

厦门航空 2022年2期




过去的一年,我们鉴证了诸多历史时刻,有荆棘,有暖阳,奋斗和奋进依然是时代的主旋律。厦航也一路初心如炬,以“千磨万击还坚劲”的意志,筑牢疫情防控堡垒,保持创新活力,以数字化转型打造智慧航空,践行可持续发展,以实际行动彰显大国航企的责任担当。同时,坚守安全底线,全年安全飞行约50 万小时,累计安全飞行超过700 万小时,向旅客们交上了一份起落安妥的满意答卷。

安全是民航业的生命线,敬畏生命,是我们坚定不移的底线。今年是我在厦航工作的第33 个年头,岁月为证,奋斗不止,为每一位旅客服务,保障千千万万旅客的生命安全,我倍感荣幸和骄傲。回望经年,满怀感慨与感恩,厦航的成长离不开每一位厦航人驰而不息的奋斗,更离不开每一位旅客的信任与支持。感谢你们选择厦航,我们必定竭诚尽力,不负所托,慎终如始守护万千旅客的出行路。



Chairman of Xiamen Airlines

Gather strength to paddle when the wind helps set sail

A hundred years on, we are sill in the prime and another spring is coming. Forging ahead, we bid farewell to the Year of the Ox and ushered in the Year of the Tiger. The first ray of dawn of the New Year is the call to set sail, and also an inspiring horn. In this festival, I sincerely wish you all a happy year of the Tiger with good luck and good health.

In China, which covers 9.6 million square kilometers, the Spring Festival is the grandest traditional festival and represents the deepest nostalgia of the Chinese people. It is a link connecting people who live on the vast land of China and inherit the common cultural gene of the Chinese nation.People celebrate festivals in different ways, but the cultural identity and values contained in the festival are interlinked.

The past two years have been different, with more caution and less willfulness due to the Covid-19 pandemic. But the fact that people enjoy the festival has never changed. Always being positive, optimistic and open-minded is one of the most valuable qualities of the Chinese people for thousands of years. It is the vitality rooted in our inner world and the national spirit engraved in the depths of history. Therefore,whether you are "together with your family" or "thousands of miles away", may everyone a peaceful New Year.

In the past year, we have witnessed many historical moments. While there are both thorns and warm sun,struggle and endeavor are still the main melody of our times.With a strong will, Xiamen Airlines has also been committed to building a strong fortress of epidemic prevention and control. It has maintained innovation vitality, built smart aviation through digital transformation, practiced sustainable development, and demonstrated the responsibility of the airlines of a large country with practical actions. At the same time, it has adhered to the bottom line of safety, with about 500,000 hours of safe flight in the whole year and more than 7 million hours of safe flight in total, delivering a satisfactory result to passengers.

Safety is the lifeline of the civil aviation industry, and the reverence for life is our unswerving bottom line. This year marks the 33rd year that I have worked for Xiamen Airlines.Years to prove that with continuous struggle, I feel honored and proud to serve every passenger and protect the lives of millions of passengers. Looking back over the years, I am full of feelings and gratitude. The growth of Xiamen Airlines cannot be separated from the unceasing struggle of every Xiamen Airlines staff, but also from the trust and support of every passenger. Thank you for choosing Xiamen Airlines.We will do our best to live up to our promise and protect the journey of millions of passengers as we have always done.

The New Year opens up new hopes and carries new dreams.Standing in the new historical stage and the development environment, all mankind should stand together through thick and thin in the face of changes. We should gather strength to paddle when the wind helps set sail. Xiamen Airlines will continue to pursue reform, following the party and the country's footsteps, and together with all walks of life and the vast number of passengers, ride the wind and break the waves on the new journey and create new glory.


以侨为桥再出发 同心聚力谱新篇
凝心聚力 发挥优势 扎实有效开展海外统战工作
凝心固本 引智聚力 创新开拓
凝心聚力谋跨越 砥砺奋进启新程
日丽风正劲 扬帆再起航