Robinson Crusoe (Excerpt)《鲁滨孙漂流记》(节选)


疯狂英语·读写版 2023年7期



主题语境:名著节选 篇幅:342词 建议用时:6分钟

1 I had found a cave to live in and had spent three or four months building a wallaround its entrance. It meant that I had to enter my home by using a ladder, but at leastI would be safe from the wild animals and any other creatures which may live on theisland.

2 When I had finally finished building, I built my tent in the space between the cavemouth and the wall and felt very comfortable and content. However, this feeling did not lastlong. The very next day, when I was busy in my new home, just inside the entrance to thecave, I saw some earth falling from the roof of my cave, and I heard two of the supportingposts, which I had put up, make a frightening and cracking noise. I was afraid that the roofof the cave was about to fall in and bury me alive, so I ran to my ladder and climbed overthe wall to get clear of any falling rocks which might roll down the hill.

3 The moment I stepped down onto the ground, I realized that a terrible earthquake wastaking place. The ground I was standing on shook three times, with a pause of about eightminutes between each shake. The shaking was so strong that it would have brought downthe strongest building in the world. Huge waves were crashing on the shore and making aterrible noise as the earthquake shook the water. I thought that the shocks must have beenstronger under the water than they were on land.

4 The experience frightened me so much that I could do nothing. I felt sick from theshaking of the earth, as if I was in a boat on a rough sea. Then, suddenly, I heard a crash asrocks fell from the hill, and I was filled with fear. I was worried that my months of work would have been destroyed in a few minutes and that my few belongings would bedestroyed. This thought made me so sad that I felt my heart sink in my chest.

Reading Check


1. Why did Robinson build a wall around the entrance?

A. To build a house.

B. To keep off the strong storm.

C. To feel comfortable.

D. To prevent wild animals outside.


2. When did the earthquake take place?

A. When Robinson ran to his ladder.

B. When Robinson got clear of any falling rocks.

C. When Robinson stepped down onto the ground.

D. When Robinson was busy in his new home.


3. Which of the following can best describe Robinson?

A. Brave. B. Considerate.

C. Kind. D. Humorous.

Language Study

Discover useful structures in the text

1. It meant that I had to enter my home by using a ladder, but at least I would be safefrom the wild animals and any other creatures which may live on the island. 这意味着我必须用梯子进入我的家,但至少我可以免受野生动物和其他可能生活在岛上的生物的伤害。


2. This thought made me so sad that I felt my heart sink in my chest.这个想法让我很难过,我觉得我的心沉到了胸口。

【点石成金】so...that...常引導结果状语从句,意为“如此……以至于……”,so后加形容词或副词,that后跟从句,如:“She is so kind that all the students like her.”


分析高考试题,辨别what与 that