

表面技术 2022年6期




(西安建筑科技大学 管理学院,西安 710055)







2.1 ELM


2.2 IGWO



2.3 IGWO–ELM预测模型构建

2.4 预测模型评价指标


图1 IGWO–ELM模型腐蚀预测流程

3 实例应用

3.1 指标构建与数据采集


图2 盐穴储气库注采管柱的内腐蚀指标体系

3.2 特征提取



表1 预测模型工况适用范围

Tab.1 Application range of prediction model

3.3 腐蚀速率预测结果分析


表2 盐穴储气库注采管柱的内腐蚀数据

Tab.2 Internal corrosion data of injection and production string in salt cavern gas storage

表3 特征变量提取

Tab.3 Extraction of characteristic variables

图3 IGWO–ELM适应度收敛曲线

图4 预测结果对比图

图5 预测相对误差对比图

表4 不同核函数的预测结果相对误差分析

Tab.4 Relative error analysis of prediction results of different kernel functions

由图4可知,相较于ELM、PSO–ELM和SSA– ELM,IGWO–ELM的预测结果更接近于实际值,拟合程度更高。分析图5和表4可知,经小波KPCA的模型预测性能均优于经高斯KPCA的模型,且经小波KPCA的ELM、PSO–ELM、SSA–ELM、IGWO– ELM的平均相对误差分别为9.404 8%、5.061 5%、1.573 7%、0.707 3%,相较于经高斯KPCA的平均相对误差分别降低了3.409 2%、2.933 5%、1.018 4%、0.577 1%,说明小波KPCA–IGWO–ELM模型的性能提升较大。为验证模型的预测效果,采用2.4节中的3项指标分别对4种预测模型进行评价分析,结果见表5。

由表5可知,IGWO–ELM的2高达0.992 5,其RMSE和MAPE分别比ELM降低了0.116 6、16.175 1%,比PSO–ELM降低了0.073 2、8.410 6%,比SSA–ELM降低了0.072 3、4.656 7%。在一定工况条件适用范围内,说明IGWO–ELM模型的性能优良,盐穴储气库注采管柱内腐蚀速率的预测结果更精准。

表5 模型性能评价指标对比

Tab.5 Comparison of model performance evaluation indicators

4 结论

1)利用小波KPCA提取出包含98.61%腐蚀信息的3项主成分,基于此的预测结果相对误差最小。经小波KPCA的ELM、PSO–ELM、SSA–ELM、IGWO– ELM的平均相对误差分别为9.404 8%、5.061 5%、1.573 7%、0.707 3%,相较于经高斯KPCA的平均相对误差分别降低了3.409 2%、2.933 5%、1.018 4%、0.577 1%。

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Research on Prediction Model of Internal Corrosion Rate in Injection and Production String of Salt Cavern Gas Storage


(School of Management, Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology, Xi'an 710055, China)

The injection and production string of the salt cavern gas storage has been in a complex underground environment for a long time, making it susceptible to a variety of corrosion factors. This work aims to improve the prediction accuracy of the corrosion rate in the injection and production string of the salt cavern gas storage, thereby ensuring the health and operational safety of these facilities. To accomplish the above objectives, the solution proposed is to establish an internal corrosion rate prediction model based on wavelet kernel principal component analysis (KPCA) and an extreme learning machine (ELM) after improved gray wolf optimization (IGWO).First of all, in the actual operation data of the injection and production string of the salt cavern gas storage, 10 indicators with larger corrosion factors are selected, such as: partial pressure of carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide partial pressure, inner wall surface temperature, etc. Subsequently, the internal corrosion index system of the injection and production string of the salt cavern gas storage was established.Secondly, the wavelet KPCA is used to extract the key features that affect the internal corrosion rate of the injection and production string, and then IGWO is used to iteratively optimize the input weight matrix and hidden layer threshold of the ELM model, and stop the loop until the termination condition is met. Furthermore, a prediction model of corrosion rate in the injection and production string of IGWO-ELM salt cavern gas storage is established. Finally, numerical simulation and simulation calculation are carried out in MATLAB software, and the prediction errors of the IGWO-ELM model are compared with the three models of ELM, PSO-ELM and SSA-ELM respectively. The research results show that the wavelet KPCA effectively extracts the three principal components that contain 98.61% of the original information in the corrosion data of the injection-production pipe string of the salt cavern gas storage.Applying the reconstructed corrosion data to the ELM, PSO-ELM, SSA-ELM, and IGWO-ELM models, their average relative errors are 9.404 8%, 5.061 5%, 1.573 7%, and 0.707 3%. The prediction results of the IGWO-ELM model are in good agreement with the actual values.The root mean square error of the constructed IGWO-ELM model is 0.008 8, the average absolute percentage error is 0.260 9%, and the coefficient of determination (2) is as high as 0.992 5. Its prediction result is better than the other three comparison models. The kernel principal component analysis with the introduction of wavelet kernel function has an excellent ability to extract corrosion characteristics of the injection and production string of the salt cavern gas storage. Within the applicable range of certain working conditions, the established IGWO-ELM model can effectively predict the internal corrosion rate of the injection and production string of the salt cavern gas storage.It not only provides a reference basis for the integrity evaluation and risk warning of the injection and production system of the salt cavern gas storage, but also provides new ideas and methods for the corrosion study of the injection and production string of the salt cavern gas storage.

salt cavern gas storage; injection and production string; corrosion rate prediction; principal component analysis (KPCA); improved gray wolf optimization (IGWO); extreme learning machine (ELM)










National Natural Science Foundation of China (41877527); Shaanxi Provincial Social Science Fund (2018S34)


LUO Zheng-shan (1969-), Male, Doctor, Professor, Research focus: oil and gas pipeline risk assessment.

骆正山, 欧阳长风, 王小完, 等.盐穴储气库注采管柱内腐蚀速率预测模型研究[J]. 表面技术, 2022, 51(6): 283-290.

LUO Zheng-shan, OUYANG Chang-feng, WANG Xiao-wan, et al. Research on Prediction Model of Internal Corrosion Rate in Injection and Production String of Salt Cavern Gas Storage[J]. Surface Technology, 2022, 51(6): 283-290.



第四届盐穴利用国际研讨会顺利召开 150余名海内外专家齐聚南京 探讨盐穴储库发展新趋势