

现代世界警察 2023年12期



记者从公安部获悉,11 月18 日上午,公安部“猎狐行动”工作组将上海公安机关通缉的经济犯罪嫌疑人罗某从摩洛哥引渡回国,这是2021 年中摩引渡条约生效后首例成功案例。

据了解,犯罪嫌疑人罗某在担任某公司财务高管期间,利用其职务便利,盗取所在公司相关银行账户密钥密码,多次擅自将公司账户数百万元资金转至其个人账户并使用,给公司造成巨大损失。案发后,罗某逃至摩洛哥。2020 年2 月,上海市公安局静安分局对罗某立案侦查,2022 年7 月,国际刑警组织对其发布红色通报。

今年4 月,摩洛哥警方将罗某抓获,随后,中国公安机关依据双边引渡条约向摩洛哥提出引渡请求。10 月底,摩洛哥法院裁定向我引渡罗某。为切实履行国际执法合作义务,公安部派“猎狐行动”工作组赴摩洛哥开展工作,在摩警方和我驻摩使馆的大力协助下,工作组11 月18 日押解罗某返回上海。


'Fox Hunt' Operation Extradites Suspect from Morocco to China

The "Fox Hunt" operation working group of the Ministry of Public Security extradited an economic crime suspect surnamed Luo from Morocco to China on Saturday, marking the first successful case since the extradition treaty between China and Morocco took effect in 2021, the Ministry of Public Security said.

The "Fox Hunt" operation is a crucial component of the"Sky Net" operation, an initiative launched by the central anti-corruption coordination group for pursuing fugitives and recovering stolen goods.In 2022, Chinese law enforcement agencies apprehended over 700 suspects involved in various forms of economic crimes who had fled overseas via the "Fox Hunt 2022" operation.

According to the ministry, Luo took advantage of his position to steal the key passwords of the company's bank accounts while serving as a senior financial executive of a company.Then he transferred millions of yuan from the company's accounts to his personal account without authorization, causing significant losses to the company.Then Luo fled to Morocco.

In February 2020, police in Shanghai filed the case for investigation, and in July 2022, Interpol issued a red notice for him.

In April this year, police in Morocco captured him.Then Chinese public security organs requested his extradition from Morocco based on the bilateral extradition treaty.

At the end of October, a court in Morocco ruled in favor of extraditing Luo to China.Later, a Chinese working group was sent to Morocco for the extradition.

An official from the ministry said that the successful extradition of Luo has landmark significance for consolidating law enforcement and judicial cooperation between China and Morocco, and it also accumulates valuable experience for future extradition cooperation efforts by the Chinese police.

The public security organs will persist in the commitment to pursue fugitives across the globe and continue to strengthen international cooperation, resolutely bringing overseas criminal suspects to justice, said the official.

公安部:缅北相关地方执法部门共向我方移交电信网络诈骗犯罪嫌疑人3.1 万名

记者11 月21 日从公安部获悉,针对当前缅北涉我电信网络诈骗犯罪严峻形势,公安部部署云南等地公安机关持续推进边境警务执法合作,连续开展多轮打击行动,截至目前,缅北相关地方执法部门共向我方移交电信网络诈骗犯罪嫌疑人3.1 万名,其中幕后“金主”、组织头目和骨干63 名,网上在逃人员1531 名,打击工作取得显著战果。

今年9 月以来,在公安部和云南省公安厅指挥部署下,西双版纳、普洱、临沧等地公安机关与缅甸相关地方执法部门开展边境警务执法合作,开展一系列打击行动,取得显著战果,一大批电信网络诈骗犯罪嫌疑人先后移交我方。进入11 月后,为纵深推进打击行动,我公安机关进一步深化中缅警务执法合作,向缅北电信网络诈骗犯罪发起凌厉攻势,战果显著,捷报频传。我公安机关公开通缉的缅北果敢电信网络诈骗犯罪集团重要头目明国平、明菊兰、明珍珍被成功缉拿归案,首犯明学昌畏罪自杀,一大批境外诈骗窝点被成功铲除,狠狠打击了境外诈骗集团的嚣张气焰。11 月18 日,德宏公安机关边境警务执法合作取得重要突破,缅北木姐地区执法部门将571 名电信网络诈骗犯罪嫌疑人陆续移交我方,对诈骗分子形成强大震慑。截至目前,在缅甸各方的大力配合下,累计3.1 万名电信网络诈骗犯罪嫌疑人移交我方,并被涉案地公安机关陆续押回。公安机关将彻查其全部违法犯罪事实,坚决依法予以严惩。


31,000 Telecom Scam Suspects Handed over to China by Myanmar

BEIJING, Nov.21 (Xinhua) -- A total of 31,000 suspects have been transferred from Myanmar to Chinese custody to date in a crackdown on telecom fraud originating from northern Myanmar and affecting Chinese citizens, the Ministry of Public Security announced Tuesday.

Among the suspects are 63 alleged masterminds,organizers, or key members, as well as 1,531 fugitives.

