潍坊吹响集结号 打造“中华预制菜产业第一城”
編者按 潍坊,总在不经意间,牵引着外界关注的目光。
To build up the strength, quality and size of an industry requires a city to have core non-replicable advantages over others. Weifang is just such a city, which is endowed with distinct advantages. Known as the famous“rice bag”, “vegetable basket”, “meat chopping board”, and “fruit or- chard”, Weifang contributes 7.2 ‰of grain and 15.7 ‰ of vegetables with only 1 ‰ of fresh water and 1.7 ‰ of land of the whole country. It has the aggregation effect of both the industrial chain and supply chain for the development prepared dishes. Its position as a transportation hub and its devel- oped logistics give Weifang basic advantages for the rapid development of prepared food industry. Its warehouse logistics and cold chain transportation, in particular, provide strong support for the development of prepared dishes.