

电力系统保护与控制 2023年2期

黄少锋,李 慧,李轶凡


黄少锋,李 慧,李轶凡

(新能源电力系统国家重点实验室(华北电力大学),北京 102206)



0 引言

功角是表征电力系统运行状态的重要参数,线路两侧功角在失步解列、在线稳定分析与控制、距离保护振荡闭锁等方面起着重要作用[1-5],因此,寻求可靠、准确的方法实时计算功角,对于电力系统监视、预测、控制与保护具有重要意义[6-9]。近年来,基于相量测量单元(phasor measurement unit, PMU)的广域测量系统日趋完善[10-14],实现了量测信息的全局性与实时性,为功角实时计算提供了技术支撑。

通常,线路两侧功角可以基于等效双电源系统模型进行计算,其方法主要分为两种。(1) 测量送、受端系统内每台发电机的电势相角,通过等值变换将各发电机电势相角等效为双电源系统功角[15]。文献[16-17]分别基于观测器与非线性估计器估计发电机电势相角,基于此可以等值得到双电源系统功角;文献[18]介绍了一种发电机电势相角的直接测量方法,进一步可以求出系统功角;文献[19]利用PMU测量发电机电势相角,并总结了现有的电势相角测量方法,进而可以计算系统功角。但由于发电机相角难以准确测量,通过文献[16-19]所述方法实时测量功角,在工程实际中难以实现。(2) 利用线路两侧母线可测的电气量,通过振荡中各电气量与功角间的变化规律间接求取功角。文献[1,20]分析了等效双电源系统功角、电势及电势连线垂线之间的相关关系,文献[21]根据上述相关关系,计算振荡过程中的功角值,在两侧电势幅值相等时具有良好的实用价值,但是未考虑两侧电势幅值不相等的情况。


1 功角计算原理

图1 等效双电源系统示意图


1.1 两侧电势幅值相等



1.2 两侧电势幅值不相等



1) O点位于电势连线内对应的功角

2) O点位于电势连线外对应的功角



图4 一个振荡周期内功角



2 电势幅值修正及误差分析


2.1 现有方法误差分析







2.2 新方法的电势幅值修正

图5 曲线图

2.3 新方法误差及最优幅值修正系数






2.4 误差对比与分析


1) 与现有方法对比分析

图7 误差边界曲线

2) 结合实际分析


3 仿真验证



4 结论



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A real-time power angle calculation method suitable for unequal potential amplitudes on both sides of the line

HUANG Shaofeng, LI Hui, LI Yifan

(State Key Laboratory of Alternate Electrical Power System with Renewable Energy Sources,North China Electric Power University, Beijing 102206, China)

Real-time calculation of power angle is usually used in power system stability analysis and oscillation identification,but the existing line power angle calculation method has a large error when the potential amplitudes on both sides are not equal. For this reason, a new real-time power angle calculation method is proposed. Two situations where the lowest point of the calculated voltage is located inside and outside the potential connection are discussed, and the power angle calculation formulas under different conditions are obtained and distinguished. The steady-state bus voltage is used to approximate the potential amplitude. This will bring a certain error to the power angle calculation. Therefore, the potential amplitude is corrected and the corrected power angle calculation error is compared with the error of the existing method. Simulation verifications based on PSCAD prove the reliability and effectiveness of the new method. The results show that compared with the existing power angle calculation method, the new method effectively reduces the power angle calculation error when the potential amplitudes on both sides are not equal and has good calculation accuracy and practical effect.

system oscillation; equivalent dual power system; power angle calculation; potential amplitude ratio on both sides; error analysis



This work is supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (No. 2021YFB2401000).




李 慧(1994—),女,博士研究生,研究方向为电力系统稳定与控制;E-mail:


(编辑 许 威)


基于改进 shapelet 挖掘的风电并网系统暂态功角稳定评估