

世界建筑导报 2021年6期


国际空间设计大奖——艾特奖(英文简称IDEA-TOPS),始创于2010 年,是当今中国最具国际影响力的设计大奖,以其专业性、国际性、权威性,赢得了社会的广泛认可。艾特奖不受政治和经济的影响,参赛者不受民族、宗教、地域、国别的限制。艾特奖倡导“设计师用作品说话”,尊重每一个设计师及其参赛设计作品,并以最高的专业标准、专业责任及良好的专业沟通来促进设计业的发展,以科学严谨的设计评价体系,发掘最佳设计师和最佳设计作品。


艾特奖所推崇的,是设计师永不枯竭的智慧、前瞻性的革新思想,以及对人本和环境的善意。作为表彰杰出设计人才的重要奖项,艾特奖每年一届,面向全球设计界公开征集作品,获得艾特奖的首肯也就是向全球昭示了获奖者在设计领域的重大荣誉。恪守专业、严谨、公平、公正的原则,艾特奖不仅吸引了来自英国、美国、法国、意大利、德国、希腊、瑞典、葡萄牙、以色列、韩国、日本等超过60 个国家和地区的建筑师设计师参赛,更让一批真正有思想有潜力的设计师/设计机构迅速成长。


第11 届艾特奖简介

2021 第11 届艾特奖收到来自中国、英国、美国、法国、德国、意大利、日本、韩国、以色列、希腊、瑞士、葡萄牙等63 个国家7712 件设计作品,参赛国家数量超过以往,囊括了“G7”“G20”以及所有新兴经济体。参赛设计项目包括公共建筑、住宅建筑、绿色建筑、数字建筑及商业空间、文化空间、展示空间、交通空间、办公空间、餐饮空间、娱乐空间、酒店、会所、别墅大宅、公寓、样板房、陈设艺术、光环境艺术等18 个专业类别。最终,境外设计师摘得11 项设计桂冠,中国设计师揽获7 项大奖。63 个国家设计师参赛,再次彰显了艾特奖的国际影响力和中国市场的巨大吸引力。第11 届艾特奖颁奖盛典在中国深圳隆重举行,线上线下同步,线上直播超过300 万观众在线观看,疫情当下,艾特奖创造了奇迹,也奠定了在当今设计界超高人气值。


2015 年,艾特奖携手全球10 所顶尖级大学,包括哈佛大学、耶鲁大学、牛津大学、剑桥大学、东京大学、麻省理工学院、巴黎大学、罗马大学、清华大学、北京大学等院校的知名教授及学术领军人物,发起成立了“艾特奖国际学术委员会”,由中国科学院院士郑时龄担任主席,清华大学美术学院院长鲁晓波担任副主席,哈佛大学建筑设计博士、台湾亚洲大学副校长刘育东担任副主席兼执行主席。每年举办一次学术会议,以学术高度助推设计产业发展。

2015 第六届艾特奖,吸引到米兰世博会11 个国家的国家馆设计者参赛,包括中国、意大利、以色列、奥地利、土耳其、智利、捷克、爱沙尼亚、摩尔多瓦、阿尔及利亚、斯洛文尼亚等。世博会国家馆素有“国家形象名片”之称,11 国国家馆设计者的参赛,彰显了艾特奖的国际影响力。

2016 第七届艾特奖,吸引到威尼斯建筑双年展十多个国家参展建筑师参赛。第七届艾特奖颁奖盛典当天,成功策展了《对话2016 威尼斯建筑双年展》论坛,首次聚集英国、法国、意大利、奥地利、塞尔维亚等多个国家的顶尖建筑师,同框展开对话,剖析、揭示威尼斯建筑双年展参展及设计理念,以及设计师的思考,在业界引发巨大反响。

2017 年,普利兹克奖评审团成员、国际著名建筑事务所“EMBT 米拉莱斯-塔利亚布”董事BenedettaTagliabue 加盟艾特奖评审团。同年,中国工程院院士崔恺、孟建民加入艾特奖评审团。第八届艾特奖颁奖盛典邀请到世博会、威尼斯建筑双年展、普利兹克建筑奖三大设计场域的主要负责人、领导者,同台展开高规格交流。普利兹克奖执行总监、IE 建筑与设计学院院长Martha Thorne 女士出席艾特奖国际大师论坛与颁奖典礼,和艾特奖执行主席赵庆祥先生共同为获奖者颁奖,为中国设计走向世界舞台推波助澜。

