Sailor lost at sea


疯狂英语·新策略 2023年10期

山东 李全忠


主题语境:冒险 篇幅:322词 建议用时:6分钟

1 An Australian sailor who was lost at sea for two months feared he would never be found, but said his love for the ocean and his accidental pet dog were behind his amazing survival.

2 Tim Shaddock returned to dry land in Mexico on a fishing boat that spotted him stranded (搁浅) in the Pacific Ocean last week.

3 Mr Shaddock revealed how he ate raw fish, drank rainwater, and enjoyed swimming in the ocean as he floated on his boat that was damaged in a storm.“I did a lot of fishing,and I took a lot of stuff with me too.I lost my cooking tools along the way,”Mr Shaddock said.“But it was enough.I'm still very skinny.”

4 “The fatigue is the hardest part.You're always fixing something.For me, I would try and find the happiness inside myself and I found that a lot alone at sea.There were many, many bad days, and many good days.I did enjoy being at sea...but when things got tough out there,you have to survive.And then when you get saved,you feel like you want to live.”

5 Mr Shaddock survived alongside his dog Bella, who he said had“sort of found me in the middle of Mexico.She's amazing.I tried to find a home for her for maybe three times and she just kept following me to the water.She's a beautiful animal.I'm just grateful that she's alive.She's a lot braver than I am.That's for sure.”

6 A helicopter working with the Maria Della fishing boat spotted Mr Shaddock in the water at last before the crew came to pick him up.“To the captain and this fishing company that saved my life,I'd say thank you so much,”he said.

7 Asked if he would return to the ocean soon,the sailor said,“Probably not.”He plans to return to Australia soon to see his family.

Reading Check

Detail1.What gave Tim Shaddock encouragement when he was lost at sea?

A.His skills of survival.

B.His family's support.

C.His rich experiences at sea.

D.His love for the ocean and his pet dog.

Vocabulary2.Which word can best replace the underlined word“fatigue”in paragraph 4?





Inference3.Which of the following can best describe Tim Shaddock?

A.Careful and polite.

B.Brave and forgettable.

C.Strong-willed and thoughtful.

D.Positive and patient.

Inference4.What's Tim Shaddock's next plan?

A.Returning home quickly.

B.Returning to the ocean soon.

C.Finding his boat as soon as possible.

D.Helping his pet dog find a partner.

Language Study

Ⅰ.Difficult sentence in the text

A helicopter working with the Maria Della fishing boat spotted Mr Shaddock in the water at last before the crew came to pick him up.最终,一架与玛丽亚·德拉号渔船合作的直升机在船员来接沙多克先生之前在水中发现了他。

【点石成金】本句是一个主从复合句,working with...boat是现在分词短语作后置定语;before引导时间状语从句。

Ⅱ.Text-centered chunks

along the way 一路上

at sea 在海上

feel like 感觉就像;想要……

sort of 有几分;近似;有那么点儿

for sure 确实;当然可以

pick up 接人;捡起

plan to do 计划做


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