Kronborg Castle


疯狂英语·初中天地 2024年3期


Track 5

科隆博格城堡,中世纪防御工事与文艺复兴华丽融合的宫殿,是丹麦丰富历史的标志性见证。 它巍峨雄伟,气象森严,是丹麦最负盛名的宫廷建筑之一,也是丹麦人民重要的民族象征。让我们阅读本文,一同细细品味这座承载着王室辉煌与文化的宫殿的深厚底蕴吧!

入选时间(Date of Inscription) 2000 年

遴选标准(Criteria) (iv)

档案编号(Dossier) 696

Located on a strategically important site commanding the Sund,the stretch of water between Denmark and Sweden, the Royal castle of Kronborg at Helsingør (Elsinore) is of immense symbolic value to the Danish people and played a key role in the history of northern Europe in the 16th-18th centuries.Originally built as a1)fortress by King Eric VII of Denmark, it served as a strategic stronghold to protect the northern coastline of Denmark and control the entrance to the Øresund Strait.

During the Renaissance Period, significant expansions and renovations transformed Kronborg castle into a magnificent Renaissance-style edifice.Under the reign of King Frederik II in the 16th century, the castle was reconstructed, ensuring its status as one of the main royal residences in Denmark and a masterpiece of Danish Renaissance architecture.

As a matter of fact, over the centuries, Kronborg Castle has undergone several alterations.In 1629 the castle was destroyed by a fire, but it was rebuilt shortly after in almost precisely the same shape.In 1658 the fortress was2)bombarded and conquered by the Swedish army, which subsequently plundered the castle.In 1785, when the military moved into the castle, several alterations were made to the interior space.In 1924-1938, when the military no longer occupied the fortress, a thorough restoration took place and the alterations were removed.

Throughout the years, the fortifications surrounding the castle have been altered and expanded to accommodate new arms and their ranges.In 1882, when the Elsinore shipyard was founded, the fortress area was partially destroyed.After the3)closure and demolition of parts of the shipyard in 1982, restoration projects were carried out in order to restore and re-establish the fortified area’s previous size and shape for the purpose of enhancing the castle’s strategic value.

Kronborg Castle is renowned for its impressive architectural style, which reflects the transition from a defensive fortress to a magnificent Renaissance palace.The castle’s architecture seamlessly blends elements of medieval fortification with the grandeur of Renaissance design, creating a unique and visually striking structure.

The4)exterior of Kronborg Castle is marked by its imposing towers, elegant turrets, and intricately carved stone decorations.The interior features grand halls adorned with elaborate murals,ornate ceilings, and5)opulent furnishings, showcasing the opulence and sophistication of Renaissance architecture.

Throughout history, Kronborg Castle played various roles,serving not only as a royal residence but also as a center for political and cultural activities.It is also closely associated with the works of the renowned English playwright William Shakespeare,particularly his playHamlet, where the “Elsinore Castle” is based on Kronborg Castle.

Today, Kronborg Castle stands as a national treasure and a UNESCO World Heritage site, attracting visitors from around the world.The castle houses a wealth of historical artifacts and artworks,showcasing the splendid history of the Danish6)monarchy.The surrounding gardens and coastline offer visitors a chance to appreciate the magnificent views of the palace and enjoy the natural beauty of Denmark.

1) fortressn.堡垒;要塞

2) bombardv.炮击;轰炸

3) closuren.关闭

4) exteriorn.外观;外貌

5) opulentadj.富裕的;豪华的

6) monarchyn.君主制

赫尔辛格的科隆博格城堡位于一个重要的战略要塞上,居高临下面对丹麦和瑞典交界的桑德水域,对丹麦人具有巨大的象征意义,在16 世纪至18 世纪的北欧历史中发挥了重要作用。最初它是由丹麦国王埃里克七世建造的一座城堡,作为一处战略要塞,旨在保护丹麦的北海岸线并控制进入厄勒海峡的入口。

文艺复兴时期,科隆博格城堡经历了重要的扩建和改建,被打造成了一座宏伟的文艺复兴宫殿。在16 世纪,丹麦国王腓特烈二世下令将科隆博格城堡进行改建,确立了其作为丹麦主要王室住所之一和丹麦文艺复兴建筑的杰作的地位。

事实上,几百年来,科隆博格城堡经历了数次改建。1629 年,城堡被一场大火摧毁,但很快以几乎相同的形状重建。1658 年,瑞典军队轰炸并侵占了这座城堡,随后又洗劫了该城堡。1785 年,军队进驻城堡时对内部空间进行了几处改造。1924—1938 年,军队撤离这座堡垒后,丹麦人对其进行了彻底的修复,并拆除了改建工程。

多年来,城堡周围的防御工事进行了改建和扩建,以存放新的武器和适应射程。1882 年,埃尔西诺造船厂成立时,部分堡垒区被摧毁。1982 年,造船厂关闭和拆除之后,丹麦人对其被修复,恢复和重新建立堡垒区先前的规模和形状,以增强城堡的战略价值。





