

中学生学习报·教研周报 2023年4期


摘 要: 在课程标准新理念的指引下从宏观层面理解大单元概念,基于主题语境整合初中英语大单元复习课教学内容,分析大单元复习课课堂的教学设计,同时结合复习课堂真实案例,阐述了如何通过激活主题、聚焦主题、拓展主题和升华主题开展基于主题语境的复习课课堂实践,并进行了相关活动设计的总结反思。



1. 学生复习与人物介绍相关的词汇,句式和语法。

2. 学生学会友好、客观地描述人的形象、个性。学生能够运用写作技能独立写出一篇完整的英语短文。

3. 学生能了解人与人之间的差异性,能正确看待自己和他人的优缺点,学人之长,补己之短。树立正确的世界观、人生观和价值观。


该课是大单元观念下的一节整合课。本节课围绕着“Characters Introduction ”这个大单元主题,整合人教版七、八、九三个年级关于“ Characters Introduction”的教材内容。




Step 1 课前热身

上课伊始,教师通过Free Talk的方式与学生互动,开门见山地跟学生们聊一聊如果想介绍一个人物应该从哪几方面思考,引入本节课的写作主题。

T: If you want to write about a person, what should you think about ?

S1:First , think about who I want to write about.

T: Great. What else?

S2:What does he/she look like?

S3:What is he/she like?

S3:Think about Why I like him/her.

T:Well done! You should also think about how this person helped you and how this persons advice/event has changed your life.Do you think so?

Ss:Yes, of course!


Who is the person?

What does he/she look like?

When and where did you first meet this person?

How did this person help you?

How has this persons advice/event changed your life?

T:Great ! This class, Id like to work with you to practice writing how to introduce a person in English . Would you like to join me?

Ss:Yes, of course!

T:The topic of todays English writing is “Characters Introduction ”. During the next 40 minutes, we will go on a wonderful English writing trip. Im sure you will enjoy yourselves writing about your favorite person! Now, lets start.

【設计意图】生活经验是学生学习并探究主题意义的源泉,课堂热身作就是要调动学生的生活经验,,以符合学生认知和语言水平的话题、图片导入学习,调动学生的语言储备,激发学生的参与兴趣。当老师在Free Talk的末尾告知学生本节课的写作话题时,大单元主题已经通过Free Talk这个环节被激活。

Step 2:激活旧知

首先让学生从谈论自己最熟悉的人开始。老师在PPT 中展示如何描述人物外貌和性格。激活七、八年级教材中关于“Characters Introduction ”的词汇、语法及句式。

T: What does your sister look like?Is she tall or short?

S1:She isnt tall or short. She is of medium height.

S2:She has a round face and big eyes.

S3:She has long straight black hair.

S4:She often wears a yellow dress.

T: What is your sister like?

S5:She is more lovely than me.

S6:She is more outgoing than me.

T: What does your brother look like?

Ss:Hes thinner than me.

Hes funnier than anyone I know.

He is of medium height.

He has short straight brown hair.

He doesnt wear a pair of glasses.


Words preparation:


good-looking pretty lovely slim overweight middle-aged fit wear glasses always smile


brave self-confident warm-hearted patient easy-going outgoing energetic forgetful generous hard-working helpful humorous optimistic talented good-tempered honest

Describe people:

Hes a tall man with glasses.

Hes much less hard-working than me.

She has a round face like an apple.

Hewears glasses with small round frames.

He wears a T-shirt with the word “love”.

He often helps to bring out the best in me.

Step 3:激活旧知

教师引导学生谈论对自己影响最大的人。先从学生的父母切入话题,激活九年级教材中关于“Characters Introduction ”的词汇、语法及句式。

T:Who is funnier, your mom or your dad?

Who works harder?

Who influences you more?

S1:My dad is funnier than my mom.

S2:My dad works harder than my mom.

S3:My dad influences me more than my mom.

T: How did your father influence you?

S4:He works hard. He has a good sense of responsibility for his job.

S5:He helped me to work out the answers myself no matter how difficult they were.

S6:Whenever I meet with difficulty and feel depressed, he will read my mind and help me to face it.

S7:He has a spirit of never giving up.

T: My father is the person who influences me most.

When it comes to the person I admire most, Ill choose my father.

He always sets me a good example by doing right things and doing things right.

It is he who has helped me get through those hard times.


He loves music that/which he can sing along with.

He prefers groups that/which play quiet and slow songs.

he prefers movies that/which give him something to think about.

She likes musicians who play different kinds of music.

They like writers who explain things well.


1. When it comes to the person I want to thank most, Ill choose my teacher.

2. Ma Yun is a great person who influences me most.

3. A hero is the one who is like the bright light in the darkness.

4. Our teacher who always explains the text to us carefully again and again is very patient.

5. My brother who always comes up with different ideas is a creative boy.

6. He wears small round glasses which make him look handsome.

7. I like her bright, smiling eyes which make her look really pretty.


Step 4:语言输出

T: Who is your best friend?

What does he/she look like?

What do you like about her/him?

Is he/she a lot like you?

Try to describe your friend.

Ss:My friend Lily is quite similar to me in some ways. We are both tall and thin. We are both quiet and serious. We like reading together. We are hard-working in class, so we often get good grades.

In some other ways,she is different from me. Shes funnier and more outgoing than me. She always speaks more loudly. She is better at sports. Shes smarter and shes a good listener.

Although we have some differences, we are good friends.


T:I have a good friend. Her name is Lily. She is a creative girl who always comes up with different ideas. I like her bright, smiling eyes which make her look really pretty. She is quite similar to me in some ways. We are both tall and thin. We like reading together. We are hard-working in class, so we often get good grades.

In some other ways,she is different from me. Shes funnier and more outgoing than me. She always speaks more loudly. She is better at English. With her help, I made lots of progress in English learning this year. Shes smarter and shes a good listener.

She is so nice and friendly that all the teachers and her classmates like her very much.


Step 5 写作提纲



Who is your hero?

What do you think of him/her?

Why do you admire him/her?

How has this persons advice/event changed your life?

T:First of all, we have to make an outline of our composition. That means we should decide what to write first,、what to write next and what to write at last. Please work in groups and have a discussion.


T:Now, show your outlines to the class, then all of us choose the best one.



Step 6 写作实践









Step 7 写作评价






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