

疯狂英语·新策略 2023年10期

广东 谯 丽






内心独白就是非常直白地把一个人物的内心想法展示出来,喜厌、爱恨都从这个人物出发进行勾勒,如“想什么”“感到怎么样”,通常用feel、think、believe、guess、wonder、whisper 等动词来表达。内心独白可以直接、充分地展现一个人物的心路历程和情感挣扎。

例句赏析:At the sight of the ferocious wolf,I felt seized by a strong sense of horror.

用felt seized by a strong sense of horror 来形容“我”看到狼的时候产生的恐惧。



例句赏析:His face beamed and his bright smile lit up the room when the mother kissed the baby on the cheek.




例句赏析:He gave a jump in the air, twirled, ran a few steps, stopped, looked all round,sniffed the smells of afternoon,and then set off walking down through the orchard.

本句通过一连串的动作,如give a jump、twirl、run、stop、look all around、sniff、set off walking等描绘了一个开心欢乐的场面。



例句赏析:Marsha chewed her lip.“You didn't come to see me!”




例句赏析:The clear blue sky was dotted with fluttering larks.




Bird song

“Let it go!”Caroline yelled.Two boys were bending over a bird, as a third one held the poor creature roughly by its wings.“You'll hurt it.”Caroline looked fearful of the bird.

“That's the point,”the boys laughed.The tallest stood up and glared at Caroline.“Here, catch this!”he said as he sailed the now broken-winged bird at Caroline.The poor creature cried in pain, as its wings had been badly damaged.The boys ran off, laughing at their handiwork.

Caroline bent down to carefully pick up the bird.The poor feathered soul was wriggling(扭 动)about, with a fearful look in its eyes.“Don't worry,”Caroline whispered softly.She took a handkerchief from her pocket and gently placed the bird on it.

Caroline walked as quickly as she could back to her house, careful not to shake the bird around too much.She found a shoe box,filled it with soft cotton balls and then laid the bird down in its new nesting place.

“Let me get you some water and food.That's the least I can do.”she took a tiny saucer from the kitchen, filled it with water, and placed it in a corner of the box.She managed to find some sunflower seeds, as that was the only bird-friendly food she could think of.Caroline was worried.She didn't want the bird to die.The poor bird was now fast asleep, no doubt tired out from its earlier suffering.“Please don't die,”Caroline whispered tearfully.

If there was anyone whom she could turn to, it would be Mr Roberts.Mr Roberts was working at the Nature Museum.He had bird feeders throughout his yard, and sometimes would drop in her science class at school.Caroline never knew there was so much information about birds,until hearing him speak.She figured he would know what to do.


Paragraph 1:

Caroline called Mr Roberts and hurriedly told him her tale._______________________






Paragraph 2:

In the morning,the Blackwell Bird Rescue Society called,informing Caroline that a car would come to pick up the bird at10am._________________________________________








表1 故事梳理



根据所给材料第五段中的“Caroline was worried.She didn't want the bird to die.”可知,卡罗琳看到小鸟受伤严重,很担心,这也进一步反映出卡罗琳的善良以及她对小动物的关爱。

我们在续写部分也可以采用这种心理描写方式,比如在第一段描写卡罗琳和罗伯茨先生通话后的情节时,可以用“After hanging up,Caroline felt greatly relieved.”来描写卡罗琳的心理活动。在续写第二段,描述卡罗琳与小鸟告别的情节时,我们可以这样写:“‘It is time to say goodbye,’Caroline whispered.‘Hopefully,these good people can help you get better,so you can fly again.’”。


所给材料第一段中的“Caroline looked fearful of the bird.”就是通过描写面部表情来展现卡罗琳的担心。

在续写的部分,我们也可以尝试运用神态描写,比如描述卡罗琳得知会有专业人员来救助小鸟的情节时,可以用句子“Knowing a car was on the way to pick up the poor bird,Caroline smiled with relief.”来体现她的如释重负。


所给材料运用最多的就是动作描写,以此来展现人物的心理。文章第一段中的yelled 体现了卡罗琳的愤怒;文章第三、四段运用了一系列的动作描写(如bent down to carefully pick up、whispered softly、took、gently placed、walked as quickly as she could、careful not to shake)来体现卡罗琳对受伤的小鸟的精心爱护和疼惜以及她想要救助小鸟的急切的心情。

我们在后面的续写部分也可以延续这种写作风格,通过动作描写来展现人物的心理。比如,可以通过动作描写“She checked the sleeping bird, which was peacefully sleeping in the box, again and again, praying that it would survive the night.”来体现卡罗琳对受伤小鸟能否活下来的担忧。在续写第二段,我们也可以通过动作描写“Standing at the door, Caroline watched the driver get back into the car, which slowly drove away and disappeared from sight.”来体现卡罗琳对小鸟的恋恋不舍。


