摘 要:中华民族是一个具有悠久历史和文化积淀的民族,在岁月的长河中,留下来许多灿烂的传统作品和文化精神,它们不断的影响着一代又一代的中国人。随着时代的发展,各国文化不断交融,如何树立幼儿正确的文化观,对幼儿实施传统文化教育成为作者思考的问题。《幼儿园教育指导纲要》中这样写到“引导幼儿实际感受祖国文化的丰富与优秀,激发幼儿爱祖国的情感”,还提到了:幼儿园教育是基础教育的重要组成部分,是我国学校教育和终身教育的奠基阶段”。因此,作者从幼儿园的实际出发,思考了关于大班幼儿实施传统文化的问题,并从为什么在大班阶段实施传统文化教育和如何在大班阶段实施传统文化教育两方面进行撰写,以阐述作者对这一问题的思考。
【中图分类号】G610 【文献标识码】A 【文章编號】1005-8877(2021)25-0051-02
Research on the implementation strategy of traditional culture in large class
GONG Jing (Jiangsu Changshu Eaton kindergarten,china)
【Abstract】The Chinese nation is a nation with a long history and cultural accumulation. In the long river of years,it has left many splendid traditional works and cultural spirit,which continue to affect generations of Chinese people. With the development of the times and the continuous blending of cultures of various countries,how to establish children's correct cultural outlook and implement traditional cultural education for children has become the author's thinking problem《 The guiding outline for kindergarten education wrote that "guide children to actually feel the richness and excellence of the motherland's culture and stimulate children's feelings of love for the motherland",and also mentioned that kindergarten education is an important part of basic education and the foundation stage of school education and lifelong education in China ". Therefore,starting from the reality of kindergarten,the author thinks about the implementation of traditional culture in large class children,and writes from two aspects: why to implement traditional culture education in large class stage and how to implement traditional culture education in large class stage,so as to elaborate the author's thinking on this problem.
【Keywords】Traditional culture;Large class children;Cultural education
1. 为什么在大班阶段实施传统文化教育
从大班幼儿的年龄特点来看,他们的思维能力和语言表达能力有了很大的发展,能清楚的表明自己的想法和需求,对广阔的世界有了更强的探究欲望,经常会提问为什么这样的问题,在自我意识的发展上,他们更加注重“我”的概念 ,对评价也由他人评价转变为自我评价,他们的合作能力,协商能力都有很大的提高,已经会有自己的道德判断和行为准则,他们急切的渴求未知领域的新知识,也开始我们的历史,过去产生了浓厚的兴趣。