Smart Policing: The Foundation of Guangzhou’s Security


现代世界警察 2023年12期

Written by Ni Shaoying, Chen Qiangsheng, and Wen Jun Photographed by Hou Min

"With the approval of the State Council, Tianhe District has been separated from the suburban areas of Guangzhou and established as an administrative district under the city's authority."

On the afternoon of May 24, 1985, extraordinary news broke.The news would mark the start of a cascade of transformations that swept Guangzhou over four recent decades.This included: from the groundbreaking ceremony of the Tianhe Sports Center to the emerging of the Tianhe Business District, from the establishment of Pearl River New Town to the topping-out of the iconic East Tower along the city's central axis, from a mere leading GDP figure as a CBD at the national level to a pivotal economic engine for the development of the Greater Bay Area.

Covering a total area of 137.38 square kilometers and comprising 21 administrative streets, this Tianhe District has registered the highest GDP figures in Guangzhou for 16 consecutive years.It has also ranked first in the 2021 SAI Investment Competitiveness Index among the country's top 100 districts and secured the second position among China's top 100 districts known for high-quality economic development.

In the new era, the Tianhe Public Security Sub-Bureau, aligning with its positioning as the "core district of one of China's major cities" and its governance approach to address "a multitude of intertwined public security factors", has continued to prioritize reform and innovation and commit itself to ensuring district security through modernized smart policing.

Ubiquitous Surveillance for Intelligent Policing

The summer of 2023 found the dazzling debut of a bright-blue robot named "Xiao Tian" at the Tianhe Police History Exhibition in Guangzhou.It showcased to the public the achievements of the Tianhe Public Security Sub-Bureau in the realm of smart policing empowered by a diverse array of digital technologies and audio-visual techniques.

The major theme of the exhibition was "Digital Empowerment and Smart Policing".

Tianhe District is characterized by numerous highrise buildings, densely inhabited venues, frequent mass gatherings, a significant transient population, and many higher education institutions.

"Given the various complex social security factors,Tianhe Public Security Sub-Bureau places great importance on improving the quality of its personnel and has made great strides in exploring modern policing models," said Jiao Zhiwei, deputy district mayor and director of the Sub-Bureau.

The officers of the Sub-Bureau believe in smart policing.

They've introduced the "RPA+AI" model, a combination of Robotic Process Automation technology and Artificial Intelligence, into their daily policing.Additionally, they've established a "cockpit" system as the eye of intelligence for smart policing.

Grassroots Policing Empowered by RPA Technology

Gaining immediate insight into real-time information during major police incidents, ensuring automatic take-off of police drones for surveillance within 30 seconds, and providing sub-second responses to potential telecom frauds through intelligent calls—these are just a few examples of the numerous smart policing achievements of the Tianhe Public Security Sub-Bureau.The Information Technology Brigade takes pride in their innovative RPA technology and the like.

Smart technology is impressive here.The Tianhe Public Security Sub-Bureau and its Information Technology Brigade boast abundant treasures like this.They innovated RPA technology and made a number of breakthroughs.

The "RPA Application Timeline", displayed on an LED screen, chronicles the milestones of the Sub-Bureau's trajectory of innovation.They've been relentless in overcoming even the most daunting challenges.

Despite"systemic barriers between various government departments and businesses" and a growing population, the Tianhe Sub-Bureau remains dedicated to the strategic guidance of "targeted, preventive, and smart policing" provided by Guangzhou Public Security.They've established the Information Technology Brigade while continuously upgrading RPA technology,uniting cutting-edge talents dedicated to the Sub-Bureau's information technology development.

Despite obstacles such as "systemic barriers between various government departments and businesses" and a growing resident population, the Tianhe Sub-Bureau remains dedicated to the strategic guidance of "targeted, preventive, and smart policing"provided by Guangzhou Public Security.They've established the Information Technology Brigade while continuously upgrading RPA technology, uniting cutting-edge talents dedicated to the Sub-Bureau's information technology development.

Bearing in mind the mission of "prioritizing grassroots policing and enhancing efficiency" ,Wu Yi,captain of the IT Brigade, together with his teammates,immersed themselves in research.And they grasped sufficient data for further development.

