

疯狂英语·读写版 2023年7期

第一部分閱读(共两节,满分50 分)



In 1665, Johannes Vermeer, one of the greatest painters in Netherlands, completed hismasterpiece Girl with a Pearl Earring. On an April day 357 years later, Janine Strongslowed her bike to stop, paused her fitness app, and watched as the snaking line of hercycling route drew the shape of Vermeers masterpiece over the streets of Brooklyn.

Ms Strong creates what has come to be known as“GPS art”—a practice that uses theGlobal Positioning System mapping capabilities of modern phone apps to create digitaldrawings with an athletes route. It has grown with the widespread availability of satellitetracking for use by ordinary people. In fact, the idea has been around before the popularityof smartphones for fitness like Strava released in 2009.

In 2003, The New York Times magazine told how Jeremy Wood got the idea for GPSart. Mr Wood said while he was using a GPS tracker on a flight and the plane flew in aholding pattern above Heathrow Airport, he was attracted by the pattern appearing on hisGarmin GPS device. In recent years, technology has advanced enough to create visual mapsin real time using a phone or a smart watch.

“I get bored cycling on the same path in the same street,”Ms Strong said.“CreatingGPS art gives me more reasons to hit the pavement, which makes cycling a lot easier. Ialways have a big smile on my face when it works out and I upload it and its done,”sheadded.“Its a very satisfying feeling.”

To complete her digital vision of Girl with a Pearl Earring, she biked almost 50 milesaround southern Brooklyn, carefully checking Strava to make sure each turn, circle, andstraight line was achieving the shape of earring and head covering of Vermeers original.

1. What can we infer about Janine Strong from paragraph 1?

A. She tests a fitness app. B. She is an innovative cyclist.

C. She likes pearl earrings. D. She is a painter of some note.

2. What information can we get about GPS art?

A. It is rarely used by common people.

B. It arose after the popularity of fitness apps.

C. It is based on apps GPS mapping functions.

D. It is a practice of creating realistic drawings.

3. What does paragraph 3 mainly talk about?

A. The origin of GPS art. B. The prospect of GPS art.

C. The function of a GPS tracker. D. The advancement of a GPS device.


For thousands of years, Chinese writers have travelled all over the country to takedown notes about the geographical conditions of each city. Among them, well?knownChinese geographer and writer Li Daoyuan, in the Northern Wei Dynasty (386—534),composed his book, Commentary on the Water Classics, after studying the original literaryversion, Water Classics. He later expanded the river records to 1,252 from the original 137.

The book is now being studied again by Professor Li Xiaojie and his team from FudanUniversity. They have been using drawing software and 3D modelling to recreate thewaterway situations on a map based on the book description. So far, they have completedresearch on four rivers.

“Ancient people knew really well how to apply the power of nature to technicalconsiderations,”Li said, giving the example of Qianjine, one of the most famous ancientwater conservation projects in Luoyang, Henan. In order to lead the river into the city forirrigation (灌溉) in ancient Luoyang, the officials built a canal branch by separating anorthwest?southeast river. However, the canal water wasnt enough to support the citizens indry seasons. To solve that, on the northern side of the canal branch, the officials built areservoir (水库) and a channel to lead the water to the canal branch, where the waterwayswould converge and flow together to the city.

In Commentary on the Water Classics, a total of 2,800 cities are recorded with details.Still, the process of recreation takes much effort. After doing a lot of text analysis andfieldwork, the team has gradually created the model with 3D modelling software based onrepeated deductions (推论).

For Professor Li, the book is not only a record of the natural landscape over 1,000years ago, but also a detailed description of humanity and culture and a treasure for todaysreference.

4. What can we learn about the book Commentary on the Water Classics?

A. It has been out of date. B. It explains 3D modelling.

C. It keeps records of 137 rivers. D. It is based on previous studies.

5. What does the underlined word“converge”in paragraph 3 mean?

A. Join. B. Pass. C. Cross. D. Begin.

6. What does paragraph 4 mainly tell us about model recreation?

A. Its major problems. B. Its detailed analysis.

C. Its complex process. D. Its successful application.

7. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?

