—— 蔚来中心 | 济南华山环宇城


中国建筑装饰装修 2022年23期


1 外立面夜景


Kokaistudios 是一家涵盖建筑及室内设计的事务所,在业界屡获殊荣,由意大利建筑师Filippo Gabbiani 和Andrea Destefanis 于2000 年联合创立于威尼斯。自2002 年公司总部设于上海以来,Kokaistudios 已拥有60 余位杰出设计师,并成长为一家多元文化背景的设计公司,与客户协同合作,完成了涵盖亚洲、中东、欧洲及北美洲的众多创新设计项目。Kokaistudios 专注于发展文化、商业、酒店及零售等方面的项目,更广泛涉及城市更新与文化遗产再造的项目,旨在为项目所在的城市增添蓬勃生机。

About Kokaistudios

Kokaistudios is an award winning architecture and interior design firm founded in 2000 in Venice by Italian architects Filippo Gabbiani & Andrea Destefanis. Headquartered in Shanghai since 2002 we have grown into multi-cultural firm of 60 people working on a global scale with projects in Asia, the Middle East, Europe and North America. Kokaistudios partners with our clients to collaboratively develop innovative & ground breaking projects in diverse fields of design. Primarily focused on developing cultural, corporate, commercial,hospitality & retail projects we have also worked extensively on urban regeneration projects involving the requalification of heritage locations. Kokaistudios aims to develop projects that add positively to the built environment and social fabric of the cities and countries in which they are located.

Filippo Gabbiani

出生于意大利威尼斯一个艺术家和玻璃制造巨匠辈出的名门,自幼展现出对艺术和设计的多重兴趣。Filippo Gabbiani 的事业起步于与家族合作设计、制作艺术玻璃制品,他毕业于威尼斯建筑大学,其毕业成果是一项由欧共体资助的、关于建筑可替代性能源运用的创新性研究。在遇到合伙人Andrea Destefanis 共同创立Kokaistudios 之前,Filippo 出于本能地对不同学科和多元文化产生好奇心,先后闯荡欧洲数国和美国,曾与数家世界知名的建筑、室内设计和工业设计等领域的事务所合作。在上海成立事务所后,Filippo 肩负着Kokaistudios的使命常驻亚洲,致力于可持续性发展建筑的文化推广及亚洲遗迹建筑的保护和修复,并继续着对艺术玻璃设计的研究。

Born in Venice, Italy, from a famous family of artists and glass makers, Filippo Gabbiani developed very early a multidisciplinary interest for art and design. Starting to cooperate with his family in designing and producing artistic glass he completed his studies at University of Architecture of Venice where he graduated with an innovative research sponsored by the European Community on usage of alternative energies in architecture.Following his instinctive curiosity for different disciplines and other cultures he worked in several European countries and in the U.S.A. cooperating with prestigious firms of architecture, interior and industrial design prior to the founding of Kokaistudios.

Andrea Destefanis

出生于意大利都灵的一个舞台艺术之家,很早就培养出了对视觉艺术和舞台布景的浓厚兴趣。在高雅的文化环境中成长并移居威尼斯,在那里完成了其在威尼斯建筑大学的学业后,Andrea 开始了同多个建筑事务所合作的职业生涯,完成了很多获奖的建筑和城市规划项目。受其对不同设计领域的个人兴趣的驱动,Andrea 成立了以协同合作为概念的工作室,致力于研究计算机平面设计的创新方法。2000 年他遇到了Filippo Gabbiani, 由于两人有着共同的建筑理念和对遗迹修护和环境设计的浓厚兴趣,他们开始了深度的合作并最终成立了Kokaistudios,2002 年Kokaistudios 在上海成立事务所后,Andrea 长期移居亚洲,在为事务所努力打拼的同时,继续其对社会和城市环境可持续发展工具的研究和推广。

Born in Turin, Italy from a family of theater artists, Andrea Destefanis developed very early a strong interest for visual arts and scenography. Growing up in a refined cultural environment he moved to live in Venice where completing his education at University of Architecture of Venice he started to cooperate with several architectural firms and developed award winning projects in architecture and city planning. Moved by his personal interest in different fields of design he founded a co-operative studio focused on research and developing early innovative architectural computer graphic design tools prior to the founding of Kokaistudios.

