

文化交流 2022年8期


舟山小沙潭陈井。The Tanchen Well in Xiaosha, Zhoushan city.


这或许是许多人的记忆 :在古朴的水井旁,有乡邻搓衣,有大树掩映;晚上歇工时分,更有诸多村民前来担水洗刷。一汪泉眼,终年不绝。倒影中的蓝天白云,常常被一只水桶搅飞。城市老街的石板路上,不经意间就会瞥见晃动着水波的古井。





在这些水井中,有一口井的地位非常显赫,其名叫惠泉,位于舟山城北荷花池湾26—1号民居对面。舟山第一本地方志《四明图经 · 昌国》 对它专门进行记载:“惠泉井,在县东北一里,深二丈。邑人皆汲取之。尝有白蛇出现。皇朝端拱二年开凿。”



海岛市民在萝卜井取水。A resident fetches water at the Turnip Well.









岑港金水井。The Square Well at Cen’gang Port.


















Ancient Wells on Zhoushan Islands

By Lin Shangjun

If land is a poem, then water well is its essence. Behind every well there is culture that is worth digging into. My childhood of innocence is closely related to such an ancient well, which, no matter how life changes, holds a significant warm spot in my heart.

The history of Zhoushan islands is pretty much a waterseeking history, due to its unique geographical situation and natural lack of fresh water. Local water wells are thus the witnesses of local history. According topublished in 2016, there are 7,704 water wells on Zhoushan main island alone; 226 culturally famous water wells are listed in, a book published in 2020 on wells and their culture in Zhoushan.

You can always learn something from the wells’ names. Some suggest a relationship with governments, some with temples, some with their shapes, and so on. Speaking from the perspective of functions, there are water-drinking wells, brewing wells, washing wells, folk worshiping wells, etc.

Some of the wells, though ordinarily shaped, carry with them very special meanings. The Aixiang (homtown-loving) Well, for instance, was donated by a Taiwan compatriot named Zhuang Xinglong; the Tengjia (Teng’s family) Well was donated by the Tengs, an overseas Chinese couple living in Singapore; and the Xiangchou (nostalgia) Well inside Sanmao’s Former Residence was so named in 1989, after Sanmao (1943-1991) came back for ancestor worship and took some well water with her on her return to Taiwan.

Ancient wells are the witnesses of how ancestors had lived their lives. They also carry with them the local history and locals’nostalgia, as well as maintain the roots of local culture. Some ancient wells are still used as the supplementing water sources by villagers living on the island.

In 1988, there was a long drought on Shengshan Island in Zhoushan, resulting in a severe fresh water shortage. on November 13, the ship "Sea Water Supply No. 5" of the Shanghai branch of China Ship Fuel Supply Company delivered 1,000 tons of fresh water from Shanghai to Shengshan; on December 6, a delegation from Zhoushan city delivered water to Shengshan. At Shengshan Middle School, there was a mother who came from outside Zhoushan to see her young boy. One of the gifts she brought for her son was a glass bottle of well water — the result of her spending most of the night scraping bit by bit from an almost depleted well of her village. Her son kept half of the precious water and asked his mother to bring back the other half.

西沙角四眼井。Four wells on Xishajiao.

In Zhoushan, there are at least ten thousand wells, which are widely distributed and of different sizes and shapes. Together they constitute the unique natural and cultural landscapes of Zhoushan.

In an early summer day, my friends and I made a plan to visit seven ancient wells in Zhoushan, each located in a different place.

The first well we visited is located at the foot of a small hill. The water is so clear that we could see right through to the bottom, and it is brimming with the flavor of sunshine. The well is not deep, and several women were washing clothes next to it.They told me that it was called Turnip Well. The origin of the well's name could go back to the Qing dynasty (1616-1911): one day there was a poor widow washing a turnip in a well, which accidentally fell into the well and disappeared. At that moment, an old man with a white beard came and told her that she could find the lost turnip in the well near the Lotus Nunnery. The widow then ran to the nunnery and found her lost turnip floating in the said well, which was thus called the Turnip Well — a name passed down to this day.

Next, we drove to the Square Well at the Cen’gang Port.The Square Well, as the name implies, has a square mouth and a stone bar in the middle. It has a perimeter of 1.6 meters and a 0.28-meter-wide beam. The peculiar thing about this well is that a incense burner is placed nearby, which is used by the local villagers for special occasions such as funerals and praying rituals.

Then we went to the Sophora Flower Well at Shuangqiao.The well was so named because it is next to a sophora tree. The Sophora Flower Well has a unique structure with a railing built on one side, and a well hole stretching like a pit. The well mouth is one meter both in length and width, through which you can see two or three koifish swimming leisurely inside. In July 2018,the Dinghai government even made a monument here for the hundred-year-old well.

Most ancient wells are not only associated with legends, but are also guarded with ancient trees. The Tanchen Well in Xiaosha,for instance, is covered with a large camphor tree which almost envelops the entire activity area around the well. The well itself is more than 200 years old, so is the tree. The stone-stacked well is 1.4 meters in length and 2.8 meters in width, and is fully filled with water. Perhaps because the well is too large and has not been taken good care of, its water quality is not as good as before.

The Tongjiayua water well group is also covered by an old persimmon tree and has three wells under it, one of which is sealed up. And the well located besides a tea garden on the Wulei Mountain of the Zhoushan main island, though not historically recorded, also has a long history. Our last stop was Qingtai Temple at the edge of the city; here we drew the sweet mountain spring from a depth of more than 50 meters. At each stop of this wellvisiting trip, we all washed our faces using the cool and refreshing well water, and some of us also took a few sips.

In the north of Dinghai city of Zhoushan, the ancient streets with some ancient relics remain unchanged. Entering the north side of the lush green Haishan Park, you can see a large well pond named Fangong Pond with a slightly square surface and a"Martyring Site of Lord Yao" monument at the side of the pond,which commemorates General Yao’s sacrifice in safeguarding his homeland during the First Opium War in 1840.

Not far from the Fangong Pond, there is a Zhoushan Municipal Cultural Relics Protection Unit — "Martyring Site of Mr. Li". It is next to a well called the Liufang Well, which is in memory of the patriotic sacrifice of Mr. Li and his wife in 1840.

Today, some Dinghai citizens living in the north of the city still go to Liufang Well to do some washing every day. Buckets of crystal clear well water not only wash away the dirt but also dust off people’s soul.

舟山五雷山上的水井。The well on Wulei Mountain, Zhoushan city.


定海工业园:整治电镀行业 保护绿水青山