红背漆, 福建漆树科一新种


热带亚热带植物学报 2023年6期

陈新艳, 马良, 周承源, 陈彬, 陈世品*

(1. 三明市园林中心,福建 三明 365000;2. 福建卫生职业技术学院,福州 350101;3. 福建农林大学林学院,福州 350002;4. 华东野生濒危资源植物保育中心,上海辰山植物园,上海 201602)

全世界漆树科(Anacardiaceae)植物超过60 属,600 多种[1]。漆树属[Toxicodendron(Tourn.) Mill.]是比较小的属,约30 种,分布于亚洲东部和北美至中美,我国17 种,主要分布于长江以南各省区[2–4]。漆树属植物分泌的乳液含漆酚,易引起皮肤过敏。部分植物具有重要的经济价值,例如漆树割取的天然生漆,在药用、化工、工业生产以及工艺制品等方面都具有重要的作用[5–6]。

文献记载福建省产漆树属植物共6 种:少叶漆(T.oligophyllumS.L. Tang, Liang Ma & S.P.Chen)[3]、刺果毒漆藤[T.radicanssubsp.hispidum(Engl.) Gillis]、毛漆树[T.trichocarpum(Miq.) O.Kuntze]、木蜡树[T.sylvestre(Sieb. et Zucc.) O.Kuntze]、漆[T.vernicifluum(Stokes) F. A. Barkl.]和野漆[T.succeda-neum(L.) O. Kuntze][7]。2019 年以来,笔者在全省进行植物资源调查期间,在福建省泰宁县和邵武县丹霞山发现1 种漆树属植物,在海拔300~500 m 的林下或灌木丛中。该种均为灌木状, 树形上与小漆树相近,不同之处在于叶更长,被微毛,叶背紫红色;花序长不超过叶长1/3;花瓣不具暗褐色脉纹。该种与木蜡树、少叶漆相近,不同之处在于树高不超过1.8 m,为落叶灌木;小叶常具粗锯齿;聚伞总状花序,长度不超过叶长1/3;花瓣不具暗褐色脉纹。经查阅相关文献和标本[3,6],与相关种进行了形态特征比较(表1)。结果表明,该种与漆属其他种存在可以明显区分的特征,可以作为独立的种。同时,又开展了分子系统学研究。根据前人的分子系统学研究结果[1,3],本研究共选取29 种物种,其中外类群9 种;使用的分子标记包括核基因片段ITS 和2 个质体基因片段(trnL-F 和ndhF), 共获得26 条ITS、29 条trnL-F 和28 条ndhF;相关样品的凭证标本和序列数据GenBank 登录号见表2。基于核基因ITS 矩阵、质体基因片段联合矩阵和核基因质体联合矩阵,分别构建最大似然法(maximum likelihood, ML)、最大简约法(maximum parsimony,MP)和贝叶斯推断法(bayesian inference, BI)系统发育树。结果表明,除基于质体基因片段联合矩阵构建的系统发育树外,其余所有系统发育树均支持该新种与木蜡树以高支持率构成姐妹关系(BSML≥89,BSMP≥85, PP≥0.99)。综上,该种为漆树属一新种,现予以报道。

表1 红背漆、木蜡树、少叶漆和小漆树的形态特征对比Table 1 Morphological comparison of Toxicodendron purpureum, T. sylvestre, T. oligophyllum and T. delavayi

表2 本研究所用物种的标本信息及GenBank 登录号Table 2 Voucher information and GenBank accession No. for taxa used in this study

红背漆新种 图2, 3

图1 基于核基因质体联合矩阵(ITS+trnL-F+ndhF)构建的最大似然法(ML)、最大简约法(MP)和贝叶斯推断法(BI)系统发育树。A: 核基因ITS 序列(局部);B: 质体片段联合矩阵(trnL-F+ndhF)(局部); 节点旁数字为自展值和贝叶斯后验概率(BPML, BPMP, PP); –: MP/ML 和贝叶斯树间的拓扑结构存在不一致。Fig. 1 Phylogenetic tree obtained by ML, MP and BI analysis of nuclear and plastid combined matrix (ITS+trnL-F+ndhF). A: Separate combined nrITS (part of tree); B: Separate combined plastid (trnL-F+ndhF) (part of tree); the data near the nodes are bootstrap percentages and Bayesian posterior probabilities (BPML,BPMP, PP); –: Node is inconsistent between the topology of the MP/ML trees and the Bayesian tree.

图2 红背漆。A: 植株; B: 茎; C: 叶背; D: 叶; E: 叶柄基部; F: 雄花; G: 雌花; H: 果序。Fig. 2 Toxicodendron purpureum S. P. Chen, Xin Y. Chen & L. Ma. A: Plant; B: Stem; C: Leaf abaxially; D: Leaf; E: Petiole base; F: Male flower; G: Female flower: H: Infructescence.

图3 红背漆。A: 植株; B~C: 叶; D: 果序; E: 果实; F: 雄花; G: 雌花。(兰雪静绘图)Fig. 3 Toxicodendron purpureum S. P. Chen, Xin Y. Chen & L. Ma. A: Plant; B-C: Leaf; D: Infructescence; E: Fruit; F: Male flower; G: Female flower. (Drawn by Lan Xuejing)

ToxicodendronpurpureumS. P. Chen, Xin Y.Chen & Liang Ma,sp.nov.

