

世界建筑 2024年1期



“重置材料——走向可持续建筑”通过展示新颖、开拓性、实验性的建筑材料作品,探索建筑的未来。由建筑师、艺术家和材料制造商组成的10 个跨学科团队,共同发挥创造力,联手呈现他们对后碳时代建筑的强烈愿景。展览的重点是对新开发或重新发现的本地材料的样本和全方位的研究——由再生塑料或硅到生长有机体和生物材料,如菌丝、荨麻、黏土、汉麻——所有这些材料都由团队收集、培养、回收、解构和重新组合。最终的作品以材料碎片的形式展出,使参观者能够逐一体验材料的加工过程以及其在建筑、功能和美学方面的潜力。



Construction represents one of the most polluting human activities on the planet today accounting for nearly 40% of the global CO2footprint.Much of this comes from the production and waste of materials.It is therefore urgent for architects and the building industry,and for society in general,to radically transform how we source,construct,and inhabit our built environments.

Reset materials -towards sustainable architecture explores the future of architecture with works of new,trailblazing,experimental building materials.Ten interdisciplinary teams,each consisting of architects,artists,and material producers,join creative forces to present their compelling visions towards a postcarbon architecture.The focus of the show is on samples and full-scale studies of newly developed or rediscovered local materials -from recycled plastics or silicon to growing organisms and biogenic materials such as mycelium,nettle,clay and hemp -all collected,cultivated,recycled,deconstructed and re-composed by the teams.The final works are exhibited as material fragments that allow the visitor to encounter individually the process and architectural,functional and aesthetic potential of the materials.

Will our buildings in the future be constructed out of fungi,nettles,and recycled plastic? Can we cultivate bricks like we do crops?And how will sustainable materials change our understanding of architectural beauty and values?

1 展览鸟瞰 Aerial View

而另一个团队正在探索真菌材料——菌丝体。这种材料具有不均匀的、快速生长的网络结构,拥有巨大的设计潜力,可用于可持续的声学解决方案。该展品由来自丹麦皇家学院、Henning Larsen 建筑事务所、nikolova/aarsø设计工作室以及制造商Naturpladen ApS 的建筑师、工程师和艺术家们共同展示。

该展览由特邀策展人、建筑师克丽丝·穆尔与哥本哈根当代艺术中心和丹麦建筑师协会合作策划,得到了德雷尔基金会的支持,由#MATERIALER 项目1)发展而来。□(孙斯坦 译)

The exhibition features the work of,among others,architect Anders Lendager and artist Honey Biba Beckerlee,who experiment with waste from the extraction of silicon.Silicon is found everywhere in nature.It is in sand,rock,soil and clay -even in the leaves of plants and the skin,hair and nails of humans.Among other things,it is extracted for use in the production of microchips and solar cells -and in that process a large part is wasted.Lendager and Beckerlee investigate how silicon can be used in dust form to create new aesthetic expressions such as ceramics -here they have succeeded in creating a brightly coloured glaze from a combination of waste materials from industry -and how the substance can solve technical challenges in construction,such as compressed building blocks and screeds.

Another team explores the fungal material mycelium.The inhomogeneous,fast-growing network structure of this material holds enormous design potential and can be used for,among other things,sustainable acoustic solutions.The material is presented by architects,engineers and artists from the Royal Danish Academy,Henning Larsen Architects,the design studio nikolova/aarsø and the manufacturer Naturpladen ApS.

It is curated in collaboration with the invited curator and architect Chrissie Muhr and created in collaboration between Copenhagen Contemporary and the Danish Association of Architects.The exhibition is supported by the Dreyers Fond and developed from the project#MATERIALER1).

