Into Paris巴黎探幽


疯狂英语·新悦读 2021年12期

安徽 王涛涛


1Paris is the city of love.It's no secret that it is one city that everyone has heard about.Its fame precedes(先于)it,but some might ask,what exactly is so great about Paris?The city is full of opportunities to learn something new and have new experiences.

2Fans of literature will have the opportunity to go to see the house of Victor Hugo or see the famous bookstore Shakespeare and Company.The latter was once the gathering place for many of Western literature's brightest minds,such as Ezra Pound and Ernest Hemingway.There is also an opportunity to go to see one of the classic,world-renowned dramas and operas performed in Paris's theaters.

3As for art lovers,from the Louvre Museum to the Centre Pompidou,every kind of art movement can be found exhibited throughout Paris,with various seasonal exhibits found in the old historical buildings.

4Talking about history,the city is full of important architectural and historical landmarks,such as the Notre-Dame de Paris,one of the best examples of Gothic architecture.The Eiffel Tower or the Sacré Cœur Basilica gives you one of the most beautiful views of the city.People interested in the rich military history of France might enjoy visiting Les Invalides,which was once the armory(军械库)of the French army.There you will find many historical artifacts(手工艺品)from World WarⅠ andⅡ as well as interactive lessons to know more about what happened back then.

5Now,there is also something for people who are here for a culinary adventure.Paris is one of the most culturally diverse cities.From freshly baked croissants(羊角面包)to Moroccan delicacies,the city is full of diverse cooking experiences,often served by some of the world's most renowned chefs.

6There is always something new happening in Paris and regardless of how many years you have lived there,there is always something new to discover.So whether you are a history geek(历史迷)or a party animal,there is something for you in Paris.

Reading Check

Ⅰ.Choose the best answers according to the text

Inference 1.Why does the author think Paris is so great according to the first paragraph?

A.It is full of love. B.It is a world-famous city.

C.Everyone knows it. D.It provides new chances.

Detail 2.Which place will you choose for a visit if you are a fan of art?

A.Shakespeare and Company. B.The Eiffel Tower.

C.The Centre Pompidou. D.The Notre-Dame de Paris.

Detail 3.Which word can best desribe the landmarks in Paris according to paragraph 4?

A.Grand. B.Historical.

C.Legend-based. D.Religion-related.

Inference 4.What is the author's purpose in writing the last paragraph?

A.To show something novel in Paris.

B.To share the advantages of living in Paris.

C.To give tips to history geeks in Paris.

D.To encourage readers to visit Paris.


Why does the author think that Paris is full of opportunities to learn something new and have new experiences?Give your reasons and find evidence from the text.Besides,please look for information about your favorite city and share with your classmates.

Language Study

Ⅰ.Analyze the difficult structure in the text

It's no secret that it is one city that everyone has heard about.众所周知,这是一个人人都听说过的城市。

【点石成金】It's no secret that是个句型,表示“众所周知”的意思。that后面接主语从句。这里的it只是形式主语,真正的主语是that后面的it is one city that everyone has heard about,此句作主语从句的同时,又包含了另一个定语从句,在此定语从句中,先行词为one city,从句为that everyone has heard about。

Ⅱ.Memorize some text-centered chunks

be full of充满 fans of literature文学迷

art lovers艺术爱好者 architectural and historical landmarks建筑和历史地标

interactive lesson互动课程 be served by被……服务

regardless of不管;不顾


Gu Qingsheng, the guardian of Shennongjia 古清生,神农架的守护者