语法课绝不是单纯的语法规则的呈现、讲解和训练。拉森-弗里曼(Larsen-Freeman 2003)提出的“三维语法框架”阐释了形式、意义、使用三者的关系,倡导将语言形式、语法意义和语用功能结合在一起。《普通高中英语课程标准(2017 年版2020 年修订)》(以下简称《课程标准》)也提出以语言运用为导向的“形式—意义—使用”三维动态语法观,即语法意义应在融合思政元素的过程中得到丰富和提升,在情境使用中得到内化。在此过程中,教师应依托语篇,创设情境,赋予活动血肉和灵魂,引导学生在输出表达中内化思政元素,体验和感悟课堂中渗透的育人价值。
下面,以人教版高中《英语》必修一Unit 4 Natural Disasters 的Discovering useful structures 为例,探究如何在高中英语语法课中融入思政元素。
在中国共产党庆祝百年华诞的背景下,教师带领学生回顾中华民族在中国共产党的带领下走过的艰难岁月,选取1976 年唐山大地震、1998 年抗洪、2008 年汶川地震等话题,用感人肺腑的图片展现中华民族团结英勇、不畏艰难的精神,使用定语从句串联重大的苦难时期。
教师缩写本单元ReadingandThinking 部分的阅读文本The Night The Earth Didn’t Sleep:At 3:42 a.m.on 28 July 1976,one of the most deadly earthquakes of the 20thcentury struck Tangshan,which caused a lot of damage and thousands of deaths.A huge crack that was eight kilometers long and thirty meters wide cut across houses,roads and canals.Nearly everything in the city was destroyed.But hope was not lost.Soon after the quakes,the army sent 150 000 soldiers to Tangshan to dig out those who were trapped and to bury the dead.More than 10 000 doctors and nurses came to provide medical care.Workers built shelters for survivors whose homes had been destroyed.Water and food were brought into the city by train,truck and plane.Slowly the city began to breathe again.
对学生进行提问:“(1)How deadly was the earthquake? Find the supporting evidence.(2)How did Tangshan get back up on its feet?”学生快速浏览文本,找出答案:“(1)One of the most deadly earthquakes of the 20thcentury struck Tangshan,which caused a lot of damage and thousands of deaths.A huge crack that was eight kilometers long and thirty meters wide cut across houses,roads and canals.(2)Soon after the quakes,the army sent 150 000 soldiers to Tangshan to dig out those who were trapped and to bury the dead.More than 10 000 doctors and nurses came to provide medical care.Workers built shelters for survivors whose homes had been destroyed.”
直接讲授语法规则会剥夺学生感知和探究语法知识的机会,浪费其自主学习的时机。教师可以引导学生观察并分析句子构成,找出关系代词所指内容,总结关系代词that、which、who、whose 的功能。继续对学生进行追问:“Can we leave out these attributive clauses?Why?”学生通过比较分析,发现并总结定语从句的意义和功能,认为定语从句能够帮助读者感受唐山大地震的破坏性,为主句提供信息的补充和支撑。随后指导学生将定语从句拆分成两个独立的单句,进一步启发其思考定语从句的功能。
接着,教师呈现唐山这座城市的新面貌,引用教材中的一句话:“Tangshan city has proved to China and the rest of the world that in times of disaster,people must unify and show the wisdom to stay positive and rebuild for a brighter future.”引导学生总结中国人民在灾难中团结友爱的精神。
教师展示一组汶川地震图片,并提出问题:“What can you see in the pictures?”引导学生用定语从句描述图片内容。学生回答如下:
I can see a mother holding a photo of her son,who was trapped in the ruins.
I can see some schoolbags,whose owner lost their lives in the earthquake.
I can see a man who is crying on the ruins of his house.
教师展示另一组图片,并提问学生:“What else can you see in the pictures?”通过对比两组图片,学生感受灾难面前中华民族团结一心、共渡难关的决心。教师创设情境,为缅怀汶川地震逝者,CGTN 特制作一期访谈节目,让学生角色扮演CGTN 主持人和四名用拼搏奋斗谱写生命华彩篇章的幸存者,要求他们在对话中使用定语从句。
Reporter:Welcome to the show! I’m sorry for what you guys went through! Do you still remember the moment when the earthquake struck Wenchuan?
Survivor 1:Yes,I can clearly remember we were in the classroom,which began to shake so hard that we couldn’t even stand.
Survivor 2:I could see bricks falling down and hear my classmates shouting,who were too scared to move.
Reporter:How did you feel when you were trapped in the ruins?
Survivor 3:I felt terrified because I couldn’t move in the ruins,which caused so much pain and injury.I felt like I couldn’t breathe.
Survivor 4:I could tell there were people searching for us,whose voice,however,was so weak.I felt like hope is almost gone.
Reporter:Luckily,all hope was not lost.So who saved you?
Survivor:Finally,the soldiers and firefighters arrived and found me,who tried to pull me out and rush me to the doctors.
Reporter:Why did you prefer to become a doctor,a nurse or a firefighter?
Survivor 1:I’m so thankful to the soldiers,doctors and firefighters,who saved my life.They gave me a second chance to live,which is why I want to become a doctor.I can help those who suffer great pain.
Survivor 2:I can’t thank them enough.I was touched by the heroes,whose spirits still live in my heart,so I want to help those who lost arms or legs.
Reporter:I wish you could carry on the spirits and power to help those who are struggling in their life.Best wishes to you all!Thank you!
On February 6,two terrible earthquakes struck Turkey,which caused thousands of deaths and damage.China sent a team of experts and rescue workers to the earthquake-stricken areas,where people were suffering and struggling for survival.They helped dig out those who were trapped in the ruins and put up shelters whose houses were reduced to ruins.With joint efforts and advanced devices and instruments,Chinese team successfully pulled a woman out of the ruins,who was buried in the ruins for more than 100 hours.Everyone burst into thunderous applause and cheers on the spot and her family burst into tears of gratitude.
I’d like to convey my heartfelt thanks to Chinese heroes who saved my daughter’s life.When we were struggling and felt like there was no hope,you brought a ray of light that cut through the dark.You gave us a second life,which will always inspire us to make a difference to others’lives!
教师启发学生思考:“What spirits have been driving our Chinese nation to move forward with more solid steps in front of all the difficulties?”学生纷纷表达感受:“brave,united,hard-working,strong,determined,tough...”
教师朗诵原创诗歌To heroes。
We have come a long way down this road,which is covered with blood and tears.
There is always a hand that holds you tightly.
There is always light that drives away darkness.
There is always sunshine that melts away ice.
There is always spring that brings new life.
There is always love and help that spread far away.
There are always you and me who pass down the spirits of heroic Chinese people!
最后,教师引用习近平在庆祝中国共产党成立95 周年大会上的讲话中的金句结束本堂课:“Our Party and people stand together and keep flesh-and-blood ties,which is the basic guarantee of the Party in overcoming all difficulties and risks.”As the saying goes,“He who wins over the people wins the country;he who loses the people loses the country.”(党与人民风雨同舟、生死与共,始终保持血肉联系,是党战胜一切困难和风险的根本保证,正所谓“得众则得国,失众则失国”。)
教师借用排比和压头韵的修辞手法完善板书:“China is a nation that struggles;a nation that survives;a nation that stands!”