先看下面一段选自英国小说家Charles Dickens的《雾都孤儿》()中描写伦敦一条叫作Smith field 的大街早上喧闹、气味和各种情状的片段:
It was market morning.The ground was covered, nearly ankledeep, with; asteam, perceptually rising fromof the cattle,and mingling with the fog, which seemed to, hungabove.All the pens in the center of the large area,and as many temporary pens as could be, were filled with sheep; tied up to postswere long lines of beasts and oxen,.Countrymen, butchers,drovers, hawkers, boys, thieves,idlers, and vagabonds of every low grade, were;of drovers,of dogs,of oxen,of sheep,of pigs,of hawkers,on all sides;of bells andof voices, that issued from every publichouse;;the hideous and discordant din that resounded from every corner of the market; andfigures constantly, and; rendered it ascene,which quite.
用狄更斯小说中的话来说,这里出现了“一派嘈杂声组成的 喧 闹”(a tumult of discordant sounds),让主人公Oliver Twist感到惊愕、惶惑。作家的目光也在不断变换移动,从高处的大街到地面的宽阔地带,从大街的浅处到深处(three or four deep,即三到四列横队),从牲口到人,从气味到物质,从赶牲口的人的吆喝到牲口的不同叫声,从嘈杂的人群到他们的各种拥挤(crowding)、推搡(pushing)、驱逐(driving)、拍打(beating)、高呼(whooping)、吼叫(yelling),真够闹腾,让人惊诧(stunning)、疑虑(bewildering)、惶惑(confound)。这里,狄更斯使用了不同的词语精准描摹牲畜的声音和牲畜贩子(drover)的叫呼,如whistling(打唿哨声)、barking(狂吠声)、bellowing(低嚎)、plunging(猛冲向)、bleating(咩咩的羊叫声)、grunting(猪的嘟哝叫声)、squeaking(短促尖利的吱吱叫声)、oaths(发誓咒骂声)、roar(咆哮声)。众声喧哗,人畜混杂,好一个喧嚣集市的早晨!如果读者看到生活中的街头或者集市情景,不妨学习精准使用这些词汇;勤学常用,注意类似词汇的精微语义差别,时间一长,它们就会内化为自己的活用词汇。
值得一提的是,这一段的第一句“It was market morning.”使用了地道的英语单词(Anglo-Saxon words),文风平易朴实。说起使用简单地道的盎格鲁-撒克逊英语词汇,我们不妨来看看美国作家、诺贝尔文学奖获得者John Steinbeck的《愤怒的葡萄》()一书的开头:
To theand part ofof Oklahoma,the last rains came, and they did not.The plows.The last rainsthe corn quickly andand grass along the sides of the roads so that.In the last part of Mayand the clouds that hadfor so long in the spring.The sunon the growing corn day after day until a line of brown spread along.The clouds appeared, and went away, and in a while, they did not try any more.The weeds grew darker green to protect themselves, and they did not spread any more.The surface of the earth, and as the sky became pale, so the earth became pale, pink in the red country and white in the gray country…(P.1)
Afollowed the rain clouds, driving them on northward,.A day went by and the wind increased, steady, unbroken by gusts.The dust from the roadsbeside the fields, and fell into the fields a little way.Now the wind grew strong and hard andt in the corn fields.Little by little the sky was darkened by the mixing dust,,.The wind grew stronger.like.The cornthe wind and.did notnow, butthe darkening sky.
The wind grew stronger,,straws and old leaves, and even little clods,.The air and the sky darkened and through them, and there was ain the air.During a nightfaster over the land,amonguntiland thentoward the earth.
.In the gray sky a red sun appeared,; and as,toward darkness, and the windover the fallen corn.(P.2)
不难看出,作者没有使用任何宏大正式的词语,也没有使用音节复杂的外来长单词,基本上都是地道的英语本土短小单词(比如开头的 come、cut、scarred)。作者描写的是俄克拉何马州的红土地情况,玉米在春天的长势,雨水的来临和土壤的变化,天上太阳微妙的变化和地上色彩的细腻幻变,风势的强弱以及它与玉米接触的不同情状。文中使用的都是常见的高频单词,特别是动词,简短形象。在笔者看来,这里没有任何一个多余单词。同样地,这里也没有任何一句多余句子。这里的每一个句子基本上使用的是主动语态,都在传递事物的运动或活动状态;句子呈现出来的流动感相当强,这是因为句子简短、精悍、有力。唯其如此,才格外传神,表达的意境才容易镌刻在读者脑海中。每个句子宛若饱蘸浓墨重彩的画笔,勾勒出具有特别强烈质感的画面,很容易把读者带进那个特定时空的土地和气候情境当中,为读者在后面感受人物的命运作好铺垫。
“Obsessed by this absolute belief that there exists only one way of expressing a thing, one noun to name it, one adjective to qualify it, one verb to set it in motion, he engaged in a superhuman labor in order to discover for each sentence that noun, that epithet, and that verb.Thus he believed in a mysterious harmony of language, and when a suitable term did not seem to him euphonious, he searched for another with an unconquerable patience,certain that he did not have the true,unique word.”