

世界建筑导报 2021年5期

文/Text:温贝托·里卡德G./HUMBERTO RICALDE G.




哈维尔的作品犹如昙花一现,非同寻常,整个墨西哥现代建筑圈一如文学界期待创世之作一般,沉静却又兴奋的期待着下一次建筑作品的熠熠生辉。1985 年,此书中记录的“有机别墅”不仅探求意义上的有机统一,建筑过程有机化也得以实现。这一创新过程的详细记录有力地证明了哈维尔和他陶匠团队对有机建筑的建造已达到炉火纯青的地步。






Javier Senosiain’s architecture is always a discovery and,undoubtedly,a surprise that causes intrigue and certain restlessness;it is full of questions particularly for those of us who were formed on the functional rational school where,it should be said,he was formed with us.The questions are accumulated when opening this book of his work as it happened when reading his book of bioarchitecture:An architecture that inexorably cradles us? that is laid and overlapped with topography and vegetation? How to build it? How will its behavior be throughout time?

The Shark (El Tiburó México,1990)

The Tree House_La Casa del Árbol_Celaya,2013

Javier also surprises with his searching process until he finds the language that characterizes his recent work:the work of what we can name his first period performed jointly with Daniel Arredondo is characterized by a thick,volumetric and palpitating presence of coloring in tones and ranges,difficult to find in works of other contemporary Architects that since the seventies have practiced,with different fortunes,the volumetric and coloring language,which roots,as we well know,are in the multi-referred Luis Barragan.But in Javier Senosiain there is a disturbing and provocative step.

Just analyze the“Floating Pyramid”of this first search period.The thick volume of the house is suspended over the landscape,the big ocher-orange trapezoids placed on concrete,anchor it to the harsh terrain where it is located and this allows to dot it,propitiating,at the same time,that the terrain slides under it,and its untouched green area is increased with the garden on which the flat roof has become.The green integration and the house views,the wall colors,the skylight,the chimney draft,etc.undoubtedly announce the searches for the next years and works:the“Prismatic Pair”Building or the“Production Oasis”on challenging reds,pinks,oranges,purples,make the surrounding green almost fluorescent by means of challenging contrasts.

In the integral and modern Mexican architecture society,these unusual gestures are not so frequent and,since the appearance of the above mentioned works,a growing surprise has accompanied the architectonic production of Javier,although with a silent expectation as the intellectual society is used to.The next definite step was taken on 1985,as it is extensively documented in this book,with“The Organic House”,whose search is not only in the sense of the organic form but also on experimentation with the construction procedures that make it architectonically possible;on this matter,the photographs of the innovative processes are eloquent with which Javier and his group of real construction pottery makers carried out the organic houses of their maturity.

Maybe the greatest impact of these houses,since their conception,is their integration to the outdoor space,to the green that literally does not surround them but rather cradle and clothe them;the tide of bougainvilleas,ivies,periwinkles,contrasting with the smooth skin of the lawn of their roofs,haptically transmit the concept that generated them.

A different approach also lies in this concept,beyond the functional and rational matter of how a house must be inhabited,of how the activities developed in it must be cradled by the forms of the own house,which is reflected in the design of bathrooms,living rooms,kitchens,etc.,where the furniture integrated to the organic constructive forms is fixed,the question is:How determining,from a formal point of view,must the architecture be? Of course,including in this question the architecture of Cartesian abstract formal profile,which nowadays is in fashion.

The integrated process of Javier Senosiain’s architecture formal expression is clearly described in the text that accompanies“The Organic House”.There you can follow,step by step,the free outlining of the curves that shape it,avoiding the existing trees in the area and sliding down the local slopes,as well as the house outlining at the site and particularly its construction by means of ferro-cement,an application procedure of concrete on steel meshes,suitable for the experimental forms that characterize this house;which in turn,marks the beginning of the author’s work maturity stage:The house is sheltered by its own ground and integrated to the place among grasslands,shrubs,trees and creepers until“ walking in the garden means walking on the house own roof”.

From here on,the work is transformed and shows strange surprises and distribution questions;its relation with mean architecture produced in Mexico in the last twenty years is,to mention the least,inexplicable and in the same sense singular and unpublished.The images take us through scenarios literally shaped by smooth toned down colors ranging from extreme luminosity to cozy half-light;ductile spaces haptically transmit their qualities up to a limit of tectonic sensuality,achieved in contrast with a continuous search for innovative building systems as the author underlines when speaking about“The Mexican Whale”where the application of pneumatic centering and the expected polyurethane make possible the“continuous volumes without joints or frame jambs between the walls,ground and roofs;even with basic elements of furniture:beds,tables and closets…”;in the outside,the house is covered with polychrome ceramic pieces that work as protective epidermis and anchor,contrasting in its form and innovative procedures with a long Mozarabic,Catalan and Mexican tradition.

Therefore,the stress between forms,building procedures,site adaptation and the proposed way of living in its spaces,is what originates on all of us such feeling of surprise and restlessness when discovering Javier Senosiain’s architecture and analyzing his built work comprised in this book;many of the questions that the above mentioned work raises will be clarified as we understand that he has firmly become a“ home pottery maker”.

Grave (Sarape y México,1992)

