

果树学报 2023年7期

宋谢天 田啸宇 王楠 周银 谢源源 谢宗周 柴利军 叶俊丽 邓秀新

摘    要:【目的】柑橘的遗传转化通常以实生苗上胚轴为外植体。作为基因组高度杂合的无融合生殖物种,柑橘多胚种子中常含有一定比例的、因遗传重组较亲本表现出遗传背景差异的有性后代,从实生群体中筛选无性后代进行遗传转化实验可有效保证外植体材料遗传背景的一致性及后续相关研究的科学性和可靠性。基于此,开发分子标记用于快速准确筛选柑橘短童期种质——多胚山金柑(Fortunella hindsii)子代中的珠心胚实生苗,以期为优化完善山金柑遗传转化体系提供基础。【方法】利用母本山金柑材料DB02重测序数据进行InDel标记的挖掘,筛选出可以区分有性后代和无性后代的InDel标记,通过琼脂糖凝胶电泳对DB02系山金柑的子代幼苗进行鉴定。【结果】开发出7对可以区分DB02系山金柑种子中有性和无性后代的InDel杂合位点标记(InDel1~InDel7),基于这些标记进一步研究,发现土播幼苗和试管幼苗中的珠心苗比例分别为87.5%和74.2%。【结论】利用InDel标记可以成功篩选出与DB02系山金柑遗传背景一致的无性克隆后代,进一步完善了山金柑实生苗上胚轴遗传转化体系。


中图分类号:S666.1 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1009-9980(2023)07-1312-06

InDel marker-assisted selection of nucellar seedlings in polyembryonic Fortunella hindsii

SONG Xietian1, TIAN Xiaoyu1, WANG Nan1, ZHOU Yin1, XIE Yuanyuan1, XIE Zongzhou1, CHAI Lijun1, YE Junli1, DENG Xiuxin1, 2*

(1National Key Laboratory for Germplasm lnnovation & Utilization of Horticultural Crops, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, Hubei, China; 2Hubei Hongshan Laboratory, Wuhan 430070, Hubei, China)

Abstract: 【Objective】Citrus is a highly heterozygous genome apomixis species, and the polyembryonic seeds frequently contain a certain proportion of sexual offspring(also called zygotic embryos) that exhibit genetic background differences compared to their parents due to genetic recombination. Screening of asexual offspring (nucellar embryos) from the polyembryonic seedlings for genetic transformation experiments could effectively ensure the consistency of the genetic background of explant materials and the scientific reliability of follow-up studies. Based on this, we have developed Insertion-Deletion (InDel) molecular markers for rapid and accurate screening of asexual clonal plants in the offspring of Fortunella hindsii, a short juvenility germplasm of citrus, in order to provide a basis for optimizing and improving the genetic transformation system of F. hindsii. 【Methods】 The polyembryonic wild kumquat DB02 was used as the maternal parent and the progeny plants produced from DB02 seeds were used as identification materials. The seeds were sown under two conditions, one was in substrate soil and the other was in sterile test tube. Genomic DNA was extracted from the mature leaves of kumquat DB02 and its progeny, and the DNA extraction solution of qualified quality was diluted to the working concentration (about 100 ng·μL-1). The re-sequencing data of the maternal DB02 was aligned to the kumquat reference genome, the InDel variant sites were extracted and the (0/1) heterozygous type sites with a difference about 50bp were screened out. The primers were designed within 600 bp around the upstream and downstream of the InDel variant site. PCR amplification products were detected by 3% agarose gel, the markers with clear and stable hybrid bands were selected. All the InDel marker primers were used to amplify the progeny of kumquat DB02 line, and the progeny with only one band was sexual seedlings. The amplification products of the InDel marker primers of the nucellar embryos were all consistent with the maternal parent. 【Results】 A total of seven pairs of selected InDel markers were used to amplify the maternal parent DB02 kumquat. After detection by agarose gel electrophoresis, all markers contained clearly heterozygous bands in the maternal parent DNA, denoted as “Aa”, which can be used to screen out zygotic embryos and nucellar embryos in subsequent progeny materials. On the one hand, the DB02 progeny seeds were sown in the soil, and a total of 56 seedlings were counted after germination. These seedlings were then numbered. According to the identification results of the amplified products of 7 pairs of InDel markers, it was found that in the InDel01 marker electrophoresis results, the descendants number of 34, 41 and 56 were singly banded, and these plants were identified as zygotic seedlings. Similarly, 1, 3, 23, 27, and 41 were identified as zygotic seedlings by the InDel02 marker. 1, 3 and 27 were identified as zygotic seedlings by InDel05 labeling results. 1, 3, 23, 27, 41 and 56 were identified as zygotic seedlings by InDel06 and InDel07 labeling results. Based on the results of all markers, it can be concluded that a total of 7 zygotic seedlings (1, 3, 23, 27, 34, 41 and 56) were identified in the 56 DB02 progeny, and the remaining 48 nucellar seedlings were consistent with the maternal parent, the rate of nucellar embryos is 87.5%. On the other hand, the epicotyl material required in the genetic transformation generally comes from sterile test tube. To investigate whether the nucellar embryos ratio of kumquat DB02 is the same as that of substrate seeding, the DB02 seeds were sown in sterile test tube. A total of 62 seedlings after germination were counted and numbered. According to the identification results of 7 pairs of InDel-markers, a total of 2, 3 and other 16 zygotic seedlings were identified in the 62 DB02 progeny, the remaining 46 seedlings are nucellar seedlings, and nucellar embryo rate is 74.2%. 【Conclusion】 Nucellar poly-embryony is of great significance for the evolution, reproduction and breeding of citrus, and the asexual offspring developed from the nucellar embryos are genetically identical to the parents, so in citrus study, the epicotyl of polyembryonic seedlings are frequently used for genetic transformation. In this study, 7 pairs of InDel markers were selected from resequencing data of the wild kumquat DB02, which can accurately screen out the asexual offspring. Meanwhile, the nucellar seedlings rate under different growth conditions was also statistical, and it was found that the nucellar seedlings rate of kumquat DB02 under substrate conditions was about 87.5%, which was at a moderate level compared with other citrus varieties, while the nucellar seedlings rate under sterile medium conditions was 74.2%. This may be due to the fact that under sterile test tube conditions, some stunted zygotic embryos have better culture conditions and increased regeneration opportunities, while under soil sowing conditions, stunted zygotic embryos are often difficult to grow, which in turn leads to an increase in the proportion of zygote seedlings in sterile conditions. However, in general, the vast majority offspring of kumquat DB02 are asexual offspring, which can be used as an alternative material for genetic transformation of F. hindsii, and this study further improves the Agrobacterium-mediated epicotyl genetic transformation system in kumquats.

