

世界建筑导报 2021年5期



建筑面积:2 000 平方米

摄影:Javier Senosiain,Francisco Lubbert, Mario Mutschlechner

Design Firm:Senosiain architects

Project Team:Luis Raúl Enríquez Montiel

Surface:2 000 m2

Photography:Javier Senosiain,Francisco Lubbert, Mario Mutschlechner

该项目位于一块6.2 英亩的不规则地块上。地块呈不规则状态。一沟壑横贯首尾,两边夹以橡木丛林。仅有5%的土质表面,有一个小缓坡,其一边背靠斜坡,一边沿着街道。该房产上有几个坍塌的洞穴,这是由于洞穴的砖是由一种粘土轻质砖构成的,这种砖在20 世纪中叶的建筑业中广泛使用。不规则的表面是该项目的一个挑战,更是对羽蛇神位置的挑战。周围绿化,不能为人而动。


This project was located on an irregular parcel of 6.2 acres.The lot had an irregular surface due to a ravine with oak trees located all along the length of the property.Only five percent of the land remained,with a gentle slope next to the small edge of the property bordering the street.There were a few collapsed caves on the property,resulting from the extraction of a kind of clay used to manufacture a light brick used widely in the mid-twentieth century construction industry.The irregular surface became a challenge for the project,particularly for the location of the Quetzalcóatl Serpent.The green areas were not to be touched.

Instead it was decided to take advantage of the slopes and depressions in the terrain.This would leave about 98% of the land to free space and forested areas.In the middle of the canyon that goes through the parcel of land and in front of Quetzalcóatl’s head,rainwater flows down and creates a pool.The waste water from the houses is directed through a sewage treatment plant and then into this same pool and all of this water is used to irrigate the green areas.As it flows over the natural contours of the landscape,the water in this pool moves over a waterfall into the smallest deposit.From here it is pumped out of the rattle of one of seven snakes and into the center of the pool in the shape of an arch,thus permitting movement of the water to become the final part of the sewage treatment process.The small percentage of very flat terrain where there were no trees was used for parking.

实体模型 Entity model

钟灵毓秀,一蛇出。其体神秘,其势灵活。钢丝网水泥架构,翡翠绿夹以深紫色。其羽如同绿咬鹃。其穿行于地下,其昂首于地上,其蛇纹石用材,彰显神态之逼真。宇宙蛇,神话中羽蛇神的代表,坊间认为其是天地的调停人。其内部体积是21.32 英尺高,28.21 英尺宽,有两层楼高,各空间大约有2 220 平方英尺。每个家都内设穹顶、大地色的墙,半圆形的窗户。色度温暖,视线怡人。

Out of this winding landscape,the body of the serpent,Quetzalcóatl,took shape.The mysterious,flexible body,created out of ferrocement of irridescent colors,emerald greenish-gold combined with a deep violet-blue just like the feathers of the quetzal,dips into the land,reappears,and again penetrates the land from which it came in serpentine fashion.The cosmic snake,representing Quetzalcóatl,once considered the mediator between heaven and earth,has an interior volume that is 21.32 ft.high and 28.21 ft.wide,is two stories high,and is the location of all the houses,each one measuring approximately 2,220 ft2. Each home contains interior domes,walls painted with warm,earthy colors,and semicurved windows with a generous view of the gardens.

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总平面图 Site Plan

经过玄关,沿蛇脊,方可达3 个不同的空间,再下楼梯,另外7个功能空间便至眼前。去后一层,必须先下去一层,然后在楼梯的两边找到前两层。接下来的两个是另一个级别。沿楼梯继续往下到第三层,那里有一座吊桥连接最后三个家。在行人通道旁边,我们找到了大蛇之声,一个由三层组成的结构。最上面的一层,或者说拨浪鼓,是蓄水池,下面是守望者的哨所,最下面是每个房子的机房和储藏室。

蛇是一种有争议的动物,不同文化中,蛇的象征意义也不同,蛇身出洞,19.68 英尺,宽达164 英尺。蛇头多彩,置身其中,峡谷壮丽景色怡然入内。另一方面,蛇口俨若门洞,一诱入内,好奇之,喜悦之,赏之。水流汩汩,一如地下天然洞穴之气氛。

Access to these houses is achieved along the backbone of the serpent by means of a long hallway or passage that descends to the three homes and first down a staircase to the other seven.In order to reach the latter,one must descend one level and there finds the first two,one on each side of the stairs.The next two are another level down.The stairs continue down to the third level where there is a hanging bridge that connects the last three homes.Next to the pedestrian access we find the rattle of the Great Serpent,a structure comprised of three stories.The top story,or the rattle,is the water deposit,beneath that we find the watchman’s post,and under that the machine room and storage rooms for each of the houses.

The serpent is a controversial figure and has symbolized different things to different cultures throughout history.Out of the cave measuring 19.68 width by 164 height emerges the impressive,multi-colored head of the serpent,providing a wonderful view of the whole canyon.The mouth of this Great Serpent,on the other hand,which serves as a doorway,instills a desire to enter into the bowels of this creature and awakens unpredictable,ambiguous sensations that fluctuate between curiosity and fear,between joy and uncertainty,a journey that ends in a glimpse of light leading to the water-filled crater,much like the great natural underground reservoir of mythology.


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“毛氏书童”王文祥:胸中有沟壑 笔墨自生香