Bring sign language to BGT stage


疯狂英语·新读写 2023年10期

山东 管君茹

主题语境:手语表演 篇幅:334词 建议用时:7分钟

1 A little girl honored by Simon Cowell at the Pride of Britain Awards and a choir that used sign language have won a place in the live shows of Britain's Got Talent after David Walliams pressed his golden buzzer.

2Ella Chadwick was 11 when she received the Child of Courage prize from the reality show judge at the star-studded ceremony after raising £3,000 for the hospital where she has been treated for nephrotic syndrome (肾病综合征),a kidney disorder which led to her undergoing 40 operations including a life-saving kidney transplant operation.

3Cowell and Ella reunited on stage as she auditioned (试镜) with the signing choir Sign Along With Us on the first episode of the new series of the talent show.Ella and the choir members,who are aged between 4 and 58,sang and signed along toTheGreatest ShowmanhitThisIsMe.

4After the performance,Cowell said,“I have to admit I have a friend of mine in this choice,Ella.His fellow judge Alesha Dixon was left in tears by the audition and said,“I genuinely cannot find the words.” Amanda Holden told the choir,“That song is such an anthem for people who maybe don't feel part of the world or part of anything and I just found it really,really moving,and absolutely brilliant.”

5Walliams said,“Every single one of you gave everything to this performance.An amazing and powerful message is put out there and all I can say is...” before hitting the golden buzzer,which allows the choir to skip the next stages of the show and get a place in the live shows later this year.

6Also impressing the judges was the XIX Crew dance troupe,who travelled from Mumbai in India to show off their acrobatic routine (杂技动作),which culminated (到达顶点) in seven people sitting on each other's shoulders.The judge was also moved by father-and-son magic duo James and Dylan Piper,from South Wales,who incorporated Cowell's son Eric into their act.



Detail 1.Who won a place in the live shows ofBritain'sGotTalent?

A.Ella Chadwick and the choir.

B.The XIX Crew dance troupe.

C.The father-and-son magic duo.

D.Ella Chadwick and David Walliams.

Detail 2.What award did Ella Chadwick received when she was 11?

A.£3,000 for a hospital.

B.The Pride of Britain Awards.

C.The Child of Courage prize.

D.Britain'sGotTalent's winner.

Detail 3.Who was moved to tears by the audition?

A.Simon Cowell.

B.Ella Chadwick.

C.David Walliams.

D.Alesha Dixon.



Ⅰ.Difficult sentence in the text

A little girl honored by Simon Cowell at the Pride of Britain Awards and a choir that used sign language have won a place in the live shows ofBritain'sGotTalentafter David Walliams pressed his golden buzzer.在大卫·威廉斯按下黄金按钮后,一个在英国骄傲奖上被西蒙·考威尔授予过荣誉的小女孩和一个使用手语的合唱团在《英国达人秀》的现场秀中获得了一席之地。

【点石成金】honored 在句中作后置定语,修饰先行词A little girl;that 引导定语从句,在从句中作主语;after在句中作连词,引导时间状语从句。

Ⅱ.Fill in the blanks with the words and phrases in the box in proper forms.

absolutely genuinely put out impress show off

1.Have you ________ clean towels for the guests?

2.Fake designer watches are sold at a fraction of the price of the ________ article.

3.He taught us that the laws of physics were ________.

4.The interests he is most likely to enjoy will be those which enable him to ________ himself or his talents.

5.We interviewed a number of candidates but none of them ________ us.


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