A. 3D technology fuels modern research

B. Ancient classics inspire modern research

C. An effective approach to model recreation

D. A famous writer of ancient Chinese classics


A scientist in England believes that mushrooms communicate with each other usingup to 50“words”. Previous research has suggested that fungi (真菌) conduct electricalimpulses (脉冲) through long, underground structures called hyphae.“It has even shownthat the firing rate of these impulses increases when the hyphae of wood?digesting fungicome into contact with wooden blocks, raising the possibility that fungi use this electrical‘languageto share information about food or injury with distant parts of themselves, orwith hyphae?connected partners such as trees,”The Guardian reports.

To investigate this further, Andrew Adamatzky, a professor at the University of theWest of England, decided to analyze the patterns of electrical spikes (猛增) generated byfour species of fungi—enoki, split gill, ghost and caterpillar fungi. The results, published in the peer?reviewed journal Royal Society Open Science, were surprising, to say the least. Hefound that the electrical spikes often gather into trains of activity, similar to vocabularies ofup to 50 words. And the distribution of these“fungal word lengths”closely matches thoseof human languages. “Assuming that spikes of electrical activity are used by fungi tocommunicate, we demonstrate that distributions of fungal word lengths matches that ofhuman languages,”he said.“We found that the size of fungal vocabulary can be up to 50words, however, the core vocabulary of most frequently used words does not exceed 15 to20 words.”

However, Adamatzky also acknowledges that the species could be saying nothing atall. “There is also another option—they are saying nothing,”he said.“Propagatingmyceliums (繁殖菌絲体) tips are electrically charged, and, therefore, when the chargedtips pass in a pair of differential electrodes, a spike in the potential difference is recorded.”But whatever these“spiking events”represent, they do not appear to be random.“Thatsaid, we should not expect quick results: We are yet to interpret languages of cats and dogsdespite living with them for centuries, and research into electrical communication of fungiis in its pure fresh stage,”Adamatzky said.

8. Whats the discovery indicating mushrooms communicate with each other?

A. Fungi send electrical impulses.

B. Hyphae exist in the mushrooms.

C. Mushrooms tell food from injury.

D. Wooden blocks affect mushrooms.

9. What can be inferred about Andrew Adamatzkys experiment from paragraph 2?

A. It quite differs from the previous discovery.

B. Electrical spikes can hardly come together.

C. It further confirms the previous discovery.

D. Only four species of fungi send out signals.

10. What did the scientist find about fungis communication?

A. The most frequently?used words are more than 50.

B. Most of fungis words are less frequently used.

C. Distributions of fungal words differs in different species.

D. The core vocabulary in fungal words is almost meaningless.

11. Which is Adamatzkys idea about mushrooms communication in the last  paragraph?

A. The discovery can benefit us.

B. The discovery is of little use.

C. Researchers cant rely on their experiment.

D. Researchers need much more support for it.


A Missouri woman is following her fathers footsteps—training to be a heart surgeon—and recently, she and her father got the chance to perform surgery together.

Dr Sophia Roberts, 31, is a general surgery resident physician at Barnes?JewishHospital in St. Louis, Missouri. Her dad, Dr Harold Roberts Jr., 67, has been practicingmedicine for the last 33 years. In May, Roberts and his daughter teamed up for an aorticvalve (主动脉瓣) replacement.

“I told Sophia that I had this case coming and she went out and read about it. And shednever seen it, much less assisted with it,”Harold Roberts recalled.

Even though the case was new to her, Sophia Roberts jumped at the chance. She hadwanted to spend a month learning and operating with her surgeon father back in 2020, buttheir plans fell through for all kinds of reasons. So this was the shot shed been waiting for.