The new species is similar toT.delavayi, but is distinguished fromT.delavayiby leaves 25 cm (vs to 13 cm); leaflets papery, abaxially purplish red, rare green (vs abaxially glaucous, leaflet petiolule 1–2 mm);inflorescence as long as 1/3 pinnately compound leaf(vs as long as pinnately compound leaf); petals without brown featherlike venation pattern (vs petals with brown featherlike venation pattern).

China.Fujian Province (福建省), Shaowu County(邵武县), Jiangshi Provincial Nature Reserve (邵武将石省级自然保护区), under the forest, elevation 327 m,2 May 2021,XinY.Chen&L.MaFAFU20210502(holotype: FJFC); China. Fujian Province (福建省),Taining County (泰宁县), Zhukou Town (朱口镇),Xufang Village (许坊村), elevation 340 m, 9 May 2023,B.Chen&Z.W.ZhuCB04558 (CSH).

落叶灌木,高0.4~1.8 m;具白色乳汁,在空气中暴露会变黑;茎粗1~1.6 cm,具椭圆形突起小皮孔,小枝紫色或绿白色,常被白粉,被微柔毛。奇数羽状复叶互生,长达25 cm;叶柄长4~8 cm,基部明显枕状;小叶3~5 对,对生,纸质,卵状披针形或披针形,长3~6 cm,宽2~3 cm,先端尾尖或渐尖,基部偏斜,楔形,下延,全缘或1/3 处以上具粗锯齿,两面微被毛,上面绿色,成长叶背面紫红色,稀绿色;侧脉10~17 对,两面突起;小叶柄长2~5 mm。雌雄异株,花序聚伞总状,长5~8 cm,约为叶长的1/3,无毛,总梗纤细,长4~5 cm,苞片披针形,长约1 mm;花小,黄绿色,径约2 mm,花梗无毛,长约2.5 mm;花萼无毛,裂片5,卵形,先端钝,长约0.6 mm;花瓣长圆形,先端钝,长约2 mm,开花时外卷;雄花的雄蕊长2 mm,花丝线形,伸出外卷的花冠外,花药长圆形,长约1 mm,雌蕊退化仅余扁平痕迹;雌花的花药狭卵形,花丝藏于花冠内,雌蕊比花瓣短,长约1.7 mm;花盘圆形,无毛,子房圆形,径约1 mm。核果偏斜,压扁,先端偏于一侧,长约8 mm,宽6~7 mm,外果皮薄,具光泽,无毛,中果皮蜡质,果核坚硬。花期4 月—5 月,果期6 月—8 月。

Deciduous shrub, 0.4–1.8 m tall; white latex,turning black upon air exposure; stem 1–1.6 cm in diam, with small oval lenticels, branchlets purple or green white, often whiting, puberulous. Leaves blade imparipinnately compound, to 25 cm; petiole 4–8 cm,base obvious occipital shape; leaflets 3–5, opposite,papery, leaflet blade ovate–lanceolate to lanceolate,3–6 cm×2–3 cm, apex acute or acuminate, base oblique, cuneate, decurrence, margin entire or 1/3 with coarse serrations on top, sparsely pubescent on both surfaces, adaxiall green, abaxially purplish red, rare green, lateral veins 10–17 pairs, prominent on both surfaces; leaflet petiolule 2–5 mm. Inflorescence cymose racemose, 5–8 cm, as long as 1/3 pinnately compound leaf, glabrous, peduncle slender, 4–5 cm;dioecious, bracts lanceolate, ca. 1 mm; flowers small,yellowish green, 2 mm in diam; pedicel glabrous, ca.2.5 mm; calyx glabrous, lobes ovate, obtuse apically,ca. 0.6 mm; petals oblong, ca. 2 mm, lobes ovate,obtuse apically, ca. 2 mm, roll out during flowering;stamens of male flowers ca. 2 mm; filaments linear,above corolla, anthers oblong, ca. 1 mm, pistil degeneration with only flat marks; anthers of female flowers narrowly ovate, filaments hidden within corolla, pistil shorter than petals, ca. 1.7 mm; disk glabrous, ovary globose, ca. 1mm in diam. Drupe oblique, compressed, apex eccentric, ca. 8 mm×6–7 mm,glabrous and lucid; epicarp thin, separating; mesocarp thick, waxy. Flowering in April to May and fruiting in June to August.

因该新种小叶叶背常为紫红色,稀绿色,故命名为红背漆(Toxicodendronpurpureum)。红背漆目前只发现于福建省邵武县将石省级自然保护区和泰宁县丹霞山地区,生长于丹霞山阔叶林下或山顶灌木丛中,调查区域种群数量大,居群性状稳定。该种均为灌木,调查的十几个居群,尚未发现高度超过1.8 m,小叶常有粗锯齿,花序不超过叶长的1/3,花瓣不具暗褐色脉纹,通过这些特征易与福建省广布常见的木蜡树区分开。而近年在福建省发现的少叶漆为乔木状,叶背有白粉,花序与叶等长等特征与该新种相区分。与同为灌木状的小漆树不同之处在于叶长达25 cm,被微毛,叶背紫红色,稀绿色;花序长不超过叶长1/3;花瓣不具暗褐色脉纹。更多照片保存于“自然标本馆”(,可供进一步对照比较。


系4. 心叶翠雀花系 Ser. Calthifolia