The Green Planet (Part One)


疯狂英语·初中天地 2024年3期



这部名为《绿色星球》(The Green Planet)的纪录片由被誉为“世界自然纪录片之父”的大卫·爱登堡爵士担任配音解说,由英国广播公司影业公司耗时四年制作,拍摄地遍布27 个国家和地区,展示跨越20 余年的新发现,揭示鲜为人知的植物世界。这是继《植物私生活》(The Private Life of Plants)之后,英国广播公司(BBC)纪录片的镜头再次聚焦到植物隐秘而精彩的世界。本片运用机器人技术、移动延时摄影、超精细热像仪、深焦 “叠帧”和超高速技术等全新科技,以壮丽的镜头语言深入检视人眼无法观测的微观世界,结合植物科学最新发现,为观众呈现地球上隐秘却又奇妙的植物世界,再次更新人类对生命的理解。



Scene A


Track 6

The biggest living thing that exists on this planet is a plant, like this giant Sequoia tree in California.Plants, whether they are1)enormous like this one or microscopic are the basis of all life, including ourselves.We depend upon them for every mouthful of food that we eat, and every lungful of air that we breathe.Plants2)flourish in remarkable ways.Yet for the most part, the secrets of their world have been hidden from this, until now.Now, we have new ground-breaking technology that enable us to enter their3)extraordinary world, and see their lives from their4)perspective.

This series will reveal the extraordinary and dramatic ways in which plants behave.And we will explore the challenges demanded by the very different landscapes in which they live.The tropics, the richest and most competitive place in which to survive.The bizarre water world, where giants fight5)ferocious battles, and plants eat animals—alive! Deserts, the world of extremes.Seasonal lands, where survival depends on precision timing.And everywhere we will explore the critical and6)intimate relationships between plants and animals, including ourselves.

Join me, in a world that takes you by surprise, see our planet as never before, from the plants’ perspective.This isThe Green Planet.

1) enormousadj.巨大的;极大的

2) flourishv.茁壮成长;繁荣

3) extraordinaryadj.非同寻常的

4) perspectiven.角度;观点

5) ferociousadj.残忍的;激烈的

6) intimateadj.亲密的;私人的




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very 不只是“非常”

原文:...the very different landscapes in which they live.



【例】This book is much cheaper.这本书便宜得多。

注:very 不能修饰比较级,但有时可用来修饰最高级(放在定冠词之后)。

【例】This is the very best dictionary.这是最好的词典。

注: very 通常不修饰由 most 构成的最高级。

(2)用于修饰 own、first、last、next、same 等词,加强语气。

【例】She was wearing the very same shoes as me.她与我穿的鞋子完全一样。

You can keep this for your very own.你可以把这个留给自己用。

(3)某些词语通常不用 very 修饰。

误:very asleep / very awake / very alone

正:fast asleep / wide awake / all alone

2.用作形容词,意为“正是”“恰是”,通常与 the、this、that、my、your 等连用。

【例】The very idea.真是个馊主意。

You are the very man I want to see.你正是我想要见的人。

At that very moment the phone rang.就在那时电话铃响了。

Scene B


Track 7

This is the7)boreal forest, the largest forest on Earth.750 billion trees8)smothered by snow throughout the winter.This is the northernmost boundary of an extraordinary world.I’m standing at the edge of the Arctic Circle.To the north of me,lies a land dominated for most of the year by snow and ice.3000 miles to the south, the tropics, bathed the year round in warm sunshine, and in between,a very different world, dominated by9)relentless change.

An endless cycle of four distinct seasons, each with its own challenges.The short,freezing days of winter,give way to the urgent awakening of spring.And the long hot days of summer, yield to the cooling of autumn.Opportunities will be brief.To survive these extremes, plants have not only got to be hardly and resilient, but many of them have developed special strategies, in order to meet the demands of this seasonal world.To succeed, they must get their timing just right.For months now, this world has been asleep.But change is coming.

Spring is on its way.In Canada, the forests are starting to stir.Throughout the winter, the sugar maples here have kept stores of nutrients ready for this moment.Now, as temperatures start to rise, those nutrients must be brought up from the roots.10)Sap is on the rise.Fuel for new green growth.But just as growth reaches full speed,robbers arrive.

A sapsucker, a thief, in search of maple11)syrup.The tree can tolerate hundreds of wounds, but if they completely encircle the trunk,the tree will eventually die.The sapsucker’s break-in hasn’t gone unnoticed.Hummingbirds, squirrels and insects, all invade the sapsuckers’ territory, trying to steal a meal.But unwitting, they help the tree.Time spent chasing the competition means less time to drill new holes.The tree gets a chance to repair its wounds, and the sap can rise freely again.

