

世界建筑导报 2021年6期

作品类别 Category:会所空间设计 Clubhouse Space Design

获奖者 Designer:[中国 China] 吴文粒 Wu Wenli


Most of “my connections” come from my “touring” experiences of “trekking” to a hillside a few kilometers away from home during my childhood.I would sneak away from home around the break of dawn and would not go back even at nightfall.While most of my playmates were active,I was fully absorbed in those subtle pieces of scenery.I hided at low hillsides,watching with rapt attention,the reflections of plants in the distance in the clear and shallow lake,the stones rippling on and on in the lake,the light,shadow and mist covering everything unrestrained...I simply watched them,taking great delight in it.


As I have toured around different places later,the only attractions that stand out in my memory are the mountains in Chengdu,the rocks in Tianjin and the flying swallows in Putian.By now I can draw something from the scenery.After “absorbing meanings from observing objects”,I distribute these meanings to the domains they respectively belong to.As a result of serendipity this time,I come across a particular domain at a particular timing so close to the Xiang River.In this unique geographical environment where the sun illuminates the earth and the flowing water sweeps the land,I expect to see an ambience that becomes the “source of connections”.


Covering all over my body,the morning mist and moisture seeps beyond the barrier of all walls and invades into this space unrestrained.As nightfall and fireflies fade away,the ripples are in place.Everything seems to grow here naturally,taking me all the way back to the low hillsides during my childhood.Design is a dialogue in which the designer reviews in silence the conversation between past and future and the whisper with time.


When the physical barrier is removed and the building is brought back to the original nature,the truest self is formed,totally free and easy.The winding and dynamic lines allow one to move freely for sightseeing.The retaining walls and hillstones at the corner and the firefly-like wall lamps offer a stronger natural feeling of extreme purity.The waterscape takes a large portion of the interior space,making it much more conspicuous than the average.The ethereal and dreamy water shadow is intertwined with reflections of people,creating a scene of fantasy.In serenity,I lean forward to look at myself,to inspect the virtual and real space,to examine my inner world,to arouse my pent-up energy.What you see comes from what you think and disappears as you let it go.The visual image represents the echo from deep inside my heart,passionate or harsh,wild or gentle.Design is a dialogue with space and the self.



“Space is a place of human ideology rather than a container to be filled with objects.” Ego is reflected by space and follows the internal rhythm while space interacts with the “self” intimately or lonesomely or passionately or distantly.“We are in the space and the space is in us.We construct the space poetically and the space constructs us intelligently.”

The second floor features superior perspectives for sightseeing.I don’t have to do or think about anything.All it takes is to wait for the arrival of nature,light and shadow,to let them depicting all the gentleness,mistiness,richness and gracefulness,to allow them to interact and grow with the space in an organic manner.Nevertheless,as suggested in The Poetics of Space,“Instead of immersed in redundant expressions or lost in the detail of light and shadow,we feel an “essential” impression that seeks self-expression in front of us.Amid the undercurrent mixed with commercial concepts,we should return to nature of the primitive state and complete the intimate dialogue with ourselves,space and time in the domain of the “source of connections”.


趣味测试 选出你最喜欢的油画,测这辈子和你羁绊最深的人是谁
Trouble I’m In