“Iron Man” Wang Jinxi


疯狂英语·初中天地 2024年3期

◎黑龙江省大庆市林甸县第二中学 王铭晗 指导教师:王 骞

大庆精神(铁人精神)孕育产生于20 世纪60 年代初的大庆石油会战,概括地说就是“爱国、创业、求实、奉献”。大庆精神(铁人精神)是黑龙江文化的一面旗帜,承载着这座城市的奋斗历程。

The iron man spirit was born in the Petroleum Campaign( 石油会战) in Daqing in the early 1960s, which can be summarized as“patriotism, entrepreneurship, truth-seeking and dedication”.

“Iron Man” Wang Jinxi was born in a poor family in Yumen, Gansu Province in October 1923.When he was young, he was too poor to go to school.In 1938, at the age of 15, Wang Jinxi entered Yumen Petroleum Company as a worker.After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, he worked hard and became a drilling( 钻井) captain.At that time, the petroleum industry faced a severe situation.For the lack of oil, buses had to use gas as fuel.When he went to Beijing for a meeting, Wang Jinxi saw that the buses in Beijing were carrying gas packs.And he was very worried about the lack of oil.When he heard the news of the discovery of large oilfields in Northeast China, he made up his mind to work there.In February 1960,Wang Jinxi and his team came to Daqing to mine( 开采) for oil.At that time, the conditions were very difficult.When they were short of water, he took the whole team to use the basins to carry water from the pool several kilometers away.Without a crane, he used his own body as a crane.When the cement(水泥) couldn’t come apart, he jumped into the mud pool and mixed it with his body.Under his leadership, all the installation(设备) was completed in only 6 days.The landlord(房东)found that Wang Jinxi came back at midnight and left before dawn.She said, “Working all day and all night, Wang Jinxi is really an ‘iron man’!”

Like a real “iron man”, Wang Jinxi devoted himself to his work.With the efforts of oil workers, Daqing oilfield has become the largest oilfield in China and has made great contributions to the development of China.The iron man spirit is important in the past,present and future.


扎实做好双减双抢 坚决打赢三秋会战