王舸泓 韩楠 李丽娜
摘 要:以江西省宜春市為例,通过建立耦合协调评价模型对其农旅产业发展情况进行研究,选取宜春市2009—2018年农业与旅游产业时间序列数据构建农旅产业耦合协调评价指标体系,运用熵权法计算得到其指标权重,再结合评价模型进一步分析其农旅产业耦合状况。结果表明:2009—2018年宜春市农旅产业耦合度一直处于[0.4,0.6],2个产业之间协调发展尚处于起步阶段,两者相互影响作用刚刚凸显。宜春市农业与旅游产业耦合协调度等级由2009年严重失调发展到2010年中度失调,2011—2013年逐渐发展为轻度失调,2014—2015年处于失调边缘,为濒临失调等级,从2016年开始其耦合协调度等级变为勉强协调,再发展至2017—2018年的初级协调等级。总体来看,宜春市农旅产业耦合协调状态还有待进一步改进。
中图分类号 F304.1 文献标识码 A文章编号 1007-7731(2021)17-0178-05
Research on the Development of Agricultural Tourism Industry in Yichun City Based on Coupling Coordination Evaluation Model
WANG Gehong et al.
(College of Life Science & Resource and Environment, Yichun University, Yichun 336000,China)
Abstract: Taking Yichun City of Jiangxi province as an example, this paper constructs an evaluation index system of agricultural tourism industry coupling coordination, obtains its index weight by using entropy weight method, and establishes a coupling coordination evaluation model to analyze and calculate the time series data of agriculture and tourism industry in Yichun City from 2009 to 2018. The results show that in the past 10 years, the coupling between the agricultural and tourism industries in Yichun City has been within the range of [0.4, 0.6], the coordinated development between the two industries is still in in the initial stage, and the interaction between the two has just become prominent. The level of coupling coordination between agriculture and tourism industry in Yichun City has developed from a serious imbalance in 2009 to a moderate imbalance in 2010, during 2011—2013, the level gradually developed into a mild imbalance, and then in 2014—2015 the level of coupling coordination was on the verge of imbalance, from 2016, the level of coupling coordination has been changed into reluctant coordinated, and then developed into primary coordination in 2017—2018. In general, the coupling and coordination state between agriculture and tourism industry in Yichun City needs to be further improved.
Key words: Agriculture; Tourism industry; Entropy weight method; Coupling coordination evaluation model;Yichun City