Their research involved script writing, workflow designing, adjustments, and real-world testing, all part of the R&D phase, which was in full swing at the Digital Policing Center.The data flow raced against time, and after two months of dedicated effort, the Tianhe Public Security Sub-Bureau launched its first drone-controlled RPA robot in March 2023.This proved highly effective in issuing early warnings.Subsequently,other RPA robots with seven major functions, including emergency risk warnings, video launches, and WeChat AI drawing, were also put into operation, marking the initial formation of a "fully automated" policing model.

The Sub-Bureau's IT Brigade did not stop there,continuing their exploration and research to expand the application of law enforcement RPA robots.

"We must be proactive," emphasized Wu Yi."Solving core technology challenges is essential to our policing efforts." Distinguishing itself from conventional RPA technology applications in law enforcement, the Tianhe Sub-Bureau has harnessed the technology's benefits in design, deployment, oversight, and other functions, expanding its use into areas like automated troubleshooting to address emerging requirements.

Since their online application, RPA policing robots have served 12 units within the Sub-Bureau, receiving unanimous praise from all three pilot grassroots police stations.These responsive smart robots have generated 350 reports, conducted equipment inspections 100,000 times, and performed 30 autonomous flight patrols,becoming the reliable comrade-in-arms of police officers.

Ever Watchful With the Smart "Cockpit"System

In 2021, Tianyuan Police Station, under the jurisdiction of the Tianhe Public Security Sub-Bureau, was chosen as one of the "Pilot Smart Police Stations in Guangzhou".Responding to the national digitalization strategy and the need for policing reform and local security, the station established a"Cockpit" smart policing system with three major modules: the Command Cockpit, the Case Handling Cockpit, and the Community Policing Cockpit.These modules significantly enhanced local security through intelligence means.

When the public submits a case report, the entire handling process, from immediate response to evidence collection, data entry, and case addressing, is carried out through online coordination.This leaves traceable digital records and ensures real-time monitoring throughout the system.It's safe to say that the smart Cockpit system provides an ever-watchful eye to safeguard local security.

The introduction of the "Cockpit" at the Tianyuan Police Station has ushered in positive changes in modern policing and public services.

Within the "Cockpit" system, the Command Cockpit serves as an overarching commander-in-chief.In the command hall at the Tianyuan Police Station, a large wall-mounted electronic display screen with splitscreen functionalities offers a comprehensive view."On the screen, you can see the police personnel on duty and the police equipment in use on the left, the live stream of case handling on the right, and an electronic map of the jurisdiction in the middle," explained Mo Chao,director of the Tianyuan Police Station.Thanks to the Command Cockpit, police at the command hall have easy access to real-time policing data, enabling them to make well-informed decisions.

The Case Handling Cockpit has expedited the station's case-solving process, as recently experienced by a mother of a pupile."What should I do? My child's school bag was stolen on the bus!" exclaimed the anxious mother when she rushed to the Tianyuan Police Station.To her surprise, the station recovered her child's belongings in just two hours, thanks to the smart Cockpit system.

In recent years, the Tianyuan Police Station has achieved numerous honorary titles, including the "Exemplary Party Branches in Provincial Public Security Agencies", the "Outstanding Grassroots Party Organization in Guangzhou", and the "Model Police Station of the Guangzhou Public Security Bureau".These accolades are all attributable to the powerful capabilities of the "smart brain", the Cockpit system.In 2022, the station reported a 6.8% decrease in criminal and public security incidents and a significantly higher clearance rate for theft-related cases, placing it ahead of other grassroots police stations in Tianhe Public Security Sub-Bureau.The station plans to develop the Community Policing Cockpit to extend the reach of its"smart brain" and enhance security and management at the community level.

Ever Safer with the Drones

With the assistance of all-weather RPA robots operating around the clock in early warning mode,police drones have created a "safety net" in the skies above Tianhe District, enhancing the tangibility and efficency of local security protection.

"Call the police drone unit! Take off for patrol operation immediately!" Within 30 seconds of Wang Guangzhi, the instructor, issuing the command at the command hall of the Liede Police Station in Tianhe District Public Security Sub-Bureau, the police drones had taken off from their "base nest" and ascended into the sky for automatic patrol.They quickly transmitted real-time aerial images of the bustling commercial district to the screens in the command hall, establishing a three-dimensional patrolling and security control system for the Sub-Bureau in cooperation with the ground officers.

