

文化交流 2022年8期

文 /赵 畅

被誉为“江南吐鲁番”的绍兴市上虞区盖北镇万亩葡萄基地。刘育平/摄The Gaibei Grape Base covering 10,000 mu is known as “Turpan in Jiangnan”. Photo by Liu Yuping.



盖北被誉为“江南吐鲁番”, 既是出于西北农学院、全国著名葡萄专家贺普超先生之口,也是广大游客发乎内心口口相传的称赞。于是,随着声名远播,前去采摘观光的游客总是比肩继踵、川流不息。或许是考虑到暑天遮阴蔽日的需要,也或许是基于向游客直观推介的考量,盖北镇东大门所在的镇东村建起了一座生态园。据介绍,生态基地内有精品栽培面积170亩,建设有玻璃温室大棚3000平方米,基地全部采取大棚设施栽培,有高3.8米的标准钢管大棚设施栽培70亩。而最博人眼球的,则莫过于一条长290米、宽6米的游客休闲观光步道了。

不必说,沿着观光步道,姿态万千的葡萄基地尽收眼底,那一串串 “凝是银河落九天”般垂挂,且几乎要碰触到游人前额的葡萄,冲撞的可不只是你的眼帘,更有你的味蕾。其实,只要抬头看一看葡萄、读一读悬挂纸片上的品种简介,“巨峰、红富士、兴华一号、奥古斯特、美人指、无核白鸡心、夏黑、贵妃玫瑰、甬优一号、巨玫瑰……”等68个品种充满诗意的葡萄名,以及葡萄阵阵溢出的芬芳,早就让游客“意乱情迷”了。“别不好意思,想尝尝就自己摘呗!这观光步道本来就是为你们准备,供你们尝尝味道的……哈哈!”见游客们欲摘又止,陪同的基地管理服务人员便开始这样鼓励游客。




游客纷纷来到葡萄园旅游观光。刘育平/摄Visitors swarm the vineyard. Photo by Liu Yuping.

葡萄新品种。刘育平/摄A new grape variety. Photo by Liu Yuping.



Grapes Are Ripe in Jiangnan Turpan

By Zhao Chang

This title may lead to a little confusion here: Isn’t Turpan the place in Xinjiang, famous for delicious grapes? That, of course, is true. But if you visit a town called Gaibei in Shangyu, Shaoxing city from July to September, and wander through 12,000 mu(about 1650 acres) of lush green vineyards, you are very likely to take this place for the real Turpan.

If you have ever been to Gaibei, you will find that every household there has grapes around, or rather, the houses and grapes are intermingled with each other. No wonder some people say that Gaibei is a big grape garden, where greenhouses and dwellings are surrounded and visually complemented by small delicate bonsai-like grapes.

Gaibei is known as the “Turpan in”, said Mr.He Puchao, a famous grape expert from the Northwest A&F University, which is also recognized by tourists. As the reputation spreads, many tourists choose to go to Gaibei for grape-picking and sightseeing. Perhaps to add a cooling shade for hot summer, or to create a panorama for tourists, an ecological garden was built in the Zhendong village at the east gate of Gaibei. Statistics show that this garden has an ecological base for high-quality grape cultivation covering 170, and glass greenhouses of 3,000 square meters.Cultivation throughout the base is all done using greenhouse facilities, and 70of cultivation area are specially equipped with 3.8-meter-high greenhouses made of standard steel pipes. The most eye-catching item is a scenic trail, 290 meters in length and 6 meters in width.

Walking along the trail, you can see on both sides vast stretches of varied grapes coming in bunches, which are hanging like “the Milky Way falling from the sky” and could almost touch the foreheads of visitors. The grapes are a feast for not only your eyes, but also your taste buds. In fact, if you look up at the grapes and read their profiles written on the notes, you will find there are 68 varieties, including Giant Peak and Red Fuji. The poetic names of the grapes, as well as their fragrance, have made visitors intoxicated. “Don’t be shy, just go ahead and pick some if you want to try them!” Seeing some tourists hesitant to reach out and pick grapes, the service staff would encourage them in a friendly manner.

The trail is certainly the best advertisement. Any slogans,however well thought of, could never be more convincing than the bright-colored fruits themselves. You can find almost all the varieties along the trail in the ecological garden here.

The beauty of Gaibei grapes comes not only from their names alone. Their color, shape and taste are all charming in their own ways. The white ones are rich and thick like jade, the red ones,crystal and clear, resemble red agate, the purple ones are like amethyst, shining and dynamic, and the black ones like black jewels, plump and solid. Every grape seems to be specially and carefully made by nature. You can feel it when peeling off the fruit and put the juicy, wobbly, and slippery flesh into your mouth —your teeth and your taste buds will be instantly woken up, and you will not be able to resist the delicious temptation anymore but swallow them one after another like a hungry wolf.

“I’ll show you our rose grapes, maybe you’ll be more interested in them.” The service staff would then recommend strongly the rose grapes to the visitors. “This is a local variety.Because it has a rosy color and tastes like rose, it is commonly known as ‘rose grapes’.” Listening to the introduction, the visitors would walk closer to the entrance of the greenhouse, and smell whiffs of refreshing rose fragrance which could trick some people into believing they were in fact at a rose garden.

葡萄熟了。刘育平/摄Picking up grapes. Photo by Liu Yuping.

What is more surprising is that the grapes here in the heat of the day are still tightly wrapped with white paper bags. “Because the rose grapes are quite delicate. Any drop of water on their skin will cause the skin to crack thus affecting the appearance, quality and the sales,” explained the staff. It turns out that Gaibei, located in the north of Shangyu, to the south wing of Hangzhou Bay area,faces sea and has mountains at its back, with a big temperature difference between day and night. “At first we thought using the white paper bag would be harmful to the color and flavor, but for some reason it makes the grapes even more bright-colored and fragrant.”

As early as 700 years ago, there were grapes cultivated in Shangyu. According to a historical record, “there are two varieties— pulpy water grapes and agate grapes in Kuaiji, and two varieties— purple grapes and crystal grapes in Yuyi.” Especially since the Reform and Opening Up, with the introduction of new grape varieties and the expansion of the grape planting area, Gaibei has won the reputation of “the hometown of Chinese grapes” and “the first town of Chinese grapes”. Chen Xiaoming, a man who has long been working in Gaibei, proudly said, “During the course of time, not only has Gaibei turned from a mud flat into a flat land,but its alkaline soil has also given birth to a vibrant oasis. Thanks to all this, a unique grape variety has been cultivated, which has an outstanding sweet-and-sour, refreshing taste.” In the past few years,a grape-themed culture and tourism festival called “Wild Vine”was held in Gaibei, to develop a leisure tourism featuring grapepicking tours. In 2021, the total number of visitors to Gaibei exceeded 500,000 and the total tourism revenue reached over 130 million yuan ($19.15 million).

One afternoon not long ago, I accompanied some reporters to Gaibei. As the sun was setting, a hospitable farmer invited us to dinner. The dinner was not held inside the farmer’s house,but under the grape trellis in front of the house. When we were mingling, we looked up and saw the grapes on the trellis just like twinkling stars in the night sky, within our easy reach. The farmer told us that Shangyu’s “Wild Vine” grapes had recently passed the registration of geographical indications for agricultural products by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, and that the per capita grape-growing income of local farmers went over 6,000 yuan and had become a major source of farmers’ income. On hearing that, we were surprised and smiled heartily, as if we just had a bunch of Gaibei grapes or a glass of “Wild Vine” wine.