2018 年5 月,艾特奖组委会发布了新版章程,进一步优化了关于评审标准、评审程序、赛区设置、参赛规则、知识产权保护等奖项体系。

2019 年,第九届艾特奖特别授予中国建筑与城市规划学术带头人、中国科学院和中国工程院两院院士、著名建筑学家吴良镛先生“终身成就奖”,这是艾特奖九届以来第一次颁发“终身成就奖”。

2020 年第十届艾特奖,收到来自全球共53 个国家和地区的7637 个项目参赛。受全球疫情影响,第十届艾特奖颁奖典礼以线上直播方式举行,国内外知名门户网站中国国际广播电视网络台、腾讯新闻、新浪新闻、凤凰新闻、网易新闻、南方+、爱奇艺、企鹅直播、Bilibili,以及国际知名网站Facebook、YouTube 等平台同步进行全球直播或转播,超过100 万观众在线观看。

2021 第11 届艾特奖,收到来自中国、英国、美国、法国、德国、意大利、日本、韩国、以色列、希腊、瑞士、葡萄牙等63 个国家7712 件设计作品,参赛国家数量超过以往,囊括了“G7”“G20”以及所有新兴经济体。第11 届艾特奖颁奖盛典在中国深圳隆重举行,境外设计师摘得11 项设计桂冠,中国设计师揽获7 项金奖。当天的颁奖盛典线上线下同步,线上直播超过300 万观众在线观看,奠定了在当今设计界的超高人气值。

第10 届艾特奖参赛项目统计

第10 届国际空间设计大奖IDEA-TOPS 艾特奖全球作品征集于2020 年1 月20 日24时截止。本届艾特奖共收到来自全球53 个国家和地区的参赛设计项目7637 个,参赛国家和地区数量、参赛设计师人数均创历史新高。

第10届艾特奖参赛的7637件作品,囊括建筑设计、室内设计、灯光设计和陈设艺术(软装设计),涵盖18 个空间类别。其中,建筑设计项目占比10.60%;室内设计依旧是参赛主力军,包括样板房、别墅大宅、公寓设计在内的住宅设计项目占比34.41%,商业空间设计项目占比10.69%,办公空间设计项目占比8.58%,餐饮空间设计项目占比8.40%,展示空间设计项目占比7.31%,陈设艺术(软装设计)项目占比5.32%,酒店设计项目占比4.35%。从数据分析来看,较去年参赛作品相比,今年公寓设计占项目总比18.46%,可见人们对改善生活方式及提升生活品质的需求与日俱增。

第10 届艾特奖参赛设计师、设计机构来自全球53 个国家和地区,新增哥伦比亚、乌拉圭、智利、克罗地亚、捷克、挪威、立陶宛、匈牙利等国家。全球顶尖设计事务所如:挪威的Nordic -Office of Architecture,丹麦的C.F.Møller Architects,香港的10 DESIGN,英国的BENOY、STUDIO JADE+QA,意大利的Carlo Ratti Associati,欧洲的Baumschlager Eberle Architekten,美国的5+Design 等均选送年度代表作品参赛,参赛设计项目包括上海佘山世茂洲际酒店、以色列特拉维夫大学检查大楼、迪拜Bluewaters 高端住宅、杭州大悦城、挪威卑尔根国际机场、成都麓湖云天阁等全球最新地标性项目。

第十届艾特奖最佳设计大奖中,除交通空间设计大奖空缺外,17 项大奖分别由澳大利亚、英国、荷兰、意大利、比利时、西班牙、越南、中国大陆等多个国家和地区的设计师斩获。其中,境外设计师揽获9 项大奖,国内设计师摘得8 项大奖。据官方数据显示,本届艾特奖有包括西欧、中东、北美、东南亚、日本、韩国、澳大利亚等21国43 件作品入围全球提名奖,而全球最佳设计奖则分别由中国、澳大利亚、英国、荷兰、意大利、比利时、西班牙、越南8 个国家和地区的设计师斩获。

第11 届艾特奖参赛项目统计

第11 届艾特奖全球作品征集已于2021 年2 月11 日24 时截止。本届艾特奖共收到来自全球63 个国家的参赛设计作品7712 件,参赛国家、参赛作品数量均突破以往。

第11 届艾特奖参赛作品囊括建筑设计、室内设计、灯光设计和陈设艺术(软装设计),涵盖18 个空间类别。建筑设计项目占比14.04%,环比大幅提升。室内设计参赛项目依然较高,其中,住宅设计项目占比28.29%,餐饮设计项目占比8.4%,办公设计项目占比8.58%,商业综合体项目占比10.69%,酒店设计项目占比4.35%,展示类设计项目占比7.31%,会所设计项目占比2.18%。从数据分析来看,今年陈设艺术(软装设计)项目占比有大幅增长达到5.32%,一定程度上反映了人们对生活品质的追求正成为当下消费升级的主要方向。