When the day came, Harold Roberts was pleased to have his eldest child by his sideand said it was a“really nice thing”to work together with her. The elder Roberts said hisdaughter helped open the patients chest and she did a great job.“It was really verysmooth. I wouldnt have done the case any better if I had another heart surgeon assistingme,”he said.

Sophia Roberts, who served as her dads first assistant, said it was a memorableexperience and once the surgery got underway, she was in the zone.

“Its very special that I was operating with him, but quite frankly, I could have beenoperating with anyone—like all of a sudden, youre just focused on that patient and makingthe operation go smoothly,”she said.

Harold and Sophia Roberts reported their patient has done great since the surgery andwas even excited that the father?daughter team would be taking care of her.

12. What can we know from paragraph 2?

A. Sophia is a freshman at a medical school.

B. Harold Roberts is an experienced physician.

C. Sophia is the physician for her fathers operation.

D. Harold Roberts is teaching Sophia to be a doctor.

13. What was Sophias attitude towards the coming teamwork with her father?

A. Full of expectation. B. Slightly concerned.

C. A bit disappointed. D. Much too anxious.

14. What did Sophia concentrate on during the operation?

A. Why his father performed differently from other physicians.

B. How she could put her theory into practice in the operation.

C. How they could perform the operation most successfully.

D. What caused the patient to suffer from such a heart illness.

15. Which can best describe Harold Roberts feeling about Sophias performance?

A. Proud. B. Annoyed. C. Ashamed. D. Envious.



How to become a scientist

Be curious. Scientists choose to become scientists because they are curious about theworld around them and how the things in it work. This curiosity leads them to investigatethe how and why behind what they see.

16Becoming a scientist takes a long time. There are very few careers that takelonger time than this one. Even when youre doing with your education, you still have to getresearch under your belt. If youre an instant?gratification (即时满足) type of person, thismay not be the right career for you.

Be diligent and persevering. Its been said that jobs in science are the lowest paid inthe US. What this is getting at is that because of the long path to success, for a while youwont be living lavishly (奢侈地).17

Have the need to always keep learning.18Whether its reading peer?reviewed journals, attending seminars, or working toward getting yourself published, youll always belearning.

19In those years of waiting for results, you need to constantly be looking for thesmallest changes in what you expect to see. Your eyes need to be focused and ready at alltimes.

Think differently. Think back to Newtons apple falling on his head or Archimedesjumping into his tub and displacing water. Most people would think nothing of these events,but these men saw something else, something no one else was seeing at the time.20

A. Observation skills are also necessary.

B. Be patient in climbing the career ladder.

C. Things are going to be tough for a while.

D. Then youre probably made of the right stuff.

E. As the saying goes, “Where there is a will, there is a way.”

F. Actually, what every scientist does is to seek out knowledge.

G. To make progress in human knowledge, you have to think differently.

第二部分语言运用(共两节,满分30 分)



No two snowflakes are alike? Wilson A. Bentley, a farmer and amateur meteorologist,sought to answer that question, dedicating himself to 21 flakes of snow for 50 years.

Bentley was born in 1865 and22on a farm. On his 15th birthday, Bentleysmother gave him an old23. It was snowing that day, and the boy24getting aglimpse of a six?sided snowflake with the25. When he was 17, Bentley asked hisparents to buy him a new, better microscope and a camera. His father argued that it was awaste of time. Finally, his father gave in. Bentley built a wooden frame to26the newequipment and then spent 2 years figuring out how to take a picture of a snowflake27a microscope. On January 15, 1885, he did it, creating the worlds first photo of a snowflake.Every winter for the rest of his life, Bentley studied snowflakes in a(n)28room in theback of the house. The process was difficult and cold. Outdoors, he collected snowflakes on a wooden tray that was painted 29 to observe it. Whenever it snowed, Bentley caughtand captured flakes, sometimes working all night. He found that most snowflakes had sixsides, 30 others looked like triangles, or columns—no two were alike.

