它们快速确定最佳选项。请看2023 年全国甲卷第三段:

● Practice gratitude(感激)

Thankfulness has a lot of benefits: Research shows it makes us happier,less stressed and even more optimistic. 37 .“Showing thankfulness can foster self-control,”said Ye Li,researcher at the University of California.

E.It can also help us practice more patience

本段的小标题为 Practice gratitude(践行感激),而本篇的题目Tricks To Becoming A Patient Person,即目的是告诉人们如何变得有耐心,话题的核心词汇是patience,所以文中每个trick 的目的是教人们如何养成耐心的习惯,设想没有这个话题词汇就很难让考生明白本段与本篇文章的关联,而最有效的、明显的关联则是话题词汇的存在。所以E 为正确选项,使践行感恩和培养耐心两者清晰地联系在一起。再看2023 年新课标Ⅰ卷第一段:

Personal Forgiveness

Taking responsibility for mistakes is a positive step,but don’t beat yourself up about them.To err(犯错)is human. 36 You can use the following writing exercise to help you do this.

D.It’s just as important to show yourself some forgiveness.

通过本篇文章的题目可知它是关于自我宽恕的,话题词汇则是Personal Forgiveness,根据空前句内容交代了原因,空后句引领的是下文,显然设空处会包含话题词汇的选项,所以可容易地得出D 为正确答案。







平行性发展指的是以第一句的主位为出发点,以后各句均以此句的主位或主位的一部分为主位,分别从不同的角度阐明这个主位。请看2023 全国乙卷第一段:

Indoor plants might look as if they just sit around not doing much,but in many ways they are the unsung heroes of the home. 16 ,but studies have shown that they can promote people’s wellbeing by improving their mood,reducing stress and helping their memory.What’s more,indoor plants are easy to look after and are not very expensive.

B.Not only do they look beautiful

第一句的主位是Indoor plants,而其余各句均以此句的主位Indoor plants 为主位,从不同的角度阐明了室内植物的好处。须注意的是为了避免重复还是使用了相应的代词they。

再看2013 年高考全国卷第一段:

Business is the organized approach to providing customers with the goods and services they want.The word business also refers to an organization that provides these goods and services.Most businesses seek to make a profit(利 润)— that is,they aim to achieve income that is more than the costs of operating the business. 71

D.However,some businesses only seek to earn enough to cover their operating costs.

第一句的主位是Business,第二句的主位与第一句相同,第三句和第四句的主位分别为Most business,some business,他们是前面句子主位的一部分,也可把几个句子主位一致,形成平行性的发展。



延续性发展指的是前一句的述位或述位的一部分,作为后一句的主位,用一个新的信息作述位,阐明这个主位,如此延续下去,带出新信息,推动思想内容的表达。请看2023 年新课标Ⅰ卷第四段:

You could ask a friend or family member to help add to your list. 39 That way,you could exchange thoughts on what makes each of you special and the aspects of your personality that shine through.In fact,don’t wait until you’ve made a mistake to try this—it’s a great way to boost self-confidence at any time.

C.They might even like to have a go at doing the exercise.

在第一句话中,它的主位是You,述位为could ask a friend or family member to help add to your list,而在作为第二句的C 选项中,把第一句中的述位中的重要词汇a friend or family member,以代词they 的形式,作为了该句的主位,引出了新的信息作为述位,形成了延续性发展。再看下面一个例子。2022 年全国乙卷第三段:

Practise empathy(共情)

38 .The friend who is remaining needs to be sensitive to all the additional time demands placed on the friend who has moved.The one in the new environment should be sympathetic to the fact that your friend may feel abandoned.

G.You may be the friend who left or the one who was left behind

这里作为38 题选项G 的述位为may be the friend who left or the one who was left behind,而在其后的两句中把这个述位分成两部分,分别作为下面两个句子的主位,也属于延续性发展。而选项后面两个句子“The friend who is remaining needs to be sensitive to all the additional time demands placed on the friend who has moved.The one in the new environment should be sympathetic to the fact that your friend may feel abandoned.”则属于平行性的发展,这说明在一个段落内部会根据需要按一种方法发展,但在不少情况下,一种方式不能担负起全部的表达任务,这时则可能运用不止一种方式的发展方式。




请看2022 年全国甲卷第三段:

Hands or Utensils(餐具)

In India and the Middle East,it’s considered very rude to eat with your left hand.People in France expect you to eat with a utensil in each hand. 18 ,instead preferring to use their hands.In Chile,you may never touch any food with your fingers.People in Thailand generally use their forks only to push food onto their spoons.

