例如:2022年新高考全国Ⅰ卷读后续写“鼓励脑疾儿童不放弃比赛”故事中的阅读部分有关于主人公David的外貌描写:He was small for ten years old. His usual big toothy smile was absent today.那么在续写到最后David完成了比赛,我们可以复现一下David的这个“露出牙齿的”笑容:When he finished the run, everyone cheered, and his toothy smile brightened his face.
再例如:2021年1月八省聯考模拟试题读后续写“车子抛锚,路遇一个墨西哥家庭的相助”故事中的阅读部分有关于墨西哥一家人出场的描写:Right as I was about to give up, a Mexican family in a small truck pulled over, and the father bounded out.那么在续写中写到墨西哥一家人驱车离开时,就可以复现一下这辆小货车:I waved them goodbye, seeing their small truck moving off.
例如:2022年新高考全国Ⅰ卷读后续写“鼓励脑疾儿童不放弃比赛”故事中的阅读部分有关于“我”对David的看法: As a special education teacher at the school, I was familiar with the challenges David faced and was proud of his determination.那么在续写中写到“我”鼓励David不要放弃比赛就可以呼应前文这个句子:I patted him on the shoulder, saying, “David, I know the challenges you face, but I am always proud of your determination. Come on.”
再例如:2021年1月八省联考模拟试题读后续写“车子抛锚,路遇一个墨西哥家庭的相助”故事中的阅读部分有关于小女孩与主人公的交流:I asked the little girl where they lived. Mexico, she said. They were in Oregon so Mommy and Daddy could work on a fruit farm for the next few weeks. Then they would go home.那么在续写中写到与这一墨西哥家庭道别时就可以呼应前文这个句子:I thanked the girl and wished her and her parents to have a good time on the fruit farm for the next few weeks.
例如:2021年新高考全国Ⅰ卷读后续写“双胞胎Jeff和Jenna在母亲节给母亲做早餐”故事中的阅读部分有关于双胞胎做早餐的动作描写:They decided to boil the porridge first. They put some rice into a pot of water and left it to boil while they made the French toast. Jeff broke two eggs into a plate and added in some milk. Jenna found the bread and put two slices into the egg mixture. Next, Jeff turned on the second stove burner to heat up the frying pan.。那么在续写中写到爸爸协助双胞胎完成这顿母亲节的爱心早餐时就可以重述这个片段:Their father asked Jeff to boil the porridge and watch out of the pot and then Jenna broke another two eggs, added in some milk and put another two slices of bread into the egg mixture. Finally, their father helped her fry the bread.
再例如:2020年山东卷读后续写“Meredith一家帮助贫困邻居男孩Bernard卖爆米花创业”故事中的阅读部分有关于热心助人的Mrs. Meredith的三个孩子之一John提出的帮助贫困男孩Bernard创业的主意描写:“I tell you what we can do,” said John. “You know that big box of corn Uncle John sent us? Well, we can make popcorn(爆米花), and put it into paper bags, and Bernard can take it around to the houses and sell it.”。那么在续写中写到John将这个想法告诉Bernard,或者写到Meredith一家如何帮助Bernard将这个想法付诸于实践,或者写到Bernard如何自己去制作爆米花和贩卖爆米花,都可以重述一下这个片段:Mrs. Meredith and her children told Bernard the idea: They could make the corn which was from Uncle John into popcorn and then the popcorn could be put into paper bags and sold.
责任 编辑 吴昊雷