Bentley 31 his discovery of snowflakes with anyone who was interested. He wrotearticles for scientists and for 32 such as National Geographic. Occasionally, he felt33 that few people seemed to care about his work. Still, he 34 stopped. In 1920,Bentley was elected as one of the first members of the American Meteorological Society,which later 35 him its first research grant in 1924.

21. A. creating B. producing C. observing D. cleaning

22. A. found B. raised C. attacked D. helped

23. A. bag B. camera C. microscope D. tray

24. A. succeeded in B. turned in C. gave up D. showed up

25. A. time B. frame C. instruction D. instrument

26. A. hold B. fix C. adjust D. buy

27. A. without B. along C. under D. above

28. A. old B. unheated C. small D. cozy

29. A. black B. white C. new D. odd

30. A. or B. and C. so D. but

31. A. sold B. shared C. carried D. compared

32. A. magazines B. newspapers C. colleges D. companies

33. A. amazed B. excited C. disappointed D. encouraged

34. A. always B. once C. ever D. never

35. A. owed B. awarded C. praised D. considered



Anyone who has an interest in Dunhuang will have heard of Fan Jinshi. The Chinesearchaeologist 36.__________ has spent more than half a century researching andpreserving the caves at the heart of the ancient Silk Road in Gansu Province 37.__________(know) as the“Daughter of Dunhuang”in her field, though the“Protector”is probably amore fitting 38.__________ (describe).

Fan has been studying the historical site since the early 1960s, first as an archaeologicalundergraduate from Peking University, then as a conservationist when she 39.__________(become) the deputy director of the Dunhuang Academy in 1984, which serves to preventthe ancient site 40. __________being destroyed.

“It is over a thousand years old. It is an old person, an 41.__________ (extreme) weakold person. It has 42.__________ (variety) illnesses. If you are a little careless, it could begone. Gone forever,”Fan said.

Today, thanks to the work of great 43. __________(archaeologist) such as Fan,Dunhuang is proud of the worlds largest and best?preserved collection of Buddhist relics44.__________ (date) from the 15th to the 13th centuries. The main Mogao site is made upof 735 caves spread across a 1,700?metre?wide cliff face, containing 45,000 square metresof murals (壁画) 45.__________ more than 2,000 colourful sculptures.




1. 谁是生活中最令你感动的人;

2. 说明原因。


1. 词数80左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。





“David, its time for breakfast,”Mrs Motangi called.“Theres a birthday present foryou to open.”

David ran into the kitchen and saw a shiny new soccer ball on the table. He smiledand started jumping up and down with excitement.“Can I take the ball to my  school with me, please?”asked David.“Of course,”Mrs Motangi said.“But you need to be carefulwith your first real soccer ball.”

At school, David immediately put his soccer ball under his desk. During the morninglessons, he kept quietly tapping the ball with his foot to make sure it was still there. Finally,it was break time. David seized the ball and quickly ran outside. He kicked the ballskillfully across the field to a group of students.

Soccer was Davids favorite sport. Since he arrived in England and started school twomonths ago, he had played soccer every day during the break. Break was always his favoritetime because he didnt have to speak English, a language that was still fairly new to him.When he played soccer, he would forget that he felt like an outsider at this new school.

“Look!”called David.“I got a new soccer ball. We can use it for our game today.”The other students exchanged glances and just stared at David. These were the most wordsDavid had ever spoken to them.“We dont need your ball,”said a tall boy, Jacob.“We already have one.”Jacob likedplaying soccer but poorly. Jacob kicked Davids ball with all his strength. The ball soaredover the schools high fence, bounced once, and rolled to the back of a nearby house.

“What a good kick!”screamed the other kids, jumping up and down and slapping Jacob onthe back. David watched in horror as his cherished football went out of sight, tears comingto his eyes. What would his mother say?


Paragraph 1:

He was going outside when his teacher, Mr Bleachers, came with the ball.__________



Paragraph 2:

With the help of David, they got prepared for the soccer match between classes.____



