Vanessa Croll
Crocodiles are known for their powerful jaws3 and tough skin but a recent studyhas found they may also contain a secret weapon in our fight against infections4.
The study noted crocodiles have been around for about 83 million years and inthat time have become really good at fighting off infections, considering they oftenget in fights with other animals in dirty water.
Researchers are working to learn more about how the crocodiles fight offinfections, hoping to use what they learn to make new treatments for humandiseases5.
这项研究指出,鳄鱼已经存在了大约8300 万年,考虑到它们经常在脏水里与其他动物打架,在这段时间里,鳄鱼已经变得非常擅长抵抗感染。
1. crocodile 鳄鱼
2. weapon 武器
3. jaw 颌;颚;下巴
4. infection 感染
5. disease 疾病