1 一层平面图

2 二层平面图


建筑面积:717 m2

完工时间:2022 . 10



首席设计师: Filippo Gabbiani、Andrea Destefanis





撰文:Frances Arnold

媒体联络:Jacqueline Chiang

Location: Ji’nan, China

Floor area: 717 Square meters

Date of completion: Oct. 2022

Client: NIO

Interior Design: Kokaistudios

Chief Designers: Filippo Gabbiani、Andrea Destefanis

Design Director: Ian Yu

Project Manager: Yin-Ying Tseng

Design Team: Suzy Zhang、Alba Wang、Weixi Gao、

Lingshan Rao、Yan Song

Photography: Zhu Runzi(The photos in the main text are by Zhu Runzhi

unless otherwise noted)

Text: Frances Arnold

Media Contact: Jacqueline Chiang

Kokaistudios 为新能源汽车品牌蔚来的标志性展厅蔚来中心(NIO Houses)设立了全新设计理念。近日,蔚来中心 | 济南华山环宇城已正式开业,设计最终呈现出的空间颠覆了传统汽车品牌展厅的思路,旨在为所有用户营造一个精美的生活空间。

受电动汽车品牌蔚来的委托,Kokaistudios 将济南市中心一家购物中心的临街单元改造成为地标性的蔚来中心。设计以家庭、社区和住宅为主题,对包括车型展示与互动在内的传统汽车展厅布局及其材料选择策略都进行了创新。此外,蔚来中心 | 济南华山环宇城还融合了对蔚来中心设计的升级思考。

蔚来中心是蔚来发展汽车品牌战略和提升国际影响力的核心。截至今年10 月22 日,仅在中国就已开设了 87 家,融合了展厅、会所、会议室等复合功能空间。它们大多由建筑师精心打造,各具特色,一经启用便广受欢迎。 蔚来邀请Kokaistudios 在保持蔚来中心设计的连贯性与社区性的同时提升其设计概念,在多样化的空间中首要保证蔚来用户的需求。“Pure, Human, Progressive, Sophisticated”— —基于蔚来品牌设计的DNA,蔚来中心 | 济南华山环宇城实现并阐明了具体的设计原则,为未来提供了可复制的设计框架。

由Kokaistudios 打造的地标性蔚来中心坐落于济南华山环宇城的两层街角单元,占据着商场主入口旁的黄金位置,具有极高辨识度。蔚来中心 | 济南华山环宇城继承了蔚来一贯的“开放之家”设计概念。为了满足用户多样化的需求,项目从传统的家庭住宅设计布局中汲取灵感,将更面向公众开放的一层构想为车库与庭院;二楼则构想为娱乐与学习空间,包括就餐区、厨房、家庭活动区和游戏区。


而Kokaistudios 更为蔚来中心延展了设计上的升级理念—一条曲度舒缓的小径—以连绵不断、贯穿空间始终的墙体为背景,将休息室与展厅相连。沿途的互动屏幕作为一个灵活、动态的信息枢纽,讲述了NIO 的品牌故事,并为一楼额外提供了多媒体视角,提升用户体验。

3 空间功能分布

4 空间组织概念

5 一层展厅室内入口

1 一层展厅

2 一层展厅

3 边界模糊的展区与洽谈区





静谧的休息室是供用户工作、放松或会面的私人空间,彰显了被广泛应用到全球蔚来中心的设计特点—本土化设计。该区域设有一个装着LED 灯的壁炉,以便唤起中国东北地区寒冬所需的安逸感。同样,中央的吧台采用了济南当地著名的瓷砖,每一块都在本地手工制成。

封闭式房间一般远离中央开放式区域,这些房间包括一个私人派对空间,及一个专为小朋友们精心设计的游戏室。通过巨大的玻璃窗游戏室与主体空间形成视觉连接,也方便家长密切关注孩子的一举一动。这个充满趣味的空间采用绿色为主的配色方案与天然材料,与蔚来中心 | 济南华山环宇城特有的淡泊宁静的美学体验保持了一致。

由 Kokaistudios 设计的蔚来中心 | 济南华山环宇城,不仅期望成为可以容纳蔚来社区蓬勃发展的开放之家,也标志着蔚来品牌核心设计原则的演变。项目不仅迎合多样化用户需求,还考虑了其独特的地理位置,以便为日后蔚来中心项目提供可复制、易适应的模板。

For NIO, Kokaistudios established innovative design principles for the electric vehicle brand’s signature NIO Houses.Recently realized in Jinan, the resulting space comprises dedicated areas for all users, and an altogether different take on conventional car showrooms.

For electric car brand NIO, Kokaistudios transformed the corner unit of a shopping mall in central Jinan into a landmark NIO House.Centered on themes of family, community, and home, the resulting space features innovative twists on conventional car showroom elements, such as interactive and mobile displays, as well as strategic material choices.Moreover, the Jinan venue incorporates key design principles for a new design template for the next generation of NIO Houses.