第11 届艾特奖是历届参赛国家、参赛作品范围最广、数量最多的一届,参与者覆盖了英国、美国、意大利、德国、法国、希腊、瑞士、葡萄牙、以色列等发达国家和地区。今年新参赛的国家有Cyprus 塞浦路斯,Bangladesh 孟加拉国,Hungary匈牙利,Kuwait 科威特等国。全球一大批顶尖级设计事务所均有报名参与,包括:Heatherwick Studio,Gensler,Woods Bagot,10 Design,Benoy,HOK,NBBJ,UNStudio,Perkins&Will,SAOTA,Roth Architecture,MIA Architecture,Gensler,PCA-Stream,noa*,Daan Roosegaarde,Pedro Rica Bayo,Peter Pichler Architecture 等等。

10 月13 日,第11 届艾特奖18 项最佳设计奖榜单揭晓。境外设计师揽获11 项大奖,中国设计师摘得7 项大奖。据官方数据显示,本届艾特奖有包括中国、美国、英国、法国、德国、日本、意大利、韩国、以色列、瑞士、澳大利亚、荷兰、西班牙、墨西哥、奥地利、伊朗、匈牙利、葡萄牙、科威特、泰国、越南等21 个国家88 个设计项目获得全球提名奖。而全球最佳设计大奖则分别由中国、英国、法国、德国、瑞士、以色列、荷兰、西班牙、澳大利亚、越南、泰国11 个国家的设计师斩获。

Introduction to Idea-Tops

Starting from 2010,International Space Design Award -Idea-Tops is the most globally influential design award in China,which is extensively recognized by the world for its professionalism,internationality and authority.Idea-Tops is independent of politics and economy to embrace candidates of any ethnic group,religion,region and nationality.Idea-Tops encourages “designers to speak with their works”,respects every designer and their selected design works,and promotes the development of the design industry with the highest professional standards,professional responsibilities and amicable professional communication,to discover the best designers and design works under a scientific and rigorous design evaluation system.

Idea-Tops aims to create the most thoughtful and influential design award to discover and praise the designers and design enterprises in urban design,architectural design,interior design,landscape design,sustainable development and other design sectors which pursue innovation and the ultimate in spatial form,technical application,artistic expression and reproduction of cultural characteristics around the world.

Idea-Tops promotes the long-lasting wisdom,forward-looking innovative ideas,and goodwill towards people and the environment of designers.As a significant award honoring exceptional design talents,Idea-Tops is held once a year to publicly collect works from the global design community.The approval of Idea-Tops is regarded as a great honor to the winner in the design community.With the principles of being professional,rigorous,impartial and fair,Idea-Tops has not only attracted architects and designers from 60 countries and regions,including UK,USA,France,Italy,Germany,Greece,Sweden,Portugal,Israel,South Korea,Japan,etc.,but also enabled a group of thoughtful and potential designers or design enterprises to grow up quickly.

Idea-Tops,as an award originated in Shenzhen,China,is a design platform with significant international influence in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area,and an important bridge for many foreign architects and designers to understand and participate in the construction of China,where top contemporary architects,designers and industrial resources gather.Idea-Tops introduces more foreign designers into the Chinese market,and helps more Chinese designers get recognized by international design counterparts.

Introduction to the 11th Idea-Tops

The 11thIdea-Tops in 2021 has received 7712 design works from 63 countries,including China,UK,USA,France,Germany,Italy,Japan,South Korea,Israel,Greece,Switzerland,Portugal,etc.The number of participating countries is more than ever,covering countries and regions of G7,G20 and all emerging economies.The participating design projects involve 18 professional categories:public buildings,residential buildings,green buildings,digital buildings and commercial spaces,cultural spaces,exhibition spaces,transportation spaces,office spaces,dining spaces,entertainment spaces,hotels,clubs,villas,apartments,model houses,and furnishings art and lighting environment art.Finally,foreign designers won 11 design champions,and Chinese designers won 7 design awards.The fact that designers from 63 countries participated in this event again demonstrated the international influence of Idea-Tops and the great attraction of the market in China.The 11thIdea-Tops Awarding Ceremony was grandly launched online and offline in Shenzhen,China.Over 3 million viewers joined in the event through online live show.Despite the pandemic,the Idea-Tops has created a wonder and also established its popularity in the current design industry.

