中图分类号 R952;R975 文献标志码 A 文章编号 1001-0408(2022)08-0897-14
DOI 10.6039/j.issn.1001-0408.2022.08.01
摘 要 为进一步规范质子泵抑制剂的临床应用,为处方适宜性审核提供参考,重庆市医院协会药事管理专业委员根据国家卫生健康委办公厅颁布的《质子泵抑制剂临床使用指导原则》,发起“质子泵抑制剂审方规则制订项目”。该项目由陆军军医大学第一附属医院牵头,联合国内多家医疗机构的临床专家、药学专家和循证专家等,针对质子泵抑制剂的适应证、用法用量、特殊人群用药及药物相互作用等重点审核内容进行了研讨,最终形成了本共识。共识的主要内容包括奥美拉唑、艾司奥美拉唑、泮托拉唑、雷贝拉唑、兰索拉唑和艾普拉唑(均包括注射剂和口服制剂,按通用名计)的基础审方规则,并在此基础上针对基础审方规则未涵盖的部分临床应用情形形成了12条审方推荐意见,以期为各级医疗机构提供参考。
关键词 质子泵抑制剂;处方适宜性;审方规则;临床应用;专家共识
Expert consensus on prescription review rules of proton pump inhibitors
Pharmaceutical Administration Committee of Chongqing Hospital Association
ABSTRACT In order to further standardize the clinical application of proton pump inhibitors and provide reference for prescription suitability review, under the guidance of Guiding Principles for Clinical Use of Proton Pump Inhibitor which was promulgated by the General Office of National Health Commission of the Peoples Republic of China, Pharmaceutical Admini- stration Committee of Chongqing Hospital Association initiates “the formulation Project on Prescription Review Rules for Proton Pump Inhibitors”. The First Affiliated Hospital of the Army Medical University takes the lead and cooperates with clinical experts, pharmaceutical experts and evidence-based experts from many domestic medical institutions to discuss the indications, usage and dosage, medication for special groups and drug interactions of proton pump inhibitors, and finally forms this consensus. The main contents of the consensus include the basic prescription review rules of omeprazole, esmeprazole, pantoprazole, rabeprazole, lansoprazole and iprazole (including injection and oral preparations, calculated by common name), and 12 prescription review recommendations for some clinical applications not covered on the basic prescription review rules, in order to provide reference for medical institutions at all levels.
KEYWORDS proton pump inhibitor; prescription suitability; prescription review rules; clinical application; expert consensus
質子泵抑制剂(proton pump inhibitors,PPIs),又称胃氢-钾泵(氢-钾腺苷三磷酸酶)抑制剂,可通过抑制胃壁细胞上的氢-钾腺苷三磷酸酶来阻断由各种原因所致胃壁细胞泌酸的共同及最终环节,进而强效而持久地抑制胃酸分泌。PPIs是目前抑酸作用最强的药物之一,被广泛用于消化性溃疡、胃食管反流病、上消化道出血和卓-艾综合征(又称“胃泌素瘤”)等酸相关性疾病及应激性溃疡的临床治疗和预防[1]。
为更好地执行《指导原则》、使医疗机构PPIs处方的人工和/或信息化审核更具可操作性,重庆市医院协会药事管理专业委员会于2021年6月发起了“质子泵抑制剂审方规则制订项目”。该项目由陆军军医大学第一附属医院牵头,联合国内多家医疗机构的临床专家、药学专家和循证专家等,针对PPIs的适应证、用法用量、特殊人群用药及药物相互作用等重点审核内容进行了研讨,最终形成如下共识:(1)基于药品说明书和《指导原则》建立了奥美拉唑、艾司奥美拉唑、泮托拉唑、雷贝拉唑、兰索拉唑和艾普拉唑(均包括注射剂和口服制剂,按通用名计)的基础审方规则,并对超出审方规则的临床应用情况约定了“禁用”“不推荐”“慎用”“关注”4个警示级别及对应干预措施。(2)针对基础审方规则中未涵盖的部分临床应用情况,基于循证医学证据,形成了12条审方推荐意见。推荐意见的证据质量和推荐强度分级标准采用GRADE(grading of recommendations assessment,development and evaluation)法,其中证据质量分为“高”“中”“低”“极低”4个等级,分别用A、B、C、D表示(表1);推荐强度根据证据质量、利弊平衡、患者价值观和意愿,以及资源消耗等因素综合确定,分为“强推荐”“弱推荐”2个级别,分别用“1”“2”表示。
1 PPIs基础审方规则、超出审方规则的警示级别及干预措施
2 PPIs审方推荐意见
3 结语
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