NIO Houses are a core component of the car brand’s strategy and international presence. By Oct.22, 2022, numbering 87 in China alone, they incorporate multiple functions including showroom, club house,meeting space, and more. Each one unique,many of the architect-designed Houses have become destinations in their own right. To ensure the needs of NIO users remain top priority within these diverse spaces, the brand invited Kokaistudios to evolve the NIO House design concept for consistency and community.Building on existing values of ‘Pure, Human,Progressive, Sophisticated’, the Jinan space realizes and defines specific design principles to provide a replicable framework for future NIO Houses.

4 二层入口

5 半开放静区

Kokaistudios’ landmark NIO House occupies a prime two-floor corner unit of Jinan HuashanUni Park, close to the mall’s primary entrance and with high visibility from the street.Newly opened up to match an overarching‘Open House’ design concept, in order to deliver multiple functions to a diverse user base the venue takes inspiration from a typical family home. The more public-facing ground floor is imagined as a parking garage and yard;and upstairs is space for entertainment and study, a dining and kitchen area, family room,and play area.

Cars are displayed in the ground floor parking. This showroom area incorporates signature design features from other NIO Houses such as mirrored ceilings, inviting visitors to quite literally see the electric vehicles from a new perspective. Alongside is a raised lounge area intended for conversations with prospective customers, furnished with bespoke furniture that recalls the shape of NIO cars. A newly established design principle for future NIO Houses, the blurred boundary between showroom and lounge create a semi-private space, all the while affording alternative views towards the cars themselves.

1 就餐区及休息洽谈区

2 会议室

3 就餐区

Connecting both of these elements is another of Kokaistudios’ newly established standards for NIO: a gently curved path,backed by a continuous wall that runs the full breadth of the space. Devised as a flexible,dynamic information hub, positioned all along are interactive screens narrating the NIO brand story and lending a multimedia dimension to the ground floor area.

The space further differs from traditional car showrooms through its materials and display devices. For example, natural plaster on pillars and walls creates a sense of warmth, as well as being a cost-effective and sustainable solution. The design principle is echoed in the wooden path that runs along the back of the space, which lends an organic feel and movement to imply driving and travel. In lieu of overtly commercial display areas for customizable components such as wheels and chargers, an interactive desk offers a more exclusive approach, transforming the process of specification and presentation into a ceremony-like experience. Similarly innovative is a display trolley that can be moved around the space, containing samples of upholstery trims and paint finishes for customers to browse.

4 - 5 儿童区

Upstairs, the dynamic shapes, warm materials, and openness of the ground floor showroom are translated into an altogether more domestic space, tailored to community.A private member space exclusively for NIO users, it is accessed via a designated secondfloor entrance.

A central area incorporates the core functions of a family home, including a dining area, kitchen, and lounge. A visually enticing space thanks to warm, tactile materials including bamboo flooring and natural plaster,the effect is enhanced by soft lighting to create a calm oasis within the surrounding mall setting.

The space has been carefully designed to offer guests full visibility no matter where they are sitting: on bar stools at a central dining table, on modular sofas at its edges,or at cocktail tables in between. In addition to Kokaistudios’ bespoke furniture system,residential-inspired design instruments subtly display NIO’s expansive range of lifestyle products.This includes a set of shelves throughout the space, used to present the brand’s ceramics, tableware, food and so on to appear less as merchandise, and more as home decor.

The Quiet Lounge - effectively a private space for users to work, relax, or meet - is also home to a signature design element of all NIO Houses globally: localization. The area features a fireplace fitted with LED lights to evoke the coziness north eastern China's winter season demands. Similarly, a central bar incorporates the handcrafted, locally made tiles for which Jinan is famous.

Other enclosed rooms located off of the centralized open-plan area include a private party space, and for NIO’s youngest users,a dedicated play room. Visually connected by way of a large window for parents to keep a close eye on their children, the fun space remains consistent with this particular NIO House’s calm aesthetic by way of a predominantly green color scheme and natural materials.

Envisaged as open house in which the NIO community can flourish, Kokaistudios’ NIO House | Ji’nan Uni Park marks an evolution of the brand’s core design principles. A replicable, adaptable template for future projects, in Jinan it caters to a diverse user base, all the while referencing its unique geographical location.


Spatial correlation of irreversible displacement in oscillatory-sheared metallic glasses
不断改变,不断进步 参观KEF展厅后随笔