

China Textile 2022年1期



Olympic Winter Games, all rivers run into the sea! In the severe winter, “毸酷”is accompanied!

Wish the Olympic athletes can uphold the Olympic spirit, fair competition, transcend yourself, create brilliance!


冬奥会是全世界冬季竞技体育爱好者的一场盛会,随着它的到来,全国正在掀起一轮新的全民冬季体育运动热潮,巨大的冰雪商机正在迎面扑来。据相关资料估算,此次冬奥会所涉及的冰雪运动带动的其他关联产业收入将达到3000亿元以上,“白色经济”借力冬奥会登上风口。在“白色经济”的刺激下,运动服装行业将进入高速发展阶段,作为它最重要的原材料——功能性面料的应用场景也实现了快速拓展。针对这些市场需要,中科海势采取了哪些措施?在研发方面,取得了哪些进展?为此,China Textile记者采访了北京中科海势科技有限公司董事长段宇晶。

轻衣薄服 春装冬穿

China Textile: 为了抓住即将到来的奥运冰雪商机,中科海势做了哪些工作?


China Textile: 如何看待“三亿人上冰雪”战略下,未来冰雪运动产品出现的新发展趋势?

段宇晶: 未来产品的发展趋势,实际上是和我们的生活密切相关的,不仅是我们对产品的需求数量会越来越多,而且对产品品质的要求也将越来越高。


China Textile: 您认为奥林匹克运动精神对我们企业发展有哪些启示?

段宇晶: 奥林匹克精神是一种“更快、更强、更高”的自我挑战精神,对于竞争日益激烈的市场环境来说,面对“更快、更强、更高”的挑战,一家企业能够脱颖而出,也是一种硬实力。因此,在企业发展过程中,我们始终把追求产品的“更新、更强、更优”作为我们不断超越自我的企业目标。

China Textile: 您认为该如何实现运动、科技以及时尚的有机结合?

段宇晶: 运动本身就是一种时尚,随着人民生活水平的不断提高和大家对生活品质的提升,人们对自身健康越来越重视,而这种重视更直接反映在对体育运动的爱好方面,它随着人们生活水平的不断提高,就有了日益优质的生活品质做支撑,所有的运动装备,包括我们日常穿着的运动服装都正在走向时尚化,所以,运动与科技时尚相结合是今后发展的必然趋势。



China Textile: 作为专业从事运动服装及面料服饰加工企业,贵企业有哪些特色产品?

段宇晶: 北京中科海势科技有限公司秉承科技创新,依托中科院化学所基础研究成果,通过相变储能复合材料制备技术,自主研发出一种全新的超轻保暖调温材料,并命名为“SYCORETEX”。这种全新技术不仅赋予了织物航天材料的温度调节与记忆功能,还实现了人体穿着微环境系统的自主适应功能,使纺织材料在保证人体需求的基础上,变得更加轻盈、舒适。




China Textile: 在发展历程中,您认为,中科海势遇到的最大发展瓶颈是什么?

段宇晶: 要说公司曾经遇到的困难,我想可以从两个方面来阐述。一方面是在技术上,即我们Sycore-tex材料与各种材质服装面料的复合,这也是我们团队经过上千次反复实验后不断遇到的新挑战,因为市面上的服装面料琳琅满目、千差万别,我们不仅要考虑面料和里料的复合问题,还要考虑服装后期制作的工艺化、自动化、流程化等问题,这些都是我们团队及合作的各个品牌方每天都会遇到的困难;第二方面是资金方面的,由于不断的创新、研发和市场开拓,我们确实需要有投资眼光的机构与我们一起成长、成熟直到成就一番事业!


分域合作 差异轻奢

China Textile: 面对激烈的市场竞争,我们企业采取了哪些措施?





China Textile: 做强做大企业,有许多途径和方法,贵企业在这方面的规划有哪些?




Beijing Zhongke Haishi Technology Co., Ltd. (Zhongke Haishi) is a high-tech company specializing in the research and development, production and sales of new materials and their application in the field of temperature-regulated textiles, founded in response to the strategic call of “develop the country through science and education”. The original intention of creating a technology company is to make some contributions to the innovation and development of high-tech materials in China’s textile industry. Duan Yujing, chairman of Beijing Zhongke Haishi Technology Co., Ltd., and her team have been earnestly fulfilling this promise with perseverance and courage.

