What’s a Community 社区是什么
Community connects us with each other. A community is a placewhere people live, work and play together. Think about a school. Theteachers, students and principal help each other to learn. A communityis like that. People in a community help one another.
All communities are the same in some ways. Community isnot a place, a building, or an organization; nor is it an exchange ofinformation over the Internet. Community is a set of relationshipsamong people. People form and maintain communities to meetcommon needs. They need places to live. They also wantfriends and family to laugh and to help each other.Many kinds of people live in a community. Somelive in families with children. Young and oldpeople can be next-door neighbors. Somemight come from other countries.
Members of a community have a sense of trust, 1)belonging, safety,and caring for each other. Theyhave an individual and 2)collectivesense that they can, as part ofthat community, influence theirenvironments and each other.
People need to learn waysto get along with each other. Oneway is to have rules. It is the dutyof every person in the communityto follow the rules. They tell people how to behave in theircommunities. Rules can help people livetogether happily and treat eachother properly.
Your community is differentfrom any other. What makes itspecial to you?
1) belonging n. 歸属感
2) collective adj. 集体的