

教学考试(高考英语) 2021年6期

北京 席晓东





对高一新生来说,认识英语描写类记叙文语篇的行文特点,学习基本的句子结构和段落结构,积累词句和改善学习方法是尽快适应高中英语学习的几个环节。在综合整理人教、北师大、译林和外研四个版本的高中英语必修一教材后,并结合近年来高考英语北京卷和全国卷题源的变化,笔者总结出了四个语篇组,分别是“school life and friendship”“language learning”“sports and fitness”和“travelling and celebration”。以这四类语篇组话题为载体,笔者在课堂扩展和课后作业等环节整合了课内外题源资源进行教学实践。

下面,笔者以“school life and friendship”为例,展示整合题源资源的具体操作。

第一步,整理不同课本素材(见表一),充分利用课本进行基础练习。结合新高考、新教材的改革方向,确定语言学习重点,做好初高中衔接。然后围绕话题和体裁整合题源阅读素材,拓展范围,把握阅读和写作方向。2018 年以后,高考英语北京卷的命题方向发生较大变化,除了题型变化外,阅读主题也有所拓宽,社会、文化、经济和科技类的文章的比例上升,而校园生活类的文章相应减少,同时应用文和夹叙夹议文体裁也增多了。这体现了高考改革的指导思想,即依托语篇,加强思维训练。

表一:school life and friendship 教材选材

表二:school life and friendship 题源拓展

从考查写作的题型来看,从2020 年起,北京地区增加了阅读问答微写作,进一步提升了对逻辑思维和语言表达能力的考查力度。此外,应用文写作依然多以学生的校内外活动为主题,突出考查交际和文化意识。



Part 1 Describe Feelings and Thoughts.


Thursday 15th June,1944

Dear Kitty,

I wonder if it’s because I haven’t been able to beoutdoorsfor so long that I’ve grown so crazy about everything to do with nature.I can well remember that there was a time when a deep blue sky,the song of the birds,moonlight and flowers could never have kept me spellbound.That’s changed since I came here.

...For example,one evening when it was so warm,I stayed awakeon purposeuntil half past elevenin order tohave a good look at the moon by myself.But as the moon gave far too much light,I didn’t dare open a window.Another time five months ago,I happened to be upstairsat duskwhen the window was open.I didn’t go downstairs until the window had to be shut.The dark,rainy evening,the wind,thethunderingclouds held meentirelyin theirpower;it was the first time in a year and a half that I’d seen the nightface to face...

...Sadly...I am only able to look at nature through dirtycurtainshanging before verydustywindows.It’s no pleasure looking through these any longer because nature is one thing that really must be experienced.



After reading,finish the following exercise.

Read the text above and answer the following questions.

1.What did Anne remember about nature?

(there was a time when...kept me spellbound...)

2.Why did Anne grow crazy? And what was she crazy about?

(wonder.../ it’s because...that.../ everything to do with nature...)

3.Can you organize the following phrases into logical sentences according to the text?

(stay awake,on purpose,half past eleven,in order to,have a look at,by oneself,as,far too much,happen to do/be,go downstairs/upstairs,rainy,thundering clouds,entirely,a year and a half,it was the first time,face to face)

4.Why did Anne feel upset?

(it’s no pleasure doing,dirty curtains,hanging before dusty windows...)

5.What is nature in Anne’s opinion? Can you list the things to do with nature in the text?

(...that must be experienced)

(...the song of the birds; moonlight;flowers;dark,rainy evening;thundering clouds)


The darkness,thundering clouds and heavy rain held me tightly in their power.

Please draw a mind-map for the text.Retell some details in turn in a group.

Sentence Practice.(替换练习)

1.She has grown crazy about everything to do with nature.a) get tired of/fed up with;something;English.

b) become excited/interested;something;taking photograph.c) be crazy;nothing;playing games.

2.There was a time when nothing could keep me spellbound.用there was a time when...造句

a) I had nothing to do.

b) I tried hard to learn math.

c) Some students wanted to go abroad.