The Olympic Winter Games is a grand event for fans of winter sports all over the world. With its arrival, winter sports is set off across the country, and the huge ice and snow business opportunities are coming. The revenue of other related industries driven by the ice and snow sports involved in the Olympic Winter Games will reach more than 300 billion yuan according to relevant data. The sportswear industry will enter a stage of rapid development stimulated by the “white economy”. As its most important raw material, the application scene of functional fabric has also achieved rapid expansion. What measures has Zhongke Haishi taken in view of the market needs? What progress has been made in research and development? China Textile’s reporter interviewed Duan Yujing, chairman of Beijing Zhongke Haishi Technology Co., Ltd.

Lightweight clothes to wear in winter

China Textile: What has Zhongke Haishi done to seize the business opportunities of Olympic Winter Games?

Duan Yujing: First we produce “毸酷”clothing materials that are lighter and warmer. Now we have to offer SYCORE -TEX to such as ANTA, Texwinca in Hong Kong, ALPINE PRO in Europe and well-known brand companies at home and abroad. Some of them have begun to use the materials we provide for new research and development, and some companies have even developed new fabrics and are preparing to push them to more precise target markets.

China Textile: How do you view the new development trend of ice and snow sports products in the future under the strategy of 300 Million People Participate in Winter Sports?

Duan Yujing: The development trend of future products is actually closely related to our life. Not only will our demand for products be more and more, but also our demand for product quality will be higher and higher.

In terms of the integration of ice and snow sports and the fashion industry, the most important thing is the lightness and warmth, which can be realized through high-tech new materials. Therefore, we will pay more attention to the application of high-tech new materials to make the warmth retention materials more light and diversified products. From ordinary winter ski clothing to fashion ski clothing, I think this is also a trend of the future development of the ice and snow clothing market.

China Textile: What inspiration do you think the Olympic spirit has on the development of companies?

Duan Yujing: The Olympic spirit is a self-challenge spirit of “faster, stronger, higher”. It is also a hard power that an company in the face of “faster, stronger, higher” challenge can stand out in the increasingly competitive market. Therefore, in the process of company development, we always take the pursuit of “newer, stronger and better” products as the goal of constantly surpassing ourselves.

China Textile: How do you think to realize the combination of sport, technology and fashion?

Duan Yujing: Sports itself is fashionable, with the continuous improvement of people’s living standard, people are paying more and more attention to the health, which is directly reflected in their interest in sports. All sports equipment including daily sportswear are becoming fashionable, so the combination of sports, technology and fashion is the inevitable trend of future development.

Technology material combined with bright colors and popular elements, the lightweight, windproof and warm characteristics of SYCORE-TEX perfectly combine sports, technology and fashion, with the advantage of its unique intelligent temperature memory function, windproof, warm, lightweight, air permeability, high pressure resistance, and suitable for a variety of fabrics, and with the strength and influence of international and domestic top brands, We have preliminarily realized the new experience of intelligent clothing of “lightweight clothes to wear in winter”, which is also an attempt to realize the combination of sports, technology and fashion.

Bitter but sweet in the process of R&D and innovation

China Textile: As a professional company engaged in the processing of sports apparel and fabrics, what special products does your company have?

Duan Yujing: Adhering to scientific and technological innovation and relying on the basic research results of the Institute of Chemistry of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing Zhongke Haishi Technology Co., Ltd. independently developed a new ultra-light warmth retention material named SYCORE-TEX through the preparation technology of phase change energy storage composite material. This new technology not only endows the fabric with the function of temperature regulation and memory of aerospace materials, but also realizes the self-adaptive function of the microenvironment system of human body wearing, making the textile material more lighter and comfortable on the basis of ensuring the needs of human body.

SYCORE-TEX can be compounded with other fabrics and has been used in outdoor sports suits, business suits, military suits, fashion leisure suits, tents, sleeping bags and other outdoor products, bedding and other innovative functional products. The application of SYCORE-TEX in the field of textile and clothing completely overturns the status quo of heavy cotton clothing and down jacket occupying the winter clothing market.

