What Is Voice Acting?
Think about your favorite video games or animated TV shows.Voice actors were essential to all of them. If you have strong or interesting vocal skills, you could follow in their footsteps, but it’s a good idea to know a few things about the industry before you start down that path.
What is voice acting?
2Voice acting is a performance art where actors use their own voices to entertain,narrate,ormarketproducts forcommercials1commercial(电视或广播里的)商业广告。, animation,audiobooks, video games, and educational content.Inaddition todoing impressions2impression(对某人言谈举止的)滑稽模仿。,mimicry, or character voices,a voice actor must also possess acting skills. Since voice actors are rarely seen on-screen, their voice is their only means of expressing their emotions.
3Voice acting requires the ability to change inflections3inflection 语调的抑扬变化。, provide different deliveries, enunciate impeccably, and alter your tone to get the necessary performance for the program or soundbite.Aspiring, intermediate, and veteran actors must train and practice religiously4religiously 很有规律地,十分认真地。,always improving their vocal skills to deliver the best performance possible.Many professional voice-over artists set up a soundproof home studio to record,audition, or practice.
A brief history of voice acting
4The art of voiceover began in 1906 with Canadian inventor Reginald Fessenden. He was the first person to broadcast over radio, in this case a Christmas compilation of music, festive messages, and Bible verses.
5The next milestone in voice acting history is Walt Disney’s 1928 portrayal of Mickey Mouse5米奇的第一任配音是华特·迪士尼本人。他最后一次为米奇配音的电影是1847 年迪士尼推出的第9 部经典动画《米奇与魔豆》(Fun and Fancy Free),这是他最后一次在电影中为米奇配音。inSteamboat Willie. The fame of both figures at the time made the occasion quite momentous and paved the way for modern animation,starting with the likes ofLooney Tunes6华纳兄弟早期推出的卡通系列之一,其中的著名角色包括兔八哥、达菲鸭。.
6Since these landmark broadcasts,the voiceover industry has boomed through every imaginable media that needs recitation. Other sectors connected to voice acting—technology, marketing, customer service—also evolved with and because of it.
4画外音艺术起源于1906年,由加拿大发明家雷金纳德·费森登创立。他是第一个通过无线电进行广播的人,在1906 年这第一次广播中,他播放了一份由音乐、节日祝福和《圣经》节选组成的圣诞专辑。
5配音艺术史上的第二个里程碑事件是1928 年《威利号汽船》中华特·迪士尼对米老鼠的塑造。迪士尼和米老鼠在当时声名大噪,使有声动画备受瞩目,为以《乐一通》及类似影片为开端的现代动画铺平了道路。
Famous voices
7Don LaFontaine was a juggernaut7juggernaut 强大的力量。of the business, specializing in commercials and trailers. If you want voice acting tips in these categories, make sure to check out any of his thousands of credits. Just look for the phrases “In a world...” and “the voice of God”.
8Mel Blanc was the first voice behind most belovedLooney Tunescharacters like Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, and Tweety. His vocal range is still a standard that artists strive for, especially when aiming for a career in animation.
9Nancy Cartwright, a.k.a. Bart and Maggie Simpson, is another name to look up to. Her list of credits in animation go on and on to include Rufus fromKim Possibleand Chuckie Finster fromRugrats. Aim for this kind of versatility when working on your vocals.
10 James Earl Jones is the heartmelting voice of Mufasa in The Lion King. As if that alone didn’t make him one of the most recognizable voice actors in existence, he also happens to be Darth Vader8自1977 年乔治·卢卡斯拍摄第一部《星球大战》以来,詹姆斯·厄尔·琼斯一直为达斯·维德配音。2022 年,91 岁的琼斯宣布退休,决定将声音授权给乌克兰初创公司Respeecher。Respeecher 通过从前的录音和专有的AI 算法,用琼斯旧的声音创建新的台词。. The talented artist has physically appeared in a range of movies and TV shows too.
7唐·拉方丹是配音行业的巨头,他专精于广告和预告片。你若想在这两类作品的配音上获得指点,一定要从他的数千部作品中挑一些来看。你只需要搜索词组In a world 和the voice of God。
11 Kristen Bell became a hallmark name for playing Anna in all Frozen productions, but the multitalented ac-tress was already taking over the enter-tainment industry. Other popular credits include Pam from Big Mouth and Lucy Stillman from Assassin’s Creed.
5 types of voice acting
12 Even if you have a good voice,voice-acting jobs aren’t easy to obtain,but there are many avenues to explore.Here is a list of the different types of voice-acting jobs available:
Character: Video games and animation (like cartoons9cartoon 通常指西方动画。and anime10anime 通常指日本动画。) employ talented voice-over actors to provide the voices for various characters. Like liveaction actors, voice actors read from a script, performing several takes11take(一次连续拍摄的)镜头。in different ways until they achieve the right performance for the project. Character acting requires immense creativity and a full embodiment of the role.
Dubbing: Sometimes voice-over jobs include performing dubbed transla-tions for foreign programming so that international audiences can understand it. Dubbing replaces the original audio with the same or similar dialogue in a different language. The actor must match the tone and delivery12delivery 表演风格(或方式)。of the dialogue to express the same intention, ensuring that the story’s message is clear to all audiences. Dubbing can also include automated dialogue replace-ment13即后期配音。(ADR), in which the original voice actor re-records lines for clarity or to improve delivery.
11 克里斯汀·贝尔因在《冰雪奇缘》全部作品中为安娜配音而成为标志性的名字。但在此之前,这位多才多艺的女艺术家已经在娱乐业风生水起。她塑造的其他广受欢迎的角色包括《大嘴巴》中的帕姆和《刺客信条》中的露西·斯蒂尔曼。
Commercial: The commercial category involves using a performer’s voice to market a product or service in the form of an advertisement that will be presented on television, radio,web or social. These commercials also include promos, where the voice-over talent has a limited amount of time to excite an audience for an upcoming show or event. Commercials usually fall under the voice-acting category when the actor must take on a role other than themselves (like “frustrated dad”or “overworked mom”).
Narration: Voice over narration is when a voice narrates over images or motion pictures to help tell the story either from a character’s perspective or a third party. This role usually calls for a compelling, non-monotonous voice.Think the documentary Planet Earth narrated by the incomparable David Attenborough. Narration can also be applied to audiobooks. Many selfpublished authors require voice actors to record the audio version of their books. Some bloggers hire voice actors to record their blog entries and turn them into podcasts.
Announcements: This is the type of voiceover that can be heard introducing segments of live television or radio broadcasts such as award shows, talk shows, continuity14continuity(节目中的)场景串联。, promo, and sporting events. Besides, companies utilize voice actors to greet their customers, and subway stations and other public venues use voice actors for essential announcements.