Idea-Tops Events (2015-2021)

In 2015,Idea-Tops initiated and founded the “Idea-Tops International Academic Committee” with well-known professors and academic leaders from 10 top universities in the world,including Harvard University,Yale University,Oxford University,Cambridge University,University of Tokyo,Massachusetts Institute of Technology,University of Paris,University of Rome,Tsinghua University and Peking University,in which Zheng Shiling (academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences) acted as the chairman,Lu Xiaobo (Dean of the Academy of Arts &Design,Tsinghua University) as the vice chairman,and Liu Yudong ( Architectural Design of Harvard University and Vice President of Asia University,Taiwan) as the vice chairman and executive chairman.The Committee held an academic conference every year to promote the development of the design industry with academic insight.

The 6thIdea-Tops in 2015 attracted designers of 11 national pavilions at the Milan Expo,including China,Italy,Israel,Austria,Turkey,Chile,Czech Republic,Estonia,Moldova,Algeria and Slovenia.The national pavilion at the World Expo is often known as an “Image Card of the country”.The fact that the designers of the above 11 national pavilions participated in Idea-Tops demonstrated its global influence.

The 7thIdea-Tops in 2016 attracted architects from more than ten countries who used to participate in the Venice Architecture Biennale.At the 7thIdea-Tops Awarding Ceremony,the “Dialogue with Venice Architecture Biennale 2016” forum was successfully curated,where top architects from Britain,France,Italy,Austria,Serbia and other countries gathered there for the first time to exchange a dialogue with each other,to analyze and display the exhibition,design concepts and designers’ thinking of the Venice Architecture Biennale,which received favourable feedback in the industry.

In 2017,Benedetta Tagliabue,a member of the Pritzker Architecture Prize jury and a director of the internationally renowned architectural firm “EMBT Mirales-Taliabu”,joined Idea-Tops jury.In the same year,Cui Kai and Meng Jianmin,academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering,joined Idea-Tops jury.The 8thIdea-Tops Awarding Ceremony invited the executives and leaders of three major design events,i.e.World Expo,Venice Architecture Biennale,and Pritzker Architecture Prize,to conduct high-level exchanges on the same stage.Ms.Martha Thorne,Executive Director of the Pritzker Prize and Dean of the IE School of Architecture and Design,attended the Idea-Tops International Masters Forum and Awarding Ceremony,and presented awards to the winners with Mr.Zhao Qingxiang,Executive Chairman of Idea-Tops,which promoted Chinese design to the world.

In May 2018,the Idea-Tops Organizing Committee released a new version of the Articles of Association,which further optimized the awarding system in terms of evaluation criteria,evaluation procedures,competition areas,competition rules,and intellectual property protection.

In 2019,the 9thIdea-Tops specially granted the “Lifetime Achievement Award” to Mr.Wu Liangyong,the academic leader of Chinese architecture and urban planning,academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering,and the famous architect.This was the first “Lifetime Achievement Award” of all 9 sessions of Idea-Tops.

In 2020,the 10thIdea-Tops received 7,637 participating projects from 53 countries and regions around the world.Due to the pandemic around the world,the 10thIdea-Tops Awarding Ceremony was held live online on various well-known domestic and foreign portals,including China International Radio and Television Network,Tencent News,Sina News,Phoenix News,NetEase News,Nanfang+,iQiyi,QQ Live,Bilibili,and famous international websites such as Facebook,YouTube and other platforms simultaneously joined by more than 1 million viewers online.

The 11thIdea-Tops in 2021 has received 7712 design works from 63 countries,including China,UK,USA,France,Germany,Italy,Japan,South Korea,Israel,Greece,Switzerland,Portugal,etc.The number of participating countries is more than ever,covering countries and regions of G7,G20 and all emerging economies.The 11thIdea-Tops Awarding Ceremony was grandly launched in Shenzhen,China,where foreign designers won 11 design champions,and Chinese designers won 7 design awards.On the same day,the awarding ceremony was live online and offline,joined by more than 3 million viewers online,which established its popularity in the current design industry.

Participating Projects of the 10th Idea-Tops

The 10thInternational Space Design Award IDEA-TOPS global call for design works ended at 24:00 on January 20,2020.This Idea-Tops received a total of 7637 works from 53 countries around the world,with more participating countries and regions,and more participating designers than ever.

