All That Is Hot 新闻微阅读三篇
Driverless taxis will soon be available for hire
Self-driving taxis were rolled outon a trial basis in Beijing followinga series of road tests, which wereconducted with safety supervisorson board. Baidu and Pony. ai wonpermits back then to operate driverless taxis through their ridehailingapps within a 60-square-kilometer area in Yizhuang, locatedin the southern suburbs of Beijing.
During the commercial run of driverless taxis, more attentionwill be paid to the assessment of service capabilities of autonomousmobility companies, with the focus being on reviewing three riskaspects — passenger safety, traffic conditions and autonomousdriving functions. At the same time, tailored daily supervision andemergency plans will be formulated for the unmanned commercialfleet to ensure that these vehicles run smoothly and safely on roads.China has opened up a road network of more than 15,000 km to testintelligent vehicles, including taxis and buses, involving multiple selfdrivingscenarios such as autonomous valet parking and unmanneddelivery.
在進行了一系列道路测试后,北京启动了“车内无人”载人示范应用,所有测试在安全监督员的指导下进行。百度和小马智行获得了许可,在北京南郊亦庄60 平方千米范围内划定区域通过叫车应用软件开展无人自动驾驶运营示范。
无人驾驶出租车在迈入商业化试点新阶段,将更加注重对自动驾驶企业服务能力的评定,主要围绕乘客车内安全风险、交通环境风险、自动驾驶功能风险三方面进行评估。同时,政府将针对试点车辆制定日常监管专项及应急预案,确保这些车辆在道路上平稳安全运行。目前全国已开放智能网联汽车测试道路超过15000 千米,包括出租车和公交车在内的智能车辆,还涉及自动代客泊车、无人配送等多个自动驾驶场景。
Fill in the blanks:
Daily supervision and emergency plans will be formulated to ensure that driverless taxis _______________ smoothly and safely on roads.
Climate change has caused oceans become greener
The color of the ocean has changed significantly over the last20 years and human-caused climate change is likely responsible,according to a new study. More than 56% of the worlds oceanshave changed color to an extent that cannot be explained by naturalvariability, said a team of researchers, led by scientists from the National Oceanography Center in theUK and the Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology in the US, in a statement.Tropical[ 热带的] oceans close to theequator in particular have becomegreener in the past 2 decades, reflecting changes in their ecosystems,according to the study published recently in the journal Nature. Oceanecosystems are finely balanced and any change in the phytoplanktonwill send ripples across the food chain. All changes are causing animbalance in the natural organization of ecosystems. Such imbalancewill only get worse over time if our oceans keep heating.
While the researchers are still working to unpick exactly what thechanges mean, what is clear, they said, is that the changes are beingdriven by human-induced climate change. The researchers monitoredchanges in ocean color from space by tracking how much green orblue light is reflected from the surface of the sea. They analyzed colorvariation data in the past 2 decades and then used climate changemodels to simulate what would happen to the oceans both withadditional planet-heating pollution and without. The color changesmatched almost exactly what researchers predicted would happen ifgreenhouse gases were added to the atmosphere that around 50% ofour oceans would change color.
一项新研究发现,海水颜色在过去20 年里发生了显著改变,很可能是受到了人为导致的气候变化的影响。英国国家海洋中心和美国麻省理工学院的科学家带领的研究团队称,全世界超56% 的海水颜色在一定程度上发生了无法用自然变异来解释的改变。近期发表在《自然》期刊上的研究报告指出,尤其是靠近赤道的热带海洋,它们在过去20 年里变得更绿了,这反映出它们海域生态系统的改变。海洋生态系统处于微妙的平衡状态,浮游植物的任何变化都会在整个食物链中产生连锁反应。所有的变化都会导致生态系统的自然组织失去平衡。如果我们的海洋持续升温,这种不平衡随着时间的推移只会变得更糟。
尽管研究人员仍在努力解开海洋颜色变化之谜,但是他们表示有一点是明确的,这些改变是由人为导致的气候变化推动的。研究人员通过空间站跟踪记录从海面反射的绿光或蓝光量来监测海洋颜色的变化。他们分析了过去20 年的海洋颜色变化数据,然后使用气候变化模型来模拟海洋在有温室气体污染和没有污染的情况下会发生什么。结果海洋颜色变化几乎与研究人员预测的完全一致,当大气中加入温室气体时,大约50% 的海洋会改变颜色。
Fill in the blanks:
Imbalance in the natural organization of ecosystems will get worse if our oceans keep ____________ .
The most leaning tower of Abu Dhabi
Leaning tower of Abu Dhabi, is a skyscraper in the emirate thatis more than 160 meters tall, 35 stories high, and with more than16,000 square meters of office space. It is one of the tallest buildingsin the city and was designed to incline 18 degrees west. Calling it askyscraper does not quite capture its true essence[精髓;本質]. The briefgiven to the engineers and architects was not to make the biggest ortallest building around, but to “challenge the rules of architecture andto build a structure that would put Abu Dhabi on the world map”, says Ahmed Al Mansoori, a lead engineer for Capital Gate and director ofengineering for the company Abu Dhabi National Exhibitions.
The United Arab Emirates(UAE) ranks third equal internationallyfor the place with the most number of skyscrapers, sharing that spotwith Japan, both having 251 buildings taller than 150 meters. Thenumber one spot is held by China with 2,055 buildings taller than 150meters, followed by the US with more than 800. The tallest buildingsin the UAE after Burj Khalifa are: Marina 101 at 426.5 m, PrincessTower at 413.36 m, 23 Marina at 395 m, and Burj Mohammed BinRashid in Abu Dhabi at 381.2 m.
阿布扎比斜塔,是阿联酋的一座摩天大楼,高160 多米,35 层高,办公面积超过1.6 万平方米。它是这个城市最高的建筑之一,设计成向西倾斜18°。将它称为摩天大楼并没有完全抓住其真正本质。阿布扎比斜塔的首席工程师、阿布扎比国家展览公司的工程总监艾哈迈德·阿里·曼苏里表示,给工程师和建筑师的任务不是建造周围最大或最高的建筑,而是“挑战建筑规则,建造一个能让阿布扎比在世界地图上出现的建筑”。
目前阿联酋与日本并列为世界上摩天大楼数量第三多的国家,拥有251 座150 米以上的摩天大楼。排名第一的是中国,有2055 座摩天大楼,其次是美国,有超过800 座摩天大楼。阿联酋最高的建筑为哈利法塔,其次是港湾101 大楼,高度为426.5 米;迪拜公主塔,高度为413.36 米;玛丽娜23 大厦,高度为395 米;以及阿布扎比的穆罕默德·本·拉希德(世贸中心)大厦,高度为381.2 米。
Fill in the blanks:
Leaning tower of Abu Dhabi was designed to ____________ 18 degrees west.