B.Mexicans consider it inappropriate to eat with utensils


Some individuals are born with a gift for public speaking. 16 Do you want to be a good public speaker? Here are some principles you must master.

G.However,the majority of people are effective speakers because they train to be.




还需要特别指出的是由于人们思维的跳跃性,同时为了语言的简练,把一些不言自明的潜台词跳跃过去,这也属于衔接的手段之一,使前后句的主位和述位表面上看起来没有连贯,没有形成衔接,尽管使语言简洁了,但增加了解决问题的难度。请看2022 年新高考Ⅰ卷第五段:

In France,quality of life is much more important than efficiency.You can tell this by café life.French cafés are always crowded. 40 When do these people work? The French take their 35-hour workweek seriously—so seriously that some labor unions recently struck a deal with a group of companies limiting the number of hours that independent contractors can be on call.

A.Not all the customers are tourists.

解题过程的思维过程是这样的“French cafés are always crowded with customers.Not all the customers are tourists.When do these people work?”文章把with customers 省略了,将其补充完整后,前后句之间的主位和述位的关联就很清晰了,第一句的述位应为customers,呈现出了清晰的延续性的发展,它成了第二句的主位,而它与第三句的发展形式为平行性的,即not all the customers还是第三句的主位,以替代词they 出现。



传统试卷对段际之间的考查比较少,且比较单一,主要是对引出下文的第一段或第二段结尾句的考查。请看2018 年浙江卷第一段:

Moving into a new home in a new neighborhood is an exciting experience.Of course,you want to make sure that you become an acceptable and valuable part of your neighborhood.The easiest way to accomplish this is to make sure you conduct yourself as a good neighbor should. 31

G.Here are a few tips to help you win over everyone in the neighborhood quickly.

31 题考查的是段际之间的关系,为引出下文做好过渡。但现在对段际之间的考查不止于此了。请看2023 年2 月四省适应性模拟高考第三至第五段:

The problem is emphasized by the fact that the decline in numbers happened in less than twenty years.Deep-sea fish take a long time to reproduce and normally live for many years. 38 .Unfortunately,their reproduction rate is very low.

The average size of such fish also declined,with one species showing a 57 percent decline in average size.This is of particular concern,as large fish tend to produce more offspring than small ones.

39 The deep-sea species have been caught as if they were the fast-breeding(快速繁殖)fish like sardine and herring.It is like killing elephants as if they reproduced at the same rate as rabbits.

E.None of these facts has been taken into account by the fishing industry.

把39 题设置为段首句,不仅是主题句引领下文,还承担“承上”的过渡句的功能,需要考虑上文的内容,即需要考虑段际之间的关系,才能选出最佳选项。E 项意为:这些事实都没有被捕鱼行业所关注。选项内容,刚好是对“上段”的总结,同时也构成“下句”的原因。事实上这一趋势早有征兆,如2021 年新高考Ⅰ卷(第三至四段):

Parisians are different from you and me.They never look lazy or untidy.As someone noted in this paper a couple of weeks ago,they eat great food and never gain weight.38.The food is so delicious that you don’t need much of it to make you happy.French strawberries do not taste like cardboard.Instead,they explode in your mouth like little flavor bombs.

39 On our first morning in Paris,I went around the comer to the food market to pick up some groceries.I bought a handful of perfectly ripe small strawberries and a little sweet melon.My husband and I agreed they were the best fruit we had ever eaten.But they cost $ 18!

E.That’s not the only reason the French eat less than we do.

同样把39 题设置在段首句,不仅需要承接上一段的主要内容:The food is so delicious that you don’t need much of it to make you happy.“那里的食物如此美味,以至于不需太多就可令你满意”,承接吃得少的原因,同时还要引出少吃的另一个原因。



主位结构下莎士比亚《Sonnet 18》及其中译本分析
主位结构下莎士比亚《Sonnet 18》及其中译本分析