

广东教育·高中 2022年8期




The following steps may help your traveling abroad go smoothly.

Secure and double-check your passport

Passport is necessary for both your flight and your accommodation. Some hotels would even hold it during your stay to ensure you will pay them.

Its good to create both digital and paper copies. In most countries, foreigners have to take along their passports at all times. Thus, bring a paper copy, and when asked for the physical one, you can explain it is at your hotel, and offer to get it if they need to see.

Check to See if You Need a Visa

If you hold an American passport, you either wont need a visa for most countries such as the U.K, most of Europe, Asia, and Latin America or will receive one on arrival. But if you visit a country that requires one, you should secure it. If you fail, you wont be allowed to board the plane.

Make sure that you can access your money overseas

Technology makes it possible to access money overseas. Check with your bank and see if you need to set up a travel alert(警告) so your bank knows when and where youre traveling. You can also ask about international fees and whether they have partner banks in your destination. This can save expensive foreign dealing fees.

Plan your clothes and pack early

Most of the time, people forget to pack some clothes right before a flight. Either you spend money to replace it or compromise your comfort to go without it. Planning clothes in advance will take the guesswork out of figuring out what to wear when traveling.


1. Why do some hotels hold your passport during your stay?

A. To create copies of your passport.

B. To keep your stay in valid period.

C. To confirm your authentic identity.

D. To prevent you not paying money.

2. What benefit can you get if your bank has partner banks in your destination?

A. Using currency freely.

B. Reducing dealing fees.

C. Enjoying free services.

D. Borrowing from banks.

3. Where is the text most probably taken from?

A. A website. B. A magazine.

C. A newspaper. D. A travel guide.


Manfred Steiner had a productive career as a doctor, helping generations of medical students learn about hematology(血液學). But all along, he had a nagging(难以摆脱的)feeling he should be doing something else: studying physics. At age 89, he has finally achieved that dream, earning his Ph.D. in physics from Brown University.

Steiner grew up in Vienna. He was a teenager when World War II ended. By then, he was fascinated with physics. On the advice of his family, he decided to choose a medical career instead. But during his studies, physics still interested him. Steiner said, “When I was a medical student, I used to slip into the nearby physical institute, and listen to some talks there.”

When asked what it was about physics that he enjoyed, Steiner replied quickly: precision.“The physical laws always hold two extremes,”he added,“and that precision really always fascinated me.”Steiner says hes happy to have spent much in medicine, but in medicine there is too much imprecision.

When Steiner moved permanently to the U.S. from Vienna, he mainly focused on hematology. He became a professor at Brown and led the hematology section in the universitys medical school. It was only after Steiner retired from his career in medicine in 2000 that he was finally able to take up physics. He said,“I had to take a lot of physics classes before graduate studies.”Steiner worked slowly — hes a grandfather who likes to spend with his family, and health issues have been a concern — but the credits kept piling up. Before long, Steiner was eyeing another Ph.D.

The physicists who worked with Steiner say his latest achievement is inspiring. Steiner is working on publishing a version of his graduation paper.“I would like to continue my research with theoretical physics as long as my mind says OK,”he said.

For all the young people, Steiner has some advice to offer: “If you have a dream, follow that dream. Dont give up on it. If it doesnt work out, you can go into something else. But first, follow your dream.”

4. Why did Manfred Steiner choose to study medicine rather than physics initially?

A. He wanted to produce medical students for U.S.

B. He drew inspiration from the deaths of the war.

C. He thought it more interesting to study medicine.

D. He was advised to study medicine by his family.

5. What in physics appealed to Manfred Steiner?

A. Accuracy.

B. Principles.

C. Experiments.

D. Commonsense.

6. What made Manfred Steiner work slowly at his physics study?

A. Publication of papers.

B. Family life and health.

C. A part-time medical job.

D. Numerous assignments.

7. What can we learn from the story?

A. Life is short and education is long.

B. You cant have your cake and eat it too.

C. One is never too old to achieve his dream.

D. Not intelligence but efforts determine success.


A study suggests that those who take regular exercise may lower their risk of developing anxiety by almost 60%. Researchers also identified a noticeable difference in exercise performance level and the risk of developing anxiety between males and females.

Anxiety affects approximately 10% of the worlds population and has been found to be twice as common in women compared to men. And while exercise is thought as a promising cure of anxiety, little is known about the impact of exercise on anxiety. To answer this question, researchers performed the study to show that those who took part in the worlds largest long-distance cross-country ski race(Vasaloppet)between 1989 and 2010 had a significantly lower risk of developing anxiety compared to non-skiers during the same period. The study is based on data from almost 400,000 people across both sexes.

“We found that the group with a more physically active lifestyle had an almost 60% lower risk of developing anxiety over a follow-up period of up to 21 years,”said first author of the study, Martine Svensson.“This association between a physically active lifestyle and a lower risk of anxiety was seen in both men and women.”

However, researchers found a noticeable difference in exercise performance level and the risk of developing anxiety between male and female skiers. While a male skiers physical performance didnt appear to affect the risk of developing anxiety, the highest performing group of female skiers had almost the double risk of developing anxiety compared to the group which was physically active at a lower performance level. Importantly, the total risk of getting anxiety among high-performing women was still lower compared to the more physically inactive women.

These findings cover untouched field for scientific research, according to the researchers, as most previous studies focused on mental illness rather than specific anxiety. Furthermore, some of the studies only included men, were much smaller in size, and had either limited or no follow-up data to track the long-term effects of physical activity on mental health.

Svensson said.“Studies investigating the causes behind the differences between men and women when it comes to exercise and how it affects anxiety are needed.”

8. Why did the researchers perform the study?

A. To recommend the skiing to anxiety sufferers.

B. To seek for a better method of curing anxiety.

C. To draw the relation between anxiety and sex.

D. To explore the effects of exercise on anxiety.

9. Which of the following causes the highest risk of anxiety for female skiers?

A. Run behind males in the ski race.

B. Keep athletic but perform terribly.

C. Remain the least active physically.

D. Have the highest performance level.

10. What is Paragraph 5 mainly about?

A. The contributions of the study to science.

B. The shortcomings of the previous studies.

C. The comments on the study from experts.

D. The significance of the study to women.

11. What suggestion did Martine Svensson raise?

A. Expanding the size of samples and the time of follow-up.

B. Promoting equal amount of the same exercise across sexes.

C. Studying why female exercise performance affects anxiety.

D. Working out how exercise helps reduce anxiety specifically.



1. D 2. B 3. A

(B)本文讲述了89岁的Manfred Steiner从医学岗位退休后,开始学习物理,最终获得了物理学博士学位的故事。

4. D 5. A 6. B 7. C


8. D 9. C 10. B 11. C

责任编辑 蒋小青


English Abstracts
English Abstracts
English Abstracts