主要生产经营水果罐头、果冻、果杯、豆类、果酱、预制菜等8大系列 200多个品种,主要出口日本、美國、德国、法国、澳大利亚、俄罗斯等欧盟国家和地区,年产果蔬罐头15000吨以上,2021年实现主营业务收入9530万元,利税500余万元。
公司先后被评为“潍坊市农业先进龙头企业”“市级重合同守信用企业”“山东省林业龙头企业”“国家级出口食品质量安全示范区企业”,产品获得ISO9001:2015质量管理体系认证,HACCP体系认证, IFS, SMETA, KOSHER认证。 (文、图由盛安食品提供)
Founded in 2002, Weifang Sunshine Food Co., Ltd. is an export enterprise producing prepared conditioning products(instant food such as canned fruit and snacks), and a key agricultural product export enterprise in Shandong Province. It mainly produces and deals in over 200 varieties of products in eight series, including canned fruit, jelly, fruit cup, beans, jam, and prepared food, which are mainly exported to Japan, the United States, Germany, France and other EU countries and regions.