摘 要:为提升某区块钻井液润滑性能,有必要解决钻水平井段时摩阻高、扭矩大、卡钻风险高等问题。本文通过混配突破单一润滑剂润滑极限的方法,对不同润滑剂进行复配,形成不同润滑剂复配组合,并结合区块所用钻井液体系进行了评价。评价结果表明,所配的不同润滑剂均可以提高钻井液的润滑能力,其中润滑剂LU66和RH102即使在低加量下仍具有良好的润滑性能,可有效提高钻井液的性能。多种润滑剂组成的复合润滑剂的性能均比单一润滑剂好,将多种润滑剂复合使用能有效提高其在钻井液中的应用效果。不同复配润滑剂的钾钙基聚胺有机盐钻井液体系润滑能力均能满足钻进的需求,该体系具有良好的润滑效果,能有效解决钻井摩阻问题,提升钻井效率。
Abstract: In order to improve the lubrication performance of the drilling fluid in a certain block, it is necessary to solve the problems of high friction, large torque and high risk of stuck drilling when drilling horizontal sections. Through the method of breaking through the lubrication limit of a single lubricant, this paper compounded different lubricants to form different lubricant compound combinations, and evaluated the drilling fluid system used in the block. The evaluation results show that different lubricants evaluated can improve the lubricating ability of drilling fluid, lubricants LU66 and RH102 have good lubricating properties even at low dosages and can effectively improve the performance of drilling fluids. The performance of a composite lubricant composed of multiple lubricants is better than that of a single lubricant, and the composite use of multiple lubricants can effectively improve its application effect in drilling fluids.the lubricating ability of the potassium-calcium-based polyamine organic salt drilling fluid system with different compound lubricants can meet the needs of drilling, and the system has a good lubricating effect, can effectively solve the problem of drilling friction and improve drilling efficiency.
Keywords: horizontal well;lubricant;drilling fluid;lubricating ability
1 试验材料与方法
1.1 试验材料
1.2 试验方法
将不同添加量的润滑剂添加到钻井液基浆中,高速搅拌1 h后,密闭养护24 h,评价钻井液的性能。