Beneath this aerial "safety net", there are numerous collaborative operations between police drones and RPA technology.

"Using police drones for surveillance and RPA robots for early warning, we've established multiple functional modules for policing applications, security control, and data collection, achieving 'fully automated'system operation," said Wu Wenhui, an officer of the Information Technology Brigade.Hardly had Wu finished his explanation when the police drones returned and docked at the charging piles in their "base nest".

After a seven-year hiatus, the Tianhe Sports Center hosted a concert once again, with cheers erupting and neon lights illuminating the entire venue.Unknown to the crowd, a black police drone took to the dark sky,hovering around to guard the concert site."This is a police drone on patrol, a real state-of-the-art piece,"explained Wang Sicheng, the drone operation officer of the Information Technology Brigade, who safely landed the drone after its flight mission for the night.

Like Wang, his young colleagues, rookie or veteran,have all opted for police drones."I take great pride in my role as a behind-the-scenes officer operating drones to safeguard our Tianhe District," said Wang Sicheng,as he watched the lingering crowd at the end of the concert, brimming with a sense of accomplishment.

In September 2016, the Tianhe Public Security Sub-Bureau established a specialized team for drone applications, equipping it with cutting-edge drone technology.Since then, the team has successfully operated drones in numerous operations, including case investigations, security patrols, and administrative events.In May 2017, the team achieved a remarkable feat by winning seven major awards in a nationwide police drone tactics drill, as the sole team at the event on behalf of the Guangzhou Public Security.

Since 2017, the Tianhe Public Security Sub-Bureau has deployed its police drones for a variety of security operations, including the Guangzhou International Light Festival, Fortune Global Forum, Guangzhou International Marathon, spring festival travel seasons(Chunyun), and college entrance exams (Gaokao).

Ever Confident in Law Enforcement

"Empowered by comprehensive coordination and smart policing, our frontline police officers now respond to calls with increased confidence," revealed Chen Qichao, deputy director of the Qianjin Police Station of the Tianhe District Public Security Sub-Bureau.

The Qianjin Subdistrict, situated to the east of the Huangpu District, encompasses three villages and eleven communities.Following a community-based policing approach, the Qianjin Police Station has divided its jurisdiction into east, west, and central zones.

The Qianjin Police Station, a pilot for RPA robots,has taken into consideration local police incidents and developed a policing mechanism featuring a central command hall and smart policing applications.

Being perceptive means approaching cases with a keen eye for subtle details.

"Adequate information is like the third 'eye' for us police officers.Big data enables us to know our adversaries better," stated Officer Zhan Wenqin in the Case Handling Brigade.It is crucial for police officers to have clarity on specific questions to address conflicts and disputes: How is the situation on-site? Can they regain control immediately? Do they have sufficient police forces? What weaponry is required? Thanks to the early warning RPA robots, the Qianjin Police Station can swiftly collect and transmit data to the mobile phones of responding officers within five minutes of receiving a call.Information from previous case responses is automatically organized and shared within the official WeChat group named the "Qianjin Police Station Incident Early Warning RPA", helping police officers make perceptive assessments and informed decisions.

Early warning and prevention are integral proactive measures.

"Hello! I'm with the Anti-Fraud Center of Tianhe District, Guangzhou City.I suspect that you may be targeted by fake law enforcement and judicial authorities.Please halt any ongoing transactions and immediately contact your local police station." It is the warning, initiated by responsive RPA robots, that provides the police with the crucial "golden 5 minutes"to thwart fraud attempts.

With the deployment of responsive RPA robots,the Qianjin Police Station has established an automated workflow, enabling proactive assistance through receiving warning calls, generating persuasive voice messages, and initiating automatic calls.This undoubtedly instills more confidence in the anti-fraud officers, allowing them to be "one second faster in issuing early warnings and one step ahead in deterring fraud".

The application and development of "RPA Police Robots", the "Cockpit" Smart Police System, and police drones in Guangzhou's public security smart policing undeniably provide the public with a greater sense of satisfaction, happiness, and security.