[关键词] 手足口病;常规治疗;小儿热速清糖浆;皮疹消失时间;退热时间
[中图分类号] R725.1 [文献标识码] B [文章编号] 1673-9701(2021)25-0143-04
Clinical effect of Xiaoer Resuqing syrup on children with hand-foot-mouth disease
CHEN Haihua
Department of Pediatrics, Huai′an Maternal and Child Health Hospital,Huai′an 223001,China
[Abstract] Objective To explore the clinical effect of Xiaoer Resuqing syrup in children with hand-foot-mouth disease. Methods A total of 100 children with hand-foot-mouth disease admitted to our hospital from September 2019 to September 2020 were selected and divided into the observation group (Xiaoer Resuqing syrup combined with conventional treatment, n=50) and the control group (conventional treatment, n=50) according to different treatment regimens. The clinical effect,disappearance time of clinical symptoms,C-reactive protein (CRP) level,and procalcitonin (PCT) level were recorded and compared between the two groups. Results The clinical treatment effect of the observation group was 98.0%,which was better than 76.0% of the control group, and the difference was significant (P<0.05).The disappearance time of clinical symptoms of fever, mouth pain, rash, and anorexia in the observation group ([1.57±0.45] d, [3.14±0.71] d, [4.01±1.04] d, [1.91±0.61] d) was shorter than that in the control group ([3.71±0.67] d, [5.02±0.86] d, [5.64±1.26] d, [3.65±0.81] d), and the difference was significant (P<0.001). The levels of CRP and PCT in the observation group after treatment ([1.16±0.21] mg/L, [0.31±0.06] ng/mL) were lower than those in the control group ([2.32±0.39] mg/L, [0.56±0.08] ng/mL) (P<0.001). Conclusion Xiaoer Resuqing syrup in the treatment of Children with hand-foot-mouth disease has a significant clinical therapeutic effect,which makes the disappearance time of clinical symptoms in children shorter, and the contents of CRP and PCT in children effectively reduced, which had more application value.
[Key words] Hand-foot-mouth disease; Conventional treatment; Xiaoer Resuqing syrup; Time of rash disappearance; Antipyretic time
手足口病属于常见小儿疾病,多因肠道病毒诱发疾病[1],临床上常以柯萨奇病毒A16型(Coxsachie virus,Cox16)和肠道病毒71型(Enterovirus 71,EV71)最为常见[2]。该病多发于学龄前儿童,多為5岁及以下的儿童,主要是因为儿童年龄尚小,机体免疫功能尚未发育完善,对于病毒的抵抗能力还不够强,所以肠道病毒入侵后,容易形成疾病[3]。患儿发病后,会有厌食、口痛、发热、口腔疱疹或是手足疱疹等症状。若患儿病情较轻,一周内便可自愈。若患儿病情较重,则需及时进行有效治疗,预防疾病恶化,诱发心肺、神经系统并发症,如心肌炎、肺水肿等[4]。同时由于其传播途径较为复杂,传播速度较快,导致其临床控制难度较大[5]。因此临床中探索有效实用的治疗方法十分重要。中药治疗小儿手足口病取得了较好疗效,但传统煎剂汤药口感苦,且剂量大,家长喂服困难,患儿配合程度低。小儿热速清糖浆是一种中药糖浆制剂,口感甘甜,患儿易接受。本研究探讨小儿热速清糖浆对手足口病患儿的临床效果,以寻求更优的临床治疗方法。