

世界建筑导报 2021年6期

作品类别 Category:餐饮空间设计 Catering Space Design

获奖团队 Design Team:[中国 China] 刘宇洁,钟山风 Liu Yujie,Zhong Shanfeng

滚滚的车轮推动时代的列车轰鸣向前,碾碎多少曾经的记忆。工业时代曾经的伟大在消费社会中褪色无力,城市更新的方法需要让历史的痕迹重新生发出新的枝芽。秦皇岛港的南栈房过去是存放堆煤的装载库房,随着港口产业的转型发展&mdash&mdash 西港东迁后,这里不再作为生产设施,现在已申报成为省级文物。秦皇岛港口的转型使其再一次进入人们的视野,作为历史的记忆,将要回到时代舞台的聚光灯下。

As the wheel of history pushes forward,trails of memories are left behind.The past greatness of the industrial age is fading away in a society of consumption,so urban renewals are expected to give new life to the trails of history.The South Warehouse of Qinhuangdao Port was once a warehouse for loading and storing coals.With the transformation of the port industry and the relocation of the port from west to east,the site is no longer used as production facilities.Now it has been listed as a provincial cultural heritage.The transformation of Qinhuangdao Port makes it exposed to the public once again.As a historical memory,it is coming under the spotlight of the times.


There are two essential questions to ponder on in the renewal of the South Warehouse:How to make the memory and the presence coexist? How to recentralize the relics from the industrial age in people’s embodied cognition today? The task is to design a cafe in the south of the South Warehouse.It is an important space for communication.Beyond the simple creation of a space for rest,the design is expected to actualize coexistence between retaining the historical building and inserting modern space,thus engaging local residents.It is a dialogue between the industrial memory of the warehouse and the new urban culture.


Every building tells its own story.The design of Moutreen focuses on the narration of modern life derived from a historical foundation.Since the building is a historical memory,the facade is designed in such a way as to preserve the historical trace.The dark red iron gate symbolizes the industrial past while the lowprofile facade takes on an irreplaceable heaviness through the passage of time.The interior design and the technique of preserving the historical style should result in great tolerance to bear people’s rich emotions.


The design team of Shanfangzhu adopts philosophical and sociological methodologies and reconstructs and re-centralizes the port space by modifying local space with the field theory.As written in his blog by a customer who has been to Moutreen:A cafe creates a piece of memory,connects the past and the presence of a city,and composes the life narratives of every visitor in silence.


激活场域 新旧共生——改造更新项目专辑