Great Barrier Reef 大堡礁


疯狂英语·初中天地 2023年10期


入選时间(Date of Inscription) 1981 年

遴选标准(Criteria) (vii)(viii)(ix)(x)

遗产面积(Property ) 34,870,000 公顷

档案编号(Dossier) 154

你可曾见过澳大利亚的“水下仙境”?它就是澳大利亚引以为傲的自然景观——大堡礁,又被人们称为“透明清澈的海中野生王国”。1981 年就被列入世界自然遗产的大堡礁有何独特魅力?如今的大堡礁又面临怎样的困境?一起阅读下文来了解吧!

The Great Barrier Reef is a site of 1)remarkable variety and beauty onthe north-east coast of Australia. It contains the worlds largest collection ofcoral reefs, with about 400 types of coral, 1,500 species of fish and 4,000types of 2)molluscs. It also holds great scientific interest as the habitat ofspecies such as the dugong (“sea cow”) and the large green turtle, which arethreatened with extinction.

The enormous size and diversity of the Great Barrier Reef means it isone of the richest and most complex natural ecosystems on earth, and oneof the most significant for biodiversity conservation. As the worlds mostcomplex expanse of coral reefs, the reefs contain some 400 species of coralsin 60 genera. There are also large ecologically important interreefal areas.The waters also provide major feeding grounds for one of the worlds largestpopulations of the threatened dugong. At least 30 species of whales anddolphins occur here, and it is a significant area for humpback whale calving.

Six of the worlds seven species of marine turtles occur in the GreatBarrier Reef. As well as the worlds largest green turtle breeding site at RaineIsland, the Great Barrier Reef also includes many regionally important marineturtle rookeries.

Some 242 species ofbirds have been recordedin the Great Barrier Reef.Twenty-two seabird speciesbreed on cays and somec o n t i n e n t a l i s l a n d s , a n dsome of these breeding sitesare globally significant; otherseabird species also utilize the area. Thecontinental islands support thousands ofplant species, while the coral cays alsohave their own distinct flora and fauna.

Because of its natural beauty, the Great Barrier Reef has becomeone of the worlds most sought after tourist destinations. Its fabulousbiodiversity attracts scientists, researchers, and nature enthusiasts fromdifferent parts of the world. 3)Snorkeling, diving, and boat tours allowvisitors to immerse themselves in the rich underwater world, observingcolorful fish, majestic turtles, graceful manta rays, and eventhe elusive whale sharks.

However, like many other natural wonders, the GreatBarrier Reef faces a range of threats. Climate change,pollution, and overfishing pose serious risks to this 4)fragileecosystem. Efforts are being made to protect and preserveit, including the 5)implementation of strict conservation measures, public awareness campaigns, and 6)sustainabletourism practices.

The Great Barrier Reef is not just a national treasure forAustralia, but a global heritage that needs to be cherished andprotected. Its breathtaking beauty and ecological importanceremind human beings of the urgent need to take action inpreserving the natural wonders for future generations.

1) remarkable adj. 引人注目的;非凡的

2) mollusc n. 软体动物

3) snorkel v. 浮潜;潜泳

4) fragile adj. 脆弱的

5) implementation n. 執行;实施

6) sustainable adj. 可持续的

大堡礁位于澳大利亚东北海岸,这里物种多样、景色迷人,有着世界上最大的珊瑚礁群,包括约400 种珊瑚、1500 种鱼类和4000 种软体动物。大堡礁还是一处得天独厚的科学研究场所,因为这里栖息着多种濒临灭绝的动物,比如儒艮(“美人鱼”) 和巨星绿龟。

大堡礁的巨大规模和多样性意味着它是地球上最丰富和最复杂的自然生态系统之一,也是生物多样性保护最重要的生态系统之一。作为世界上最复杂的珊瑚礁群,这里不仅包含60个属的约400 种珊瑚,而且还有一些大型的在生态上重要的珊瑚礁间区域。这片水域还为世界上受威胁的儒艮提供了主要的觅食场所。这里至少有30种鲸鱼和海豚,是座头鲸生产的一个重要区域。

世界上7 种海龟中有6 种出现在大堡礁。除了莱茵岛是世界上最大的绿海龟繁殖地外,大堡礁还包括许多具有重要地区意义的海龟栖息地。

在大堡礁大约有242 种鸟类被记录。在珊瑚礁和一些大陆岛屿上繁殖了22 种海鸟,其中一些繁殖地具有全球意义,其他海鸟物种也会利用这一地区进行繁殖。大陆岛屿上生长着数千种植物,而珊瑚礁岛也有自己独特的动植物群。





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