3.I wrote homework for so long that I felt very tired.用so...that...连接下列词汇

a) the park;beautiful;many people;crowd in

b) China;long history;lots of relics;everywhere

c) the river;runs;fast;nobody;dare to;flow on


It was because of the rainy day that the sports training was put off.

a) in the park;Tom found a purse

b) students in Class 2;helped me out

c) after I got married;I bought more new cloth

5.It’s no pleasure looking at nature through dirty windows.替换画线部分

a) playing too much games.

b) running along track without music.

c) sitting on bed doing nothing

Now you are Anne and report your story to the class,using the following key words and sentence structures below.

stay awake,on purpose,have a good look at,it’s no pleasure doing...,don’t dare do...,by oneself,far too much,face to face,hold sb.entirely,be crazy about


第三步,综合应用练习。进一步学习表达情感的词句,丰富写作内容。下面的Part 2 选自一篇完形填空题的前两段,寥寥数语形象地表达了“我”对糖果的热爱,“西装男”的焦急,和“我”的好奇。Part 3 部分选自另一篇完形填空题的前两段,在第二段,作者先是说“the strange way things looked and sounded”使他害怕,然后用三个具体例子“clothes”“curtain”“sound”形象地描述了自己在夜晚独处时的害怕心理,并在三个短句中用run wild,beat fast,lie still 描写了自己害怕时的急促反应,这一描写逼真连贯,不愧是儿童心理刻画的经典语段。

Part 2 Comprehensive practice.

When I was ten,I was crazy about candy.Whenever in our small-town 36 with my mom,I would run my fingers through my favorite candy on the shelf.

Once there,thinking about all things sweet,I noticed a man a few feet away pushing buttons on the ATM machine.Dressed in a suit,he seemed to be late for something,37 waiting for his cash to appear.The machine made a noise,and he immediately 38 a pile of bills and headed out.Curiously,I walked over to the ATM,where I started pressing the buttons as if knowing the 39 .Then I looked into the bottom of the machine.There I saw it:a beautiful,crisp $ 20 bill! 40 I wanted to believe my magic made the cash appear,I knew the man in the suit must have left it behind.

37.A.angrily B.excitedly

C.hopefully D.anxiously

38.A.covered B.seized

C.handed D.posted

39.A.machine B.assistant D.password

40.A.Though B.Since

C.Once D.Until

Read again and answer questions.

What is the sweetest thing for the writer in the passage?

How do you know the kid was crazy about candy?

What’s the main idea of Paragraph 2?

Combine the following groups of sentences.

1.I think about all things sweet.I noticed a man a few feet away pushing buttons on ATM machine.

2.He was dressed in a suit.He seemed to be late for something.He was anxiously waiting for his cash.

3.I walked over to the ATM.On the ATM I started pressing the if I knew the password.


He immediately seized a pile of bills and headed out.

He got his money.Then he went out.

Getting his money,he went out,without saying a word.

Part 3 Comprehensive practice.

Two Terrible Fears

As a child,I was truly afraid of the dark and of getting lost;these fears were very real and caused me some uncomfortable moments.

Maybe it was the strange 36 things looked and sounded in my familiar room at night that 37 me so much.There was never total 38 ,but a streetlight or passing car lights 39 clothes hung over a chair take on the 40 of a wild animal.Out of the corner of my 41 ,I saw the curtains seem to move when there was no 42 .A tiny sound in the floor would seem a hundred times louder than in the daylight.My 43 would run wild,and my heart would beat fast.I would 44 very still so that the“enemy”would not discover me.

Another of my childhood fears was...

36.A.way B.time D.reason

37.A.wounded B.destroyed

C.surprised D.frightened

38.A.quietness B.darkness

C.emptiness D.loneliness B.forced

C.made D.caused

40.A.spirit B.height

C.body D.shape

41.A.eye B.window

C.mouth D.door

42.A.breath B.wind

C.air D.sound

43.A.belief B.feeling

C.imagination D.doubt

44.A.lay B.hide D.lie

Please list the things that make the kid afraid.

(the strange way things looked and sounded,such as the clothes hung over a chair,curtains and some tiny sounds.)

Can you describe your feeling when you first heard the soar of a tiger?


Dongting Lake is a large,shallow lake in northeastern Hunan Province,China.It is a flood basin of the Yangtze River.Hence,the lake’s size largely depends on the season.The provinces of Hubei and Hunan are named after their location relative to the lake.Hubei means“North of the Lake”and Hunan,“South of the Lake”.Dongting Lake is famous in Chinese culture as the birthplace of dragon boat racing,which is said to have begun on the eastern shores of Dongting Lake as a search for the body of Qu Yuan,the Chu poet (340-278 BC).Together with the lake and its surrounding beauty,the racing appeals to thousands of tourists from other parts of China and beyond each year.



Learning English By Reading Books