SYCORE-TEX is prepared by exclusive proprietary technology. It is a modified polymer aerogel composite material with a three-dimensional multi-level, porous network skeleton structure, which has low thermal conductivity, excellent super soft feature, light and excellent drapability windproof and warmth, and it is a new technological material for winter warmth in the future textile field. It is expected to open a new experience of intelligent clothing of “lightweight clothes to wear in winter”.

Meanwhile, with “毸酷” as a registered trademark of the featured products also covers fashion, munitions products, shoes, hats and gloves, car seat cushions and interior decoration, building temperature control materials, cold chain logistics insulation box and other fields, the product series has involved in all aspects of people’s life.

China Textile: What do you think is the biggest bottleneck in the development of Zhongke Haishi?

Duan Yujing: I think the difficulties we have encountered are from two aspects. On the one hand, in terms of technology, that is, the composite of SYCORE-TEX with various clothing fabrics, which is also a new challenge that our team constantly encounters after thousands of repeated experiments. Because clothing fabrics on the market are varied, we not only need to consider the composite of fabric and linings, but also need to consider the process, automation and other issues of clothing post-production, which are all the difficulties our team and the brands in cooperation encounter every day. The second aspect is financial. Due to continuous innovation, research and development and market exploration, we really need institutions with investment vision to grow and mature with us until we achieve a great career!

How did we overcome it? I can only say that there is no shortcut to all the success, only thousands of times of continuous research and development and repeated experiments to obtain the continuous upgrading of the product! It is gratifying that our hard work has brought us some achievements today. We participated in the 5th China (Shenzhen) Innovation & Entrepreneurship International Competition and won the champion in Japan and a prize of 100,000 yuan in November 2021. We participated in the 8th Global New Materials Startups Contest held in Ningbo, China and won the second prize in the final in December 2021. We participated in the National Business Science and Technology Progress Award and won the second prize in 2020, which have been highly recognized by industry insiders and investors! This may be the charm and challenge of R&D high-tech companies! We are tired but happy on the way of R&D and innovation of new materials for China textile science and technology!

Crossover cooperation, product differentiation and light luxury

China Textile: What measures has your company taken to cope with the fierce market competition?

Duan Yujing: As for the fierce competition in the market, I think if there is no competition, there will be no good products! We also develop high-tech materials to cope with this fierce competition.

Meanwhile, we found that the competition is not only from domestic, foreign competition is more intense. In the competition, we break through the technical barriers of traditional fabrics that have been popular for decades in the clothing industry, and realize the perfect integration of fabrics and the temperature regulation and memory function of aerospace materials. The microenvironment system of human body wearing realizes the self-adaptive adjustment function, which is the most cutting-edge technology in the world. Due to the characteristics of materials, such as technology, particularity and adaptability, the competition is mainly between modern technology and traditional fabrics and traditional winter clothes wearing habits.

To put it simply, the measures we have taken are the strategies of crossover cooperation, differentiation and light luxury. Zhongke Haishi has carried out research and development cooperation at present with Jeep, Texwinca, ALPINE PRO and other well-known brands at home and abroad in different fields. It completed orders of new material products worth millions of yuan in cooperation with companies affiliated to Jihua Group and Aimer Group, and also signed long-term strategic cooperation agreements in 2021.

Phase change energy storage technology is the key common technology that the textile industry should focus on breaking through in the 14th Five-Year Plan, Zhongke Haishi is increasing innovation efforts, and strive to develop the lightweight and warmth retention composite materials with stronger heat preservation, air permeability and moisture permeability in the future, so as to achieve the goal of being an industry leader.

China Textile: What are the plans for your company to become stronger and bigger?

Duan Yujing: Making the company bigger and stronger is not the only goal of the future development. We prefer to make the company better, more respected and more influential.

A powerful company not only lies in its annual revenue figures, also lies in whether it has the industry influence and brand awareness, we hope that through our continuous efforts, China’s independent innovation research and development of ultra-thin high-tech warmth retention material can not only warm the Chinese people, but also warm the whole world! Meanwhile, it also contributes to China’s energy conservation and emission reduction as well as the realization of the goal of carbon peak and neutrality of Chinese companies!

In addition, with the strategic investment of the Global 500, Zhongke Haishi will strive to achieve the goal of listing on the SSE STAR Market in the next three years.