So this year at least, the tree will once produce its leaves.Hundreds of miniature solar panels that collect energy from the sunlight.Each leave is covered by millions of microscopic pores, stomata.They take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen and water12)vapour, in a process that produces high energy fuel.All the trees here, can now use that fuel to grow over the coming months.

7) borealadj.北方的

8) smotherv.完全覆盖

9) relentlessadj.不停的;持续的

10) sapn.(植物的)汁;液

11) syrupn.糖浆;果汁

12) vapourn.蒸汽


meet the demand 满足需求

这是位于加拿大的北方森林。作为地球上最大的森林,这里有7500 亿棵树。冬季,这里被白雪覆盖。这道北方边界守护的是一个奇妙的世界。我现在所处的位置是北极圈的边缘。在我的北边,是一片终年冰雪覆盖的土地。在大约4800 千米之外的南方是热带地区,那里全年沐浴温暖的阳光。而在这两者之间是一个截然不同、极富变化的世界。






to the north 与in/on the north 的区别

原文:to the north of me.../ 3000 miles to the south...

介词to、in、on 与方位词结合可以表示不同的范围。

(1)to the east/west/south/north of 表示“在某范围外的东部/西部/南部/北部”。

【例】Japan lies to the east of China.日本在中国的东部。

Nanjing is to the west of Shanghai.南京在上海的西部。

(2)in the east/west/south/north of 表示“在某范围内的东部/西部/南部/北部”。

【例】The teacher’s office is in the southeast of the classroom building.教师办公室在教学楼的东南部。

The city is in the east of China.那座城市在中国的东部。

(3)on the east/west/south/north of 表示“邻接……的东部/西部/南部/北部”。

【例】Zhejiang is on the southeast of Jiangsu.浙江与江苏的东南部接壤。

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Scene C


Track 8

Borneo.Here, on the13)slopes of Mount Kinabalu,live plants that eat animals using14)pitcher-shaped leaves full of water.Insects are attracted by the expectation of nectar, but tumble into the pitcher, where they’re drowned and absorbed.

On the lower slopes of the mountain, a plant grows that has no leaves at all, or even a stem! All that can be seen is this, a bud.It is a parasite.The rest of its body lies within the tissues of a liana, on which it feeds.After about five years, the bud finally opens into a15)monstrous flower.It now has only a day or so in which to be16)pollinated before it starts to wither.Its petals are the colour of blood.Their surface is17)tough and warty.It appears to have fur, even whiskers and teeth.At first sight, it might be mistaken for a dead animal.This is Rafflesia, the corpse flower.A metre across, it’s the world’s biggest flower, and this one is a male.From its centre comes the pungent odour of death.It’s a scent that might not appeal to every animal.But it’s very attractive to carrion flies.If this male Rafflesia’s strategy is to work, the fly carrying its pollen, must now visit a female corpse flower.Once pollinated, plants are able to produce seeds, the next generation.But once again, there are animals all over the forest that are eager to make a meal of them.

The Malay archipelago, a vast tropical world of a thousand islands.It’s home to giants, the tallest trees in the tropics,many of which live for centuries.They produce seeds in enormous numbers, but only do so when the time is right.This individual hasn’t produced a single seed for nearly a decade.But in the last weeks, it has become festooned, with more than ten thousands of them.Each seed has the potential to produce a giant, like its parent.

Seed-hunters are gathering.Bearded pigs.But these seeds have been produced by a dipterocarp.Trees that create the tropical world’s largest seed18)nursery.After years of waiting, thousands upon thousands of individual dipterocarps have synchronised to produce the next generation all at exactly the same time.By releasing billions of seeds all at the same time, they swamp the pigs and any other animals, with more that they could possible eat.And that buys time for some of the seeds to take root and sprout.But a seeding will have to overcome many more dangers over the years, if it too is to become a giant.And there are many ways in a tropical forest, by which a tree’s life can be ended before it reaches its prime.

13) slopen.斜坡

14) pitchern.大水罐

15) monstrousadj.巨大的

16) pollinatev.授粉

17) toughadj.坚韧的;困难的

18) nurseryn.苗圃;温床


be mistaken for 被误认为……

be eager to 渴望





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马来西亚最高峰——基纳巴卢山,位于马来西亚沙巴州境内,是旅游胜地与极佳的动植物科研区域。峰顶的高度几乎是加里曼丹岛其他山峰的两倍,天然花岗岩的顶部高耸入云的景象令人叹为观止。基纳巴卢山位于马来西亚沙巴的基纳巴卢山国家公园内。这座国家公园于1964 年建立,它以茂密的原始森林、珍贵的自然资源环境而闻名于世。因其特殊的地理结构,基纳巴卢山国家公园拥有4000 种以上的植物,包括从低海拔的热带植物到高海拔的寒带植物,成为世界上罕见的植物生态汇合地,2000年被联合国教科文组织列入《世界遗产名录》。