Since September this year, acting on the orders of the Ministry of Public Security and the Yunnan Provincial Public Security Department, public security authorities in regions such as Xishuangbanna, Pu'er,and Lincang have collaborated with law enforcement agencies in Myanmar to carry out border law enforcement cooperation.

This has resulted in the successful transfer of a large number of telecom fraud suspects to Chinese authorities.

In November, to further strengthen the crackdown,Chinese public security authorities intensified their cooperation with Myanmar in law enforcement and launched a fierce offensive against telecom fraud crimes in northern Myanmar, leading to significant achievements and multiple successes.

Ming Guoping, Ming Julan and Ming Zhenzhen,ringleaders of a telecom and online fraud criminal gang in northern Myanmar's Kokang Self-Administered Zone,were arrested, while the chief criminal of the gang Ming Xuechang committed suicide out of fear of punishment.

A large number of overseas fraud dens have been successfully eradicated, dealing a heavy blow to overseas fraud groups.

On Nov.18, border law enforcement cooperation in Dehong achieved a major breakthrough as authorities in Muse, northern Myanmar, handed over 571 telecom fraud suspects to Chinese authorities.

Chinese public security authorities have vowed to maintain high-pressure crackdowns on telecom fraud groups in northern Myanmar, deepen border law enforcement cooperation with Myanmar, organize targeted crackdown operations, and make every effort to eliminate dens, apprehend fraud suspects, and resolutely safeguard the safety and legitimate interests of the people, as well as maintain border security and stability.


11 月12 日,浙江温州公安机关依法对缅北果敢电信网络诈骗犯罪集团重要头目明学昌、明国平、明菊兰、明珍珍4 人公开悬赏通缉。11 月16 日,在缅甸各方的大力配合下,明国平、明菊兰、明珍珍3 人被成功抓获并移交我公安机关。当日,接缅甸驻昆明总领事馆通报,缅方11月15 日夜组织对明学昌抓捕,期间明学昌畏罪自杀身亡。



近日,为依法严厉打击缅北涉我电信网络诈骗犯罪,我公安机关对缅北果敢自治区电信网络诈骗犯罪集团重要头目明学昌、明国平、明菊兰、明珍珍进行公开通缉。11月16 日,在缅甸各方的大力配合下,明国平、明菊兰、明珍珍3 人被成功抓获并移交我公安机关,中缅联合执法取得重大战果。

当前,缅北涉我电信网络诈骗犯罪形势严峻。公安机关侦查发现,以明学昌为首的犯罪集团长期组织开设诈骗犯罪窝点,公开武装护诈,实施针对中国公民的电信网络诈骗犯罪活动,诈骗数额巨大,在公安机关严打高压态势下,仍不收敛、不收手,继续大肆组织实施违法犯罪活动,并涉嫌故意杀人、故意伤害、非法拘禁等严重暴力犯罪,情节极其恶劣、危害极其严重。在充分掌握相关犯罪事实和证据基础上,11 月12 日,浙江温州公安机关决定对明学昌、明国平、明菊兰、明珍珍4 人公开悬赏通缉。为尽快将犯罪嫌疑人缉捕归案,我国警方与缅甸政府相关部门开展联合执法。在缅甸各方的积极配合下,明国平、明菊兰、明珍珍3 名重要犯罪嫌疑人被成功抓获并移交我公安机关。公安机关将彻查该犯罪集团全部违法犯罪事实,依法严惩。


Myanmar fraud-gang leaders arrested, chief criminal commits suicide

BEIJING, Nov.16 (Xinhua) -- China's Ministry of Public Security (MPS) on Thursday announced that Ming Guoping, Ming Julan and Ming Zhenzhen, ringleaders of a telecom and online fraud criminal gang in northern Myanmar's Kokang Self-Administered Zone, have been arrested, and that the chief criminal of the gang Ming Xuechang has committed suicide.

All four of them were put on a wanted list with a reward by the police in Wenzhou, east China's Zhejiang Province on Sunday.

Investigations by Chinese police have found that the gang, headed by Ming Xuechang, has long been committing telecom and online fraud targeting Chinese citizens, involving a huge amount of illicit gains, and was suspected of severe violent crimes including intentional homicide, intentional injury and unlawful detention, according to the ministry.

With the collaboration of relevant Myanmarese authorities, Ming Guoping, Ming Julan and Ming Zhenzhen were arrested and transferred to the Chinese police on Thursday.The Chinese police will thoroughly investigate the facts of crimes of the gang and severely punish the criminals in accordance with the law, the MPS said in a statement.

Ming Xuechang committed suicide for fear of punishment as the Myanmarese side hunted him down on Wednesday night, according to the MPS.

Chinese public security organs will continue to crack down on the telecom and online fraud that is based in northern Myanmar and targets Chinese citizens, and resolutely safeguard the people's lives,property and legitimate rights, the ministry said.


高铁霸坐被报道, 他把央视告了
偷手机被发现 挥注射器伤人