Li Qingzhao:The Greatest Female Talent in History


疯狂英语·初中天地 2024年3期


Track 4


Li Qingzhao(1084-about 1155) was a great woman writer second to none in the history of Chinese literature and a famous poet in the Southern Song Dynasty, who is also honored as “the greatest female talent in history”.

Li Qingzhao was born in the current city of Jinan, Shandong Province.Her father Li Gefei was a writer and calligrapher of the Northern Song Dynasty.Compared with other young women of similar social status in her time, she grew up in a family with a1)relatively relaxed atmosphere, and she was free in both character building and artistic development.

In her youth, Li Qingzhao and her husband Zhao Mingcheng had a poetic love; in her middle age, they2)drifted from place to place together and witnessed the shattering of the country.Zhao Mingcheng died of illness on his way southward after being appointed to a new position.In her later years, Li Qingzhao’s life was full of3)frustrations and she quietly passed away in loneliness and agony.

Li Qingzhao’sciis full of sense and sensibility,4)depicting themes such as love, country and society,and the vicissitudes of life, etc.They fully demonstrate her boldness in love and hate, her concerns for the country and the people, and her lofty sentiments and aspirations.They showcase the noble qualities of a patriotic poet and the far-sightedness,insight and excellent creativity of an outstanding writer.

She never stops

But to look back.Learning against the door,

She pretends to sniff at mume bolssoms once more.

—Rouged Lips

O how can such lovesickness be driven away?

From eyebrows kept apart,

Again it gnaws my heart.

—A Twig of Mume Blossoms

Things are the same,but he’s no more and all is o’er.

Before I speak,how can my tears not pour!

—Spring in Peach-Blossom Land

Say not my soul

Is not consumed.Should the west wind uproll

The curtain of my bower,

You’ll see a face thinner than yellow flower.

—Tipsy in the Flowers’Shade

I look for what I miss;I know not what it is.

I feel so sad,so drear,

So lonely,without cheer.

—Slow,Slow Tune

Be man of men while you’re alive,

Be soul of souls e’enif you’redead!

—The Black River


second to none 首屈一指

pass away 逝世

1) relativelyadv.相对地

2) driftv.缓慢移动;漂泊

3) frustrationn.挫折

4) depictv.描绘

Li Qingzhao is also familiar with epigraphy,painting and calligraphy.She cooperated with Zhao Mingcheng to compileJin Shi Lu, which becomes one of the earliest epigraphy catalogues and research monographs in China.In the book, her comments are unique and play an important role in promoting the study of ancient Chinese cultural relics.The Epilogue to Jin Shi Lu, written by Li Qingzhao herself, is a document with great historical value.

Zang Kejia, a famous contemporary poet, once described Li Qingzhao as follows: “A flower has been in full blossom for hundreds of years in thecigarden.” The flower not only bloomed through the flower season of Chinese poetry, but also bloomed again on Mercury in the solar system over 800 years later.In 1987, the International Astronomical Union named the first group of 15 craters on Mercury with renowned names in human history, and Li Qingzhao was one of them, which proves what great influence and charm she deserves.


















当代著名诗人臧克家曾这样形容李清照:“词苑千载,群芳竞秀,盛开一枝女儿花。”这枝花不但绚烂了中国诗词的整个花季,而且八百多年后再度绽放在太阳系水星之上:1987 年,国际天文学联合会将水星上的第一批15 座环形山分别用人类历史上著名人物的名字来命名,其中包括李清照,这彰显了她的巨大影响力和魅力。


哪项世界遗产被 誉为“中华民族不 屈的脊梁”
Egan, Ronald. The Burden of Female Talent: The Poet Li Qingzhao and Her History in China