所给材料第一段的“‘Let it go!’Caroline yelled.”体现了卡罗琳看到男孩们欺负小鸟时心中的愤怒。第三段的“‘Don't worry,’Caroline whispered softly.”以及第五段的“‘Please don't die,’Caroline whispered tearfully.”体现了卡罗琳对小鸟的担忧。


对于本文的续写段落,我们可以用“Days later,Caroline received a short video from Mr Robert,in which the bird was practicing its mended wings and singing songs lively with the bright sunlight laying on it.”这一环境描写来结尾。通过明媚的阳光来体现小鸟的活力和卡罗琳高兴的心情。



Birds were singing, the air was filled with laughter, and everyone was in the best of moods.鸟儿在歌唱,空气中弥漫着欢笑声,每个人的心情都非常好。

Hugging together, they cried and comforted each other, and then happy smiles brightened their faces,which was lit up by the warm rays of the setting sun.他们紧紧拥抱在一起,哭泣着互相安慰,接下来幸福的微笑点亮了他们的脸庞,这一幕被夕阳温暖的余晖照亮着。

With the bright sunlight streaming out on the glove, old George suddenly understood that true fortune is implicated in the random act of kindness.明亮的阳光洒在手套上,老乔治突然明白了,真正的财富与偶然的善举相互关联。


In a mixture of wind and rain,she started on her difficult way.在风雨交加的天气中,她开始了艰难的旅程。

The frigid gusts of wind stung their faces, cutting like a knife.冰冷的阵风刺痛着他们的脸,如同刀割一般。


To our relief, the wind gradually died away, but a few hours later another storm blew up.令我们欣慰的是,风渐渐停了下来,但几个小时后,又一场风暴袭来。

The night was dark.The moon was covered by the heavy clouds.Hearing the strange sound around,I froze with horror.夜,一片漆黑,月亮被厚厚的云层遮住。听到周围发出的奇怪声音,我吓呆了。



Caroline called Mr Roberts and hurriedly told him her tale.She recounted the story of the boys,the bird,and the makeshift shoe box.Mr Roberts was moved by Caroline's efforts.“That bird is fortunate that you came to its rescue.Don't worry.I will make a call to the bird rescue.They can arrange a pick-up for your feathered friend tomorrow morning,”Mr Roberts assured Caroline confidently.After hanging up, Caroline breathed a sigh of relief.She checked on the bird, which was peacefully sleeping in the box, again and again, praying that it would survive the night.

In the morning,the Blackwell Bird Rescue Society called,informing Caroline that a car would come to pick up the bird at10am.Upon hearing this, Caroline smiled with relief.“I guess this is goodbye,”Caroline whispered.As scheduled, a car from the Bird Rescue Society pulled up to her house at 10 am.After carefully examining it, the driver gently placed the bird into the car.Standing at the door, Caroline watched as the driver got back into the car, which slowly drove away and disappeared from sight.Days later, Caroline received a short video from Mr Roberts, in which the bird was practicing its mended wings and singing songs lively with the bright sunlight laying on it.



The event that stands out in Tom's memory happened one morning when Tom was only ten years old.He was at home with his elder sister Jane.Tom was doing his homework when he heard a raised voice.At first he thought nothing of it since customers in the motorcycle shop directly below their flat often became loud, but he soon realized this time it was different.

“Quick!Quick!Remove the motorcycles from the shop,”someone yelled.

Then a thick burning smell filled the air.When Tom opened the front door of their flat to investigate,a thick cloud of smoke greeted him.The motorcycle shop had caught fire and people were running and crying.

Jane, who had been playing the violin in her room, hurried to the living room.People rushed out of the door and along the corridor(走廊)through the smoke.They were heading towards the stairway at the far end of the corridor when Jane stopped in her track.She turned around and headed back the way they came.Tom had no idea what she was doing,but he followed suit.

Jane had suddenly remembered the lady in her 70s who lived next door to them, who they called Makcik, Malay for auntie.Jane began banging on Makcik's door, but got no answer.As the smoke thickened around them, Tom could see many of their neighbors—some still in their pyjamas—running for safety.The thought of fear crossed his mind.

“She would have run for safety like everyone else!”Tom cried.However,Jane refused to give up.“I know Makcik's still inside,”she said.She was familiar with Makcik's daily routine and was certain she would still be sleeping.She pounded the door.“Go downstairs.Go now!Go!”


Paragraph 1:

Tom noticed the flame was reaching up.______________________________________






Paragraph 2:

Luckily,some neighbors passing by stopped and offered help.______________________
















