The Butterfiy in a Bottle瓶中的蝴蝶
Sanyukta Chaudhuri
Poltu was wide awake in his bed. He had had a good dream in which he had won thefootball match in the inter-school competition. He was getting ready to receive the trophy lwhen the alarm rang. So loudly that he was woken up.
But Poltu wasn't too unhappy at the intrusion 2. He ran straight to his study table. There,in an empty jam bottle, was the treasure.A colourful little butterfly. How difficult it had beento catch it.It had kept flying away from his grasp. But he did catch it.Without a net. too.And now it was going to be part of his biology project in school.
The biology prOJect required Poltu to hand in a report of the study of a living creatureevery month. Most of his classmates drew diagrams3 from their books as part of this exercise.But Poltu was going to do something different. He was going to present a live creature-thisbutterfly.
Poltu loved the different colours on the wings of the butterfly. Red, green and blue. Howbeautiful it looked when it fluttered4 the wings. Poltu had made a few holes on the cap of thebottle to let air pass through, and added tender5 leaves for the butterfly. He might havetrapped the creature, but he cared for it.
Excited about showing his butterfly to the biology teacher, Poltu dressed hurriedly, andleft for school. His school was walking distance from his house. He took a short cut throughthe backyard of Aunty Sinha's house. a stretch he loved walking through. The breeze 6 wasvery pleasant as it had rained slightly the night before. The garden smelt of sweet-smellingflowers. Poltu glanced at his bottle every now and then and smiled at the butterfly flutteringt its
When he reached school, gate wasn't wholly open yet. For once Poltu was early toschool.A few boys were playing football in the field. Any other day you would have seen Poltujoining them without a second thought. But today. he walked straight into his class. He openedthe window and placed the bottle on the windowsi117.
The golden ravs of the sun streamed through the glass, on the colourful wings of thebutterflv, and added a sheen 8 to them. In a few minutes. the area was full of boys. even fromthe other seclions, gaping at lt.
That day's biology class was the most interesting in a long time. Poltu's teacher was veryhappy with his initiative 9 and asked everyone in class to thank him as he had made it possiblefor them to study a butterfly so closely. Poltu felt like a star for being treated like royalty 10.
While going back home, he again took his favourite route through Aunty Sinha's garden.In the bottle. the butterfly still fluttered its wings. On the way, whatever small creature Poltucame across. he felt like putting it into the bottle. Buthe checked himself as he wanted to give breathingspace to his butterfly。
Poltu woke up around midnight suddenly. He went to the studv table and lightly pattedthe lid 11 of the bottle. The butterfly did not move. Poltu thought it must be sleeping. He shookthe bottle some more, but still no response. Poltu was scared all of a sudden. He poured alittle water from the drinking-glass in his table into the bottle.
The water seemed to help as the butterfly shivered 12 a little. Poltu breathed a sigh 13 0frelief 14. Sitting on his bed, he stared at the bottle for a long time. The butterfly was stillagam.
After a while Poltu got up, and, holding the bottle tightly in his hand, ran outside. Theair was so fresh and cool. He went to the backyard of his house, quickly opened the lid of thebottle and started shaking it gently. The butterfly started to move, but slowly, as if wakingfrom a deep sleep. It stopped on the edge of the bottle and flapped 15 its colourful wings. Itwaited there for a long time. Poltu also waited.
All of a sudden it began to flutter its wings. To Poltu, the tiny noise of the flutteringwings was musical. Suddenly there was a loud dull sound behind him, and he turned around.A coconut 16 had fallen from the tree. When Poltu looked at the bottle again, he found thebutterfly gone. He sat staring at the empty bottle for a while, feeling a little empty himself.But he was happy that he had sent the butterfly back to where it belonged-nature.
1.trophy [?tr??f?]n,奖品
2.intrusion [?n?tru???n] n.打扰;侵扰
3.diagram [?da???ɡr?m] n.图表
4.flutter[?fl?t?] v.扑动;鼓翼
5.tender[?tend?] adj.脆弱的;嫩的6 breeze [bri?z] n.微风
7.widowsill [?w?nd???s?l] n.窗台
8.sheen [?i?n] n.光泽,光彩
9.initiative[?n????t?v] n.积极性
10. royalty [?r???lt?] n.皇室
I1. lid [l?d] n.盖子
12. shiver [???v?] v.颤抖
13.sigh [sa?] n.叹息
14. relief [r??li?f] n·宽慰;安心
15. flap[fl?p]v.拍动
16. coconut [?k??k??n?t] n.椰子