闫肖肖 徐斌 邹凌云 李彧雯
摘 要:機械工程测试技术是普通高等院校机械设计制造及其自动化专业学生必修的一门专业必修基础课,具有较强的理论性。由于该课程比较抽象、知识面较广,学生学习比较枯燥、积极性不高、难度大,导致学生学习效果不佳。在传统的教学中,教师的教学以教师为主体,仅考虑完成课程的教学内容,忽略了学生的感受,教学效果较差。OBE教育理念以学生为中心,以学生的学习产出为导向,以多维评价的循环激励持续改进教育模式为手段,是未来教育发展的方向。本文探索OBE理念在《机械工程测试技术》课程教学改革中的应用。首先根据机械设计制造及其自动化专业毕业要求的二级指标点,设计本课程的教学目标;然后按照培养学生的能力指标要求,设计多维教学模式;最后采用多主体评价方法,科学评价学生的学习产出成果并持续改进。
Theteaching reform of exploration in mechanical test technology based on OBE
Yan Xiaoxiao Xu Bin Zou Lingyun Li Yuwen
Jiangxi Province Key Laboratory of Precision Drive and Control,Department of Mechanical
and Electrical Engineering,Nanchang Institute of Technology JiangxiNanchang 330099
Abstract:Mechanical Test Technology is a basic course for students majoring in mechanical design,manufacture and automation in universities.Due to the course is abstract and contains wide knowledge,the students are boring,low enthusiasm and think it is difficult.Therefore,the study effect is poor.In traditional teaching,the teacher takes as the main body,only considers the teaching content,neglects the student's feeling.The OBE educational concept is studentcentered,studentoriented,and multidimensional evaluation cycle to encourage continuous improvement of the educational model.This paper explores the application of OBE concept in the teaching reform of mechanical test technology.First,according to the secondary index points of graduation requirements of mechanical design and manufacture and its automation specialty,the teaching objectives of this course are designed.Finally,the multiagent evaluation method is used to evaluate the learning outcomes of students scientifically and improve them continuously.