All of 7637 works that participated in the 10thIdea-Tops involved architectural design,interior design,lighting design and furnishing art (soft decoration design),covering 18 types of space.Among them,architectural design projects accounted for 10.60%.Interior design projects still took up a big part,including residential design projects for model houses,villas,and apartments at 34.41%,commercial space design projects at 10.69%,and office space design projects at 8.58%,dining space design projects at 8.40%,exhibition space design projects at 7.31%,furnishing art (soft decoration design) projects at 5.32%,and hotel design projects at 4.35%.According to the data analysis,apartment design accounted for 18.46% of all the projects this year when participating projects were compared with those of the last year,somehow reflecting that people are more keen to improve their lifestyles and the quality of life than before.

Designers and design enterprises that participated in the 10thIdea-Tops came from 53 countries and regions around the world,including Colombia,Uruguay,Chile,Croatia,Czech Republic,Norway,Lithuania,Hungary and other new participating countries.The world’s top design firms,including Nordic-Office of Architecture in Norway,CF Møller Architects in Denmark,10 DESIGN in Hong Kong,BENOY and STUDIO JADE+QA in UK,Carlo Ratti Associati in Italy,Baumschlager Eberle Architekten in Europe,and 5+Design in USA,sent their representative pieces of the year to participate in the event.The participating design projects include InterContinental Sheshan Hotel in Shanghai,Inspection Building of Tel Aviv University in Israel,Bluewaters High-end Residence in Dubai,Joy City in Hangzhou,Bergen International Airport in Norway,and Yuntian Pavilion at Luhu Lake in Chengdu and other latest landmark projects.

At the 10thIdea-Tops,except for the vacant traffic space design award,17 awards went to designers from Australia,UK,Netherlands,Italy,Belgium,Spain,Vietnam,the Chinese mainland and other countries and regions.Among them,foreign designers won 9 awards,and Chinese designers won 8 awards.According to official data,43 design projects from 21 countries were shortlisted for the Global Nomination Award at Idea-Tops this year,including Western Europe,the Middle East,North America,Southeast Asia,Japan,South Korea,Australia,etc.The World Best Design Award went to designers from 8 countries and regions including China,Australia,UK,Netherlands,Italy,Belgium,Spain and Vietnam.

Participating Projects of the 11th Idea-Tops

The 11thIdea-Tops global call for design works ended at 24:00 on February 11,2021.This Idea-Tops received a total of 7712 works from 63 countries around the world,with more participating countries and works than ever.

Design works participating in the 11thIdea-Tops involved architectural design,interior design,lighting design and furnishing art (soft decoration design),covering 18 types of space.Architectural design projects accounted for 14.04% of all,a significant rise from the previous event.Interior design projects still took up a relatively big part,including residential design projects at 28.29%,catering design projects at 8.4%,office design projects at 8.58%,commercial complex projects at 10.69%,hotel design projects at 4.35%,display design projects at 7.31%,and club design projects at 2.18%.According to the data analysis,furnishing art (soft decoration design) projects have increased significantly to 5.32% this year,somehow reflecting that people are keen to pursue the quality of life which is the major trend of the current consumption upgrading.

10 Design,Benoy,HOK,NBBJ,UNStudio,Perkins&Will,SAOTA,Roth Architecture,MIA Architecture,Gensler,PCA-Stream,noa*,Daan Roosegaarde,Pedro Rica Bayo,Peter Pichler Architecture etc.

The 11thIdea-Tops was joined by more countries and more design works in more sectors than ever before,including participants from developed countries and regions such as UK,USA,Italy,Germany,France,Greece,Switzerland,Portugal and Israel.This year,Idea-Tops also has new participating countries such as Cyprus,Bangladesh,Hungary,Kuwait and others.A group of top design firms around the world signed up for the event,including Heatherwick Studio,Gensler,Woods Bagot,10 Design,Benoy,HOK,NBBJ,UNStudio,Perkins&Will,SAOTA,Roth Architecture,MIA Architecture,Gensler,PCA-Stream,noa*,Daan Roosegaarde,Pedro Rica Bayo,Peter Pichler Architecture,etc.

On October 13,the 11thIdea-Tops released the list of top 18 best design awards.Foreign designers won 11 awards,and Chinese designers won 7 awards.According to official data,88 design projects from 21 countries won the Global Nomination Award at Idea-Tops this year,including China,USA,UK,France,Germany,Japan,Italy,South Korea,Israel,Switzerland,Australia,Netherlands,Spain,Mexico,Austria,Iran,Hungary,Portugal,Kuwait,Thailand and Vietnam.The World Best Design Award went to designers from 11 countries including China,UK,France,Germany,Switzerland,Israel,Netherlands,Spain,Australia,Vietnam,and Thailand.


2022 中外玩具大奖