A study on the impact of financial concentration on the income gap between urban and rural residents in China's coastal areas


中学生学习报 2021年3期


Abstract: With the development and reform of the economic system, China's economy has achieved high-quality development, become the center and focus of the world's attention, and has made remarkable achievements. However, although people's lives have improved, the income gap between urban and rural residents has widened. The financial industry is not only the economic foundation of the country, but also the basic industry of modern society. On the other hand, it also affects the income distribution of residents. However, we must be aware of the impact of financial problems on income disparities.

Keywords: financial concentration, coastal areas, urban and rural residents, income gap

1.The significance and purpose of the study

At present, the research of researchers at home and abroad shows that the relationship between urban and rural residents' income gap is not so profound. Based on the influence of variables on the income gap between urban and rural areas, it is of great theoretical significance to formulate appropriate monetary policy for the development of financial industry. In practice, the income gap between urban and rural areas has widened significantly. Such a serious income gap cannot promote social equality and stability, but it is not conducive to China's economic development. Based on the above theory and practical significance, it is necessary to identify important factors affecting the income gap and try to play a role in promoting the common well-being of the people.

2.The impact of financial concentration on the income gap between urban and rural residents in China's coastal areas

Judging from the distribution of urban resources, financial resources are tilted towards cities and the proportion of villages is small. The imbalance in fiscal distribution in the early stages of reform is the cause of this imbalance. In the process of industrialization, financial development plays an important role. At the same time, due to the lack of rural financial institutions and insufficient financial and resource support, the large flow of rural capital, knowledge-intensive industries and capital-intensive industries depend on the development of cities.


This paper only analyzes the theory of financial development and the theory of income gap between urban and rural areas, the impact of financial development on the income gap between urban and rural areas, and then uses the latest data of the National Bureau of Statistics for empirical testing. Future studies will consider more factors to test the link between economic development and the income gap between urban and rural areas, and the paper's persuasiveness will diminish due to incomplete data from statistical factors. And more impact indicators for empirical analysis, so that the results of the study has empirical significance.

(北京工商大學嘉华学院 北京 101118)


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