Key words: Fortunella hindsii; Nucellar seedlings identification; InDel; Molecular marker

柑橘是世界上经济产值最高的果树之一,但由于童期长、具有多胚性[1](无融合生殖)的特点,阻碍了柑橘功能基因组学的研究进程,利用遗传转化鉴定基因功能通常耗时较长。笔者课题组前期开发了芸香科(Rutaceae)金柑属(Fortunella)山金柑(Fortunella hindsii)特殊材料,其特有的短童期、早花和矮化等特征缩短了试验周期,具有作为研究果树性状模式材料的潜力[2]。遗传转化是种质资源利用的基础,基于前期发掘的这一特殊材料,建立其遗传转化体系可以促进未来柑橘功能基因组的研究。


在以往研究中,砧木繁殖过程也需要筛除有性后代来消除不良基因型,从而保证后代植株的一致性。Xiang等[12]最开始利用10个同工酶位点对12个柑橘砧木的珠心幼苗和合子幼苗进行了区分,后来不断开发出其他类型的分子标记如RAPD[13]、SSR[14-15]、ISSR[16]、EST-SSR[17]等来鉴定不同柑橘品种的合子胚。以上分子标记对多品种的鉴定有一定效果,但存在重复性差、分辨率低等缺点。随着基因组测序技术逐渐成熟,开发插入/缺失片段长度多态性(Insertion/Deletion,InDel)标记可以产生大于50 bp的差异片段[18],实现利用常规琼脂糖凝胶电泳区分带型。对于特定品系的柑橘品种,利用特异性InDel分子标记进行杂种鉴定,具有低成本,快速、遗传稳定性高、重复性好且结果准确可靠的特征。利用InDel标记来区分柑橘有性与无性后代目前还鲜有报道。


1 材料和方法

1.1 材料


1.2 基因组DNA的提取与检测

采集山金柑DB02及其子代成熟叶片并提取基因组DNA,提取方法采用改良CTAB法,具体步骤参照卢素文[19]博士学位论文,使用NanoDrop1000超微量分光光度计对DNA质量和含量检测,将质量合格的DNA初提液稀释至工作质量浓度(约100 ng·μL-1),保存于-20 ℃冰箱备用。

1.3 InDel引物的筛选

利用母本DB02的重测序数据以山金柑基因组为参考基因组进行比对,提取InDel变异位点,筛选含有50 bp左右差异的(0/1)杂合类型位点。在InDel变异位点上下游600 bp范围内设计引物(表1),以母本DNA为模板进行PCR扩增,PCR扩增反应体系20 μL,其中包括10 μL PCR-Mix,1 μL DNA,InDel上下游引物各1 μL,加入ddH2O補足体积。PCR扩增产物使用3%琼脂糖凝胶检测,选择清晰稳定的杂合带型标记。

1.4 子代合子胚和珠心胚鉴定


2 结果与分析

2.1 InDel引物的筛选


2.2 土播子代珠心胚苗与合子胚苗鉴定

将DB02种子进行基质播种,统计萌发后代共计获得56株幼苗。根据7对InDel标记的扩增产物鉴定结果(图2),发现在InDel01标记结果中,子代34、41、56号幼苗为单条带,则这3株植株被认定为合子幼苗;同样地,利用InDel02标记鉴定出1、3、23、27、41号为合子幼苗;InDel03标记结果鉴定1、27、34号为合子幼苗;InDel04标记结果鉴定出1、3号为合子幼苗;InDel05标记结果鉴定出1、3、27号为合子幼苗;InDel06及InDel 07标记结果鉴定出1、3、23、27、41、56号为合子幼苗。综合所有标记结果可以得出结论,在56株DB02子代中共鉴定出1、3、23、27、34、41、56号7株合子幼苗,其余48株珠心幼苗在7个标记中带型均与母本一致,珠心胚率为87.5%。

2.3 試管播种子代珠心胚苗与合子胚苗鉴定


3 讨 论




4 结 论



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