

世界建筑导报 2021年5期



建筑面积:330 平方米

摄影:Jaime Jacott,Francisco Lubbert

Design Firm:Senosiain architects

Project Team:Luis Raúl Enríquez Montiel

Surface:330 m2

Photography:Jaime Jacott,Francisco Lubbert







“…..The shaping and not the shape is what is mysterious …”

Gaston Bachelard.

The construction area is the piece of land,with upward topography.It is limited by three of its adjoining properties because each of them has high buildings.The fourth adjoining property is to the west and has wide views of a green area with mountains in the horizon.Nautilus was built at the back of the piece of land,leaving the pedestrian and car access at the front as well as only one façade,the so called fifth façade in architectonic language.

When entering from the outside you go up by means of stair and when getting inside the Nautilus through a big stained-glass window,a space experience is generated as you live the sequence of the distance traveled,where neither the walls nor the floor or the ceiling are parallels.A fluid space in three dimensions that can be perceived in the continuous dynamic of the fourth dimension when you walk in spiral on the stair,with a sense of floating over the vegetation.Two elements are outstanding:the living room emerging from the inside garden and the dining room table coming out from the wall.A continuous,large,integral area liberating shapes and with changing lights that follow the natural rhythm of man’s movements.

The social life of this dwelling place flows inside the Nautilus without any divisions.Going up the spiral stairs,continuing through the hall,going through the television room sheltered in the Nautilus belly flows the space up the spiral stairs to the study room,where you can view the mountain’s landscape.Behind the Nautilus is wrapped the intimate and service area:bedrooms,walking closets,bathrooms and the kitchen.

The metaphor would be to feel like an internal inhabitant of the snail,like a mollusk going from one chamber to another,like a symbiotic dweller of a huge fossil maternal cloister.Literally,the dwelling place is a big snail structurally working as such,an evocative shell:resistance,protection,shelter .....

实体模型 Entity model

立面图 Elevation

剖面图 Section

一层平面图 First plan

二层平面图 Second plan

三层平面图 Third plan

屋